A group of people during a field trip
MarDATA project week develops digital innovations for Cabo Verde
Round rock on the seabed
GEOMAR contributes to International Research Project on Volcanic Systems
Junge Forscherinnen im Labor mit Probe einer Alge
GAME 2024 begins its experiments in eight countries with significant support from the Klaus Tschira Foundation
Dr. Toste Tanhua, Sigrid Keiser, Professor Dr. Arne Körtzinger, Direktorin Professorin Dr. Katja Matthes, Dr. Björn Fiedler, Tobias Hahn. Nicht im Bild: Dr. David Keller, Dr. Ulrike Heine
GEOMAR presented major research projects at the 2024 United Nations Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona


A group of people during a field trip

Empowering Ocean Data: Hackathon on São Vicente

MarDATA project week develops digital innovations for Cabo Verde

Round rock on the seabed

EU Funds Doctoral Network from Finland to Italy

GEOMAR contributes to International Research Project on Volcanic Systems

Junge Forscherinnen im Labor mit Probe einer Alge

A new look at the consequences of light pollution

GAME 2024 begins its experiments in eight countries with significant support from the Klaus Tschira Foundation

Dr. Toste Tanhua, Sigrid Keiser, Professor Dr. Arne Körtzinger, Direktorin Professorin Dr. Katja Matthes, Dr. Björn Fiedler, Tobias Hahn. Nicht im Bild: Dr. David Keller, Dr. Ulrike Heine

Broad commitment to sustainable development and cooperation

GEOMAR presented major research projects at the 2024 United Nations Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona

A large research vessel at sea

Above and Below Water: Understanding Human Impact on the Bay of Bengal

SONNE Expedition SO305 Creates First Comprehensive Dataset on Biogeochemistry

A woman and a man at a trade fair stand smile and sign a document

On the way to a complete seafloor map

GEOMAR and Seabed 2030 sign Memorandum of Understanding in Barcelona

The Scientific Advisory Board with participants of the two-day visit.

Well prepared for future challenges

Scientific Advisory Board visited GEOMAR on March 25-26

Annette-Barthelt-Preis 2024

Annette Barthelt Prize honours outstanding theses

Two young marine scientists receive grants for their research

Deployment of a plankton net from research vessel ALKOR during a fisheries biology expedition in the Baltic Sea.

Towards a healthier Baltic Sea

GEOMAR statement on the new Baltic Sea protection plan

Die Kieler Geographin Silja Klepp (m.) war kürzlich als Dozentin im WASCAL-Masterprogramm „Klimawandel und Meereswissenschaften“ an der Universidade Técnica do Altantico (UTA) im kapverdischen Mindelo. Die 13 Studierenden der aktuellen Kohorte erfuhren mehr über das Thema Umweltgerechtigkeit.

Communicating global environmental justice at eye level

Kiel’s human geographer Silja Klepp taught in Cabo Verde as part of the WASCAL programme for West African master's students