1st Conference of the Marine Fungal Natural Products Consortium (MaFNaP), 22-24th of July 2015, Nantes

GEOMAR researchers participated the 1st International Conference of the Marine Fungal Natural Products Consortium (MaFNaP). The conference was hosted by the Marine Fungal Natural Products Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy (University of Nantes, France) and took place from 22nd to 24th July 2015.

Marine fungi have been raising many research questions over the past few years, in terms of their physiology and role in their environment, as well as for their capacity to produce bioactive compounds. These eukaryotic organisms are now gaining increasing research interest as they are a renewable source of new and chemically intriguing chemicals with high potential in many areas, such as human health, food, cosmetics, biofuels and others. The conference covered a broad range of topics ranging from marine fungal physiology, taxonomy, biodiversity, community structure and chemical ecology. A very strong emphasis was also devoted to marine fungi as source of bioactive compounds and approaches to increase chemical diversity and finding novel biological activities. These topics fit perfectly to the research activities of GEOMAR Research Unit Marine Natural Products Chemistry (MN).

GEOMAR Research Unit Marine Natural Products Chemistry (RU MN) has become member of the Marine Fungal Natural Products Consortium (MaFNaP) and will host the next conference in 2017 in Kiel. Prof. Dr. Deniz Tasdemir, the head of the RU MN, stated: “This conference was a wonderful opportunity to initiate new collaborations, develop new ideas and have stimulating discussions. We are looking forward to organize the second conference in two years time in Kiel, and showcase the excellent research facilities of GEOMAR and our research unit and highlight the beauties of the Kiel city.”

