Meteorological Station GEOMAR & Kiel Lighthouse

Dear weather page user,

  • The institute's measuring station (pier) was flooded during the storm surge on 20.10.2023. The power supply was destroyed and the measuring station can no longer be operated.
  • The "Water temperature / Lighthouse" and "Water temperature / Institute" data is currently not being transmitted.

Weather of Kiel at 23:52

30. April 2024, 00:37 Institute
Wind direction 128 °, SE
Wind speed 4,39 m/s
Air temperature 14,6 °C
Relative humidity 69,3 %
Max. wind speed
Air pressure 1.020,2 hPa
Incoming short wave 2,72 W/m²
Incoming short wave (sum) 5,57142 kWh/m²
Sum of Precipitation 0,00 mm
30. April 2024, 00:37 Light House
Wind direction 133 °, SE
Wind speed 7,60 m/s
Air temperature 13,9 °C
Relative humidity 74,0 %
Max. wind speed 8,50 m/s
Air pressure
Incoming short wave
Incoming short wave (sum)
Sum of Precipitation
30. April 2024, 00:37 Institute Light House
Wind direction 128 °, SE 133 °, SE
Wind speed 4,39 m/s 7,60 m/s
Air temperature 14,6 °C 13,9 °C
Relative humidity 69,3 % 74,0 %
Max. wind speed 8,50 m/s
Air pressure 1.020,2 hPa
Incoming short wave 2,72 W/m²
Incoming short wave (sum) 5,57142 kWh/m²
Sum of Precipitation 0,00 mm

  • Please note that for further details please visit the German version of this page.