Technology Transfer and Industry Cooperation

Today, basic research in the service of society involves far more than just excellent research. Active transfer of innovative technology and services into economy and society is gaining importance. By joining forces for an efficent research cooperation, scientific institutions and business enterprises can lay the foundation for securing and enhancing Germany's competetiveness as a high tech country.

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Knowledge and Technology Transfer News

Deployment of a multi plankton net on board the ALKOR in the Baltic Sea. Photo: Sarah Kaehlert, GEOMAR

The State of the Baltic Sea 2023

Researchers from GEOMAR contribute to key report of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission HELCOM launched today

GEOMAR Director Professor Dr. Katja Matthes (centre) and Dr. Cordula Zenk, Cabo Verde Coordinator at GEOMAR, during the tour of the OSCM with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Photo: Edson Silva Delgado, GEOMAR

Federal President Steinmeier informs himself about research in Cabo Verde

International cooperation and education of young researchers were the focus of the visit to the West African archipelago

GEOMAR Director Professor Dr. Katja Matthes and Sebastian Unger, German Federal Government Commissioner for the Ocean

Joining forces for our ocean

Federal Government Commissioner for the Ocean Sebastian Unger and GEOMAR researchers discuss important issues of protection and sustainable use of the ocean

Dr. Nadine Mengis

New projects between science, art and society

GEOMAR researcher Dr. Nadine Mengis becomes a member of the Junge Akademie

[Translate to English:] Dr. Toste Tanhua und Marcus Warnke

Fishing data for science

New project involves sailors in Baltic Sea research