Steep slopes drop down to the sea, with many white houses built close together on the edge
MULTI-MAREX Deploys Measurement Instruments on the Seafloor
in a delicate white sponge on a reddish stem against a black background
Research Project XTREAM Investigates the Industrial Potential of Extremophilic Microorganisms
Red birds with long beaks sit in the dense green of the mangrove forest
New study highlights the role of mangrove systems in global biogeochemical cycles


A small platform with orange-coloured cylinders splashes onto the surface of the sea

A New Chapter in the Study of Plate Tectonics

Second of Six Planned TRANSFORMERS Expeditions underway

An illustration showing the coastal area

Heavy Metals in the Ocean Become More Toxic

How Climate Change Impacts Contaminants in the Sea

[Translate to English:] Fotomosaik mit Altmunition im Versenkungsgebiet Kolberger Heide.

New competence centre for UXO clearance

State Government, GEOMAR and Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Industry and Commerce establish MUNIMAR competence centre

A woman and two men smile into the camera, the young man in the centre holds a certificate in his hands

Outstanding Bachelor Thesis on Ocean Modelling

Bachelor Graduate Lasse Kummer Receives the Otto-Krümmel Prize 2024

Large transparent plastic umbrellas float on the water and are attached to a pier

How does the addition of rock powder affect marine life?

Multi-week experiment in the Ocean Alk-Align project starts again in Kiel Fjord

A colourfully painted wooden boat with wooden outriggers is moored on a smooth sea

Golden rules for fish stock conservation

30 International Experts Call for a Redefinition of Sustainable Fishing

A woman and two men walk along a jetty

Minister-Presidents Hendrik Wüst and Daniel Günther visit GEOMAR

Lecture and discussion on the role of the ocean in the fight against climate change

 Two workers wearing red hard hats stand on board a research vessel while a piece of research equipment is hoisted on board

In Search of the Origin of an Underwater Plateau

Expedition SO307 Investigates the Geology and Biology of the Madagascar Ridge

A group of summer-clad young people walk through the mud in the Wadden Sea, the sky is bright blue

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Changing Ocean

“Diving into Change”: First Interdisciplinary FYORD Summer School

An older man with white hair and a full white beard looks friendly into the camera. High shelves with blue labelled boxes can be seen in the background.

Mourning the loss of Professor Hans-Ulrich Schmincke

Renowned volcanologist and Leibniz prize winner dies at 86