Number of items: 289.
Ezer, T.,
Bonaduce, A.,
Carniel, S.,
Amin, C.,
de Camargo, R.,
Estrada-Allis, S. N.,
Fringer, O. B.,
Gangopadhyay, A.,
Gao, G.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Lermusiaux, P. F. J.,
Liu, Z.,
Miyazawa, Y.,
Forster, A. O.,
Pinones, A.,
Stanev, E.,
Sun, C.,
Volker, C.,
Wang, J.,
Xu, F. and
Young, E.
Editorial – Ocean Dynamics in 2023: overview and thank you to reviewers.
Ocean Dynamics, 74
pp. 267-268.
Wang, S.,
Liu, J.,
Cheng, X.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Wei, Z.,
Chen, Z. and
Li, H.
Separation of Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Governing Regional Variability of Arctic Sea Ice in Summer.
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 40
pp. 2344-2361.
Ezer, T.,
Carniel, S.,
Amin, C.,
de Camargo, R.,
Estrada-Allis, S. N.,
Gao, G.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Lermusiaux, P. F. J.,
Liu, Z.,
Miyazawa, Y.,
Forster, A. O.,
Panickal, S.,
Phillips, H.,
Pinones, A.,
Stanev, E.,
Volker, C.,
Xu, F. and
Young, E.
Thank you to 2022 Ocean Dynamics reviewers.

Ocean Dynamics, 73
pp. 35-38.
Wang, S.,
Liu, J.,
Li, X.,
Ye, Y.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Chen, Z. and
Cheng, X.
New insight into the influence of the Greenland high on summer Arctic sea ice.

Environmental Research Letters, 17
Art.Nr. 074033.
Zeng, Z. 
Brandt, P. 
Lamb, K. G. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Dengler, M. 
Claus, M. 
Chen, X. 
Three‐Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Internal Tides in the Angolan Upwelling Region.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126
Art.Nr. e2020JC016460.
Hardiman, S. C. 
Dunstone, N. J. 
Scaife, A. A. 
Smith, D. M.,
Knight, J. R. 
Davies, P.,
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Predictability of European winter 2019/20: Indian Ocean dipole impacts on the NAO .

Atmospheric Science Letters, 21
Art.Nr. e1005.
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Brandt, P. 
Bastin, S. 
Matthiessen, J. D.,
Tuchen, F. P. 
Körner, M.,
Köhn, E. and
Schmidt, C.
The deep circulation and its variability in the equatorial Atlantic ocean.
[Invited talk]
In: Seminar at University of East Anglia. , 28.02.2020, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK .
Fox-Kemper, B.,
Adcroft, A.,
Böning, C. W. 
Chassignet, E. P.,
Curchitser, E.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Eden, C.,
England, M. H.,
Gerdes, R.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Griffies, S. M.,
Hallberg, R. W.,
Hanert, E.,
Heimbach, P.,
Hewitt, H. T.,
Hill, C. N.,
Komuro, Y.,
Legg, S.,
Le Sommer, J.,
Masina, S.,
Marsland, S. J.,
Penny, S. G.,
Qiao, F.,
Ringler, T. D.,
Treguier, A. M.,
Tsujino, H.,
Uotila, P. and
Yeager, S. G.
Challenges and Prospects in Ocean Circulation Models.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 6
Art.Nr. 65.
Scaife, A. A.,
Ferranti, L.,
Alves, O.,
Athanasiadis, P.,
Baehr, J.,
Dequé, M.,
Dippe, T.,
Dunstone, N.,
Fereday, D.,
Gudgel, R. G.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Hermanson, L.,
Imada, Y.,
Jain, S.,
Kumar, A.,
MacLachlan, C.,
Merryfield, W.,
Müller, W. A.,
Ren, H. L.,
Smith, D.,
Takaya, Y.,
Vecchi, G. and
Yang, X.
Tropical rainfall predictions from multiple seasonal forecast systems.

International Journal of Climatology, 39
pp. 974-988.
Polkova, I. 
Brune, S. 
Kadow, C. 
Romanova, V.,
Gollan, G. 
Baehr, J. 
Glowienka-Hense, R.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Hense, A. 
Illing, S.,
Köhl, A.,
Kröger, J.,
Müller, W. A. 
Pankatz, K. and
Stammer, D. 
Initialization and ensemble generation for decadal climate predictions: A comparison of different methods.

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11
pp. 149-172.
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Claus, M. 
Matthießen, J. D.,
Tuchen, F. P. 
Ascani, F.,
Dengler, M. 
Toole, J. M.,
Roth, C. and
Farrar, J. T.
Equatorial Deep Jets in the Atlantic Ocean studied by observations and ocean general circulation models.

In: PREFACE International Conference & Final Assembly. , 17.-20.04.2018, Arrecife, Lanzarote, Spain .
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Claus, M. 
Brandt, P. 
Matthießen, J. D.,
Tuchen, F. P. 
Ascani, F.,
Dengler, M. 
Toole, J.,
Roth, C. and
Farrar, J. T.
Evidence for the maintenance of slowly varying equatorial currents by intraseasonal variability.

Geophysical Research Letters, 45
pp. 1923-1929.
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Brandt, P. 
Tuchen, F. P. 
Matthießen, J. D.
An oceanic mechanism for the generation of interannual climate variability in the tropical Atlantic.
In: EGU General Assembly 2018. , 08.-13.04.2018, Vienna, Austria .
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Brandt, P. 
Tuchen, F. P. 
Matthießen, J. D.
Equatorial dynamics with a focus on the Atlantic.
[Invited talk]
In: TRR181 Winterschool. , 01.03.2018, Gosslar, Germany .
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Gollan, G. 
Hansen, F. 
Wulff, O.,
Domeisen, D. I. V. and
Jung, T.
Using relaxation experiments to determine remote influences useful for seasonal prediction over Europe.
[Invited talk]
In: EGU General Assembly 2018. , 08.-13.04.2018, Vienna, Austria .
Kopte, R.,
Brandt, P. 
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Dengler, M. 
Role of Equatorial Basin-Mode Resonance for the Seasonal Variability of the Angola Current at 11°S.
In: PREFACE International Conference & Final Assembly. , 17.-20.04.2018, Arrecife, Lanzarote, Spain .
Wulff, O.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Domeisen, D. I. V.,
Gollan, G. 
Hansen, F. 
Tropical Forcing of the Summer East Atlantic Pattern.
In: EGU General Assembly 2018. , 08.-13.04.2018, Vienna, Austria .
Wulff, C. O. W.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Domeisen, D. I. V.,
Gollan, G. 
Hansen, F. 
Tropical forcing of the Summer East Atlantic pattern.

Geophysical Research Letters, 44
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Brandt, P. 
Tuchen, F. P. 
Matthießen, J. D.
An oceanic mechanism for the generation of interannual climate variability in the tropical Atlantic.

In: PIRATA 22 - PREFACE - TAV Meeting. , 05.-10.11.2017, Fortaleza, Brasil .
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Brandt, P. 
Tuchen, F. P. 
Roth, C. and
Matthießen, J. D.
Maintenance of the seasonal cycle and the
interannual variability by intra-seasonal chaotic
variability in the equatorial Atlantic.

In: Energy transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean. , 03-05.05.2017, Hamburg, Germany .
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Brandt, P. 
Tuchen, F. P. 
Roth, C. and
Matthießen, J. D.
Maintenance of the seasonal cycle and the
interannual variability by intra-seasonal stochastic variability in the equatorial Atlantic.

In: Forced and chaotic ocean variability: towards probabilistic oceanography. , 20.-21.04.2017, Grenoble, France .
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Claus, M. 
Tuchen, F. P. 
Matthießen, J. D.,
Roth, C.,
Kopte, R.,
Ascani, F. and
Toole, J. M.
Equatorial Deep Jets in the Atlantic Ocean studied by observations and ocean general circulation models.
In: IAPSO Assembly. , 27.08.-01.09.2017, Cape Town, South Africa .
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Brandt, P. 
Matthießen, J. D. and
Tuchen, F. P. 
Dynamics of the Equatorial Deep Jets.

[Invited talk]
In: MetOffice. , 11.10.2016, Exeter, Uk .
Hellmer, H. H.,
Rhein, M.,
Heinemann, G.,
Abalichin, J.,
Abouchami, W.,
Baars, O.,
Cubasch, U.,
Dethloff, K.,
Ebner, L.,
Fahrbach, E.,
Frank, M. 
Gollan, G. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Grieger, J.,
Gryanik, V. M.,
Gryschka, M.,
Hauck, J.,
Hoppema, M.,
Huhn, O.,
Kanzow, T.,
Koch, B. P.,
König-Langlo, G.,
Langematz, U.,
Leckebusch, G. C.,
Lüpkes, C.,
Paul, S.,
Rinke, A.,
Rost, B.,
van der Loeff, M. R.,
Schröder, M.,
Seckmeyer, G.,
Stichel, T.,
Strass, V.,
Timmermann, R.,
Trimborn, S.,
Ulbrich, U.,
Venchiarutti, C.,
Wacker, U.,
Willmes, S. and
Wolf-Gladrow, D.
Meteorology and oceanography of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean—a review of German achievements from the last decade.

Ocean Dynamics, 66
pp. 1379-1413.
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Brandt, P. 
Matthießen, J. D. and
Tuchen, F. P. 
Dynamics of the Equatorial Deep Jets.

[Invited talk]
In: National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool. , 07.10.2016, Liverpool, UK .
Brandt, P. 
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Kopte, R.,
Toole, J. M.,
Johns, W. E. and
Böning, C. W. 
Annual and semiannual cycle of equatorial Atlantic circulation associated with basin mode resonance.

Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46
pp. 3011-3029.
Ma, X.,
Jing, Z.,
Chang, P.,
Liu, X.,
Montuoro, R.,
Small, R. J.,
Bryan, F. O.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Brandt, P. 
Wu, D.,
Lin, X. and
Wu, L.
Western boundary currents regulated by interaction between ocean eddies and the atmosphere.
Nature, 535
pp. 533-537.
Ding, H.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Lin, H.,
Hansen, F. 
Gollan, G. 
Jung, T.
Austral Winter External and Internal Atmospheric Variability between 1980 and 2014.

Geophysical Research Letters, 43
pp. 2234-2239.
Thomsen, S. 
Kanzow, T.,
Krahmann, G. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Dengler, M. 
Lavik, G.
The formation of a subsurface anticyclonic eddy in the Peru-Chile Undercurrent and its impact on the near-coastal salinity, oxygen and nutrient distributions.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121
pp. 476-501.
Aiki, H.,
Zhai, X. and
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Energetics of the Global Ocean: The Role of Mesoscale Eddies.
In: Indo-Pacific Climate Variability and Predictability.
, ed. by
Behera, S. K. and
Yamagata, T..
World Scientific Series on Asia-Pacific Weather and Climate, 7
World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, pp. 109-134.
ISBN 978-981-4696-61-6
Brandt, P. 
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Kopte, R.,
Toole, J. M.,
Johns, W. E. and
Böning, C. W. 
Annual and semi-annual cycle of equatorial Atlantic circulation associated with basin mode resonance.

In: EGU General Assembly 2016. , 17.-22.04.2016, Vienna, Austria .
Brandt, P. 
Hahn, J. 
Schütte, F.,
Fischer, T. 
Karstensen, J. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Dengler, M. 
Körtzinger, A. 
Krahmann, G. 
Schmidtko, S. 
Stramma, L. 
Tanhua, T. 
Visbeck, M. 
Oxygen variability in the eastern tropical North Atlantic oxygen minimum zone.
In: Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University. , 11.03.2016, Palisades, NY, USA .
Brandt, P. 
Kanzow, T.,
Visbeck, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Latif, M. 
BMBF-Verbundvorhaben "SACUS" : Abschlussbericht der Teilprojekte am GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel : TP 1: Zusammenhang zwischen dem südostatlantischen Küstenauftriebsgebiet und dem äquatorialen Strömungssystem .

GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 26 pp.
Drews, A. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Ding, H.,
Latif, M. 
Park, W. 
Correcting the North Atlantic cold bias with application to the Kiel Climate Model.
In: CLIVAR Open Science Conference 2016. , 18.-25.09.2016, Qingdao, China .
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Drews, A. 
Ding, H.,
Latif, M. 
Park, W. 
The North Atlantic Cold Bias.

In: EGU General Assembly 2016. , 17.-22.04.2016, Vienna, Austria .
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18
Kopte, R.,
Brandt, P. 
Dengler, M. 
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
The Angola Current and its seasonal variability as observed at 11°S.

In: EGU General Assembly 2016. , 17.-22.04.2016, Vienna, Austria .
Kopte, R.,
Brandt, P. 
Dengler, M. 
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Seasonal variability of the Angola Current related to resonant equatorial basin modes.
In: CLIVAR-PIRATA-PREFACE Tropical Atlantic Variability Conference. , 28.11.-01.12.2016, Paris, France .
Reintges, A. 
Latif, M. 
Martin, T. 
Park, W. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Southern Ocean deep-convection variability in the KCM and CMIP5.
In: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016. , 21.-26.02.2016, New Orleans, USA .
Drews, A. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Ding, H.,
Latif, M. 
Park, W. 
A flow field correction technique for alleviating the North Atlantic cold bias.
In: Joint MiKlip/SPECS Meeting on Decadal Climate Prediction. , 23.-26.02.2015, Offenbach .
Brandt, P. 
Bange, H. W. 
Banyte, D.,
Dengler, M. 
Didwischus, S. H.,
Fischer, T. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Hahn, J. 
Kanzow, T.,
Karstensen, J. 
Körtzinger, A. 
Krahmann, G. 
Schmidtko, S. 
Stramma, L. 
Tanhua, T. 
Visbeck, M. 
On the role of circulation and mixing in the ventilation of oxygen minimum zones with a focus on the eastern tropical North Atlantic.

Biogeosciences (BG), 12
pp. 489-512.
Brandt, P. 
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Kopte, R.,
Toole, J. M. and
Johns, E. W.
Annual and semi-annual variations of equatorial Atlantic circulation associated with basin mode resonance.
In: PIRATA-PREFACE-CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Variability Conference. , 25.08.2015, Cape Town, South Africa .
Brandt, P. 
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Kopte, R.,
Toole, J. M. and
Johns, W. E.
Annual and semi-annual variations of equatorial Atlantic circulation associated with basin mode resonance.
In: PIRATA-PREFACE-CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Variability Conference. , 25.-27.08.2015, Cape Town, South Africa .
Brandt, P. 
Dengler, M. 
Didwischus, S. H.,
Fischer, T. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Hahn, J. 
Karstensen, J. 
Körtzinger, A. 
Krahmann, G. 
Schmidtko, S. 
Stramma, L. 
Tanhua, T. 
Visbeck, M. 
On the role of circulation and mixing in the ventilation of the oxygen minimum zone of the eastern tropical North Atlantic.
In: RSMAS. , 09.03.2015, Miami, Fla., USA .
Drews, A. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Ding, H.,
Latif, M. 
Park, W. 
Alleviating the North Atlantic cold bias in the Kiel Climate Model .
In: 26. IUGG General Assembly. , 22.6. - 2.7.2015, Prague, Czech Republic .
Drews, A. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Ding, H.,
Latif, M. 
Park, W. 
The use of a flow field correction technique for alleviating the North Atlantic cold bias with application to the Kiel Climate Model.
In: EGU General Assembly 2015. , 12.–17.04.2015 , Vienna, Austria .
Thomsen, S. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Dengler, M. 
Kanzow, T. and
Krahmann, G. 
Near-inertial waves interacting with a coherent anticyclone off Peru.
In: Workshop on Energy transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean. , 20.-22.04.2015, Hamburg, Germany .
Berntsen, J.,
Oey, L. Y.,
Ezer, T.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Xue, H. and
Miyazawa, Y.
Editorial - the 5th International workshop on modeling the ocean (IWMO 2013).
Ocean Dynamics, 64
pp. 1531-1534.
Griffies, S. M.,
Yin, J.,
Durack, P. J.,
Goddard, P.,
Bates, S. C.,
Behrens, E.,
Bentsen, M.,
Bi, D.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Bozec, A.,
Chassignet, E.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Danilov, S.,
Domingues, C. M.,
Drange, H.,
Farneti, R.,
Fernandez, E.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Holland, D. M.,
Ilicak, M.,
Large, W. G.,
Lorbacher, K.,
Lu, J.,
Marsland, S. J.,
Mishra, A.,
George Nurser, A. J.,
Salas y Mélia, D.,
Palter, J. B.,
Samuels, B. L.,
Schröter, J.,
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Sidorenko, D.,
Treguier, A. M.,
Tseng, Y. h.,
Tsujino, H.,
Uotila, P.,
Valcke, S.,
Voldoire, A.,
Wang, Q.,
Winton, M. and
Zhang, X.
An assessment of global and regional sea level for years 1993–2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations.
Ocean Modelling, 78
pp. 35-89.
Drews, A. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Latif, M. 
Ding, H. and
Sheng, J.
The Subpolar North Atlantic Cold Bias in the Kiel Climate Model.
In: Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics: A Scientific Workshop to Celebrate Professor Dr Richard Greatbatch's 60th Birthday. , 10.-11.04.2014, Liverpool, UK .
Hahn, J. 
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Krahmann, G. 
Körtzinger, A. 
Oxygen Variance and Meridional Oxygen Supply in the Tropical North East Atlantic Oxygen Minimum Zone.
In: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014. , 23.-28.02.2014, Honululu, Hawaii, USA .
Ding, H.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Park, W. 
Latif, M. 
Semenov, V. and
Sun, X.
The variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon and its relationship to ENSO in a partially coupled climate model.
Climate Dynamics, 42
pp. 367-379.
Brandt, P. 
Bange, H. W. 
Banyte, D.,
Dengler, M. 
Didwischus, S. H.,
Fischer, T. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Hahn, J. 
Kanzow, T.,
Karstensen, J. 
Körtzinger, A. 
Krahmann, G. 
Schmidtko, S. 
Stramma, L. 
Tanhua, T. 
Visbeck, M. 
On the role of circulation and mixing in the ventilation of the oxygen minimum zone of the eastern tropical North Atlantic.
In: 1. International Conference AWA “Ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in West African Waters”. , 11.12.2014, Dakar, Senegal .
Drews, A. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Latif, M. 
Ding, H. and
Sheng, J.
The Subpolar North Atlantic Cold Bias in the Kiel Climate Model.
In: 2. European Earth System and Climate Modeling School: 2nd E2SCMS. , 09.-20.06.2014, Barcelona, Spain .
Hahn, J. 
Fischer, T. 
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Körtzinger, A. 
Tanhua, T. 
Visbeck, M. 
Banyte, D.,
Dengler, M. 
Krahmann, G. 
Oxygen Supply to the Tropical North East Atlantic Oxygen Minimum Zone.
In: SFB754 Colloquium. , 08.01.2014, Kiel, Germany .
Latif, M. 
Kloewer, M. 
Ding, H.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Park, W. 
Atlantic Meridional overturning circulation and prediction of North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature.
In: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014. , 23.-28.02.2014, Honululu, Hawaii, USA .
Latif, M. 
Kloewer, M. 
Ding, H.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Park, W. 
Air-sea Interactions over the North Atlantic at Decadal Timescales and Implications for Prediction of North Atlantic SST.
In: EGU General Assembly 2014. , 27.04.-02.05.2014, Vienna, Austria .
Thomsen, S. 
Kanzow, T.,
Krahmann, G. 
Dengler, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Lavik, G.
Meso and submesoscale variability within the Peruvian upwelling regime observed by a fleet of seven gliders.
In: Institut Pierre Simon Laplace. , 10.10.2014, Paris, France .
Zhou, G.,
Latif, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Park, W. 
Mid-Latitude ocean weather influence on North Pacific sector climate variabililty.
In: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014. , 23.-28.02.2014, Honululu, Hawaii, USA .
Fischer, T. 
Hahn, J. 
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Körtzinger, A. 
Tanhua, T. 
Visbeck, M. 
Banyte, D.,
Dengler, M. 
Krahmann, G. 
Oxygen Supply to the Tropical North East Atlantic Oxygen Minimum Zone.
[Invited talk]
In: IOW Colloquium. , 18.11.2013, Rostock, Germany .
Hahn, J. 
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Krahmann, G. 
Körtzinger, A. 
Current and Oxygen Variability in the Tropical North East Atlantic.
In: Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting / PIRATA-18 Meeting . , 22. - 25.10.2013, Venice, Italy .
Aiki, H.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Tamura, H.,
Yoshioka, M. and
Tsuboki, K.
Momentum fluxes to ocean circulation as given by the dissipation rate of surface gravity waves under tropical cyclones.
In: 5. International Workshop for Modelling the Ocean (IWMO2013). , 17.-20.06.2013, Bergen, Norway .
Bian, C.,
Jiang, W.,
Quan, Q.,
Wang, T.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Li, W.
Distributions of suspended sediment concentration in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea based on field surveys during the four seasons of 2011.
Journal of Marine Systems, 121-122
pp. 24-35.
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Claus, M. 
Didwischus, S. H. and
Hahn, J. 
Ventilation of the equatorial Atlantic.
In: EGU General Assembly 2013. , 07.-12.04.2013, Vienna, Austria .
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Claus, M. 
Didwischus, S. H. and
Hahn, J. 
Ventilation of the equatorial Atlantic.
In: 3. Sino-German Symposium "Multidisciplinary Processes in Deep Oceans and Impacts on Climate and Coastal Environment". , 03.-06.09.2013, Qingdao, China .
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Claus, M. 
Didwischus, S. H. and
Hahn, J. 
Ventilation of the equatorial Atlantic.
In: CLIVAR TAV-PIRATA Meeting. , 24.10.2013, Venice, Italy .
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Brandt, P. 
Didwischus, S. H. and
Fu, Y.
On the width of the equatorial deep jets.
In: EGU General Assembly 2013. , 07.-12.04.2013, Vienna, Austria .
Hahn, J. 
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Krahmann, G. 
Körtzinger, A. 
O2 variability and Meridional Oxygen Supply in the Tropical North East Atlantic Oxygen Minimum Zone.
In: EGU General Assembly 2013. , 07.-12.04.2013, Vienna, Austria .
Sun, X.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Yang, X.,
Park, W. 
Latif, M. 
Two major modes of variability of the East Asian summer monsoon.
In: EGU General Assembly 2013. , 07.-12.04.2013, Vienna, Austria .
Hahn, J. 
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Krahmann, G. 
Körtzinger, A. 
O2 variance and meridional O2 supply in the Tropical North East Atlantic.
In: Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting, PIRATA-17 Meeting . , 10.09.-15.09.2012, Kiel .
Didwischus, S. H.,
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Atlantic Equatorial Deep Jets.
In: Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting, PIRATA-17 Meeting . , 10.09.-15.09.2012, Kiel .
Hahn, J. 
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Körtzinger, A. 
Krahmann, G. 
Funk, A.
O2 variance at intermediate depth in the central tropical Atlantic along 23°W.
In: EGU General Assembly 2012. , 22.-27.04.2012, Vienna, Austria .
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Claus, M. 
Didwischus, S. H.,
Hormann, V.,
Funk, A.,
Hahn, J. 
Krahmann, G. 
Fischer, J. 
Körtzinger, A. 
Ventilation of the equatorial Atlantic by the equatorial deep jets.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Didwischus, S. H.,
Claus, M. 
Funk, A.,
Hormann, V.,
Hahn, J. 
Fu, Y.,
Dengler, M. 
Toole, J. M.
Ventilation of the Tropical Atlantic by Equatorial Deep Jets.
In: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012. , 20.-24.02.2012, Salt Lake City, USA .
Brandt, P. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Didwischus, S. H.,
Claus, M. 
Hahn, J. 
Hormann, V.,
Funk, A.,
Fu, Y. and
Dengler, M. 
Equatorial deep jets in the Atlantic Ocean.
In: EGU General Assembly 2012. , 22.-27.04.2012, Vienna, Austria .
Dengler, M. 
Brandt, P. 
Funk, A.,
Hormann, V.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Fischer, T. 
Krahmann, G. 
Hummels, R. 
Toole, J. M.
The 4.5-year climate cycle and the mixed layer heat budget in the tropical Atlantic.

In: International Joint conference EU THOR and BMBF North Atlantic projects. , 24.-26.09.2012, Hamburg, Germany .
Latif, M. 
Ba, J.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Gulev, S.,
Keenlyside, N. S.,
Martin, T. 
Park, W. 
Interannual, Decadal and Centennial Variability in the North Atlantic Sector.
[Invited talk]
In: EGU General Assembly 2012. , 22.-27.04.2012, Vienna, Austria .
Brandt, P. 
Funk, A.,
Hormann, V.,
Dengler, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Toole, J. M.
Interannual atmospheric variability forced by the deep equatorial Atlantic Ocean.
In: NOAA-AOML Seminar. , 21.03.2011, Miami, Fl., USA .
Brandt, P. 
Funk, A.,
Hormann, V.,
Dengler, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Toole, J. M.
A 4.5-year climate cycle of the tropical Atlantic forced by deep equatorial ocean dynamics?.
In: PIRATA-16/TACE/TAV Joint Meeting. , 16.03.2011, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil .
Brandt, P. 
Funk, A.,
Hormann, V.,
Dengler, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Toole, J. M.
A 4.5-year climate cycle of the tropical Atlantic forced by deep equatorial ocean dynamics?.
In: EGU General Assembly 2011. , 03.-08.04.2011, Vienna, Austria .
Brandt, P. 
Funk, A.,
Hormann, V.,
Dengler, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Toole, J. M.
Interannual atmospheric variability forced by the deep equatorial Atlantic Ocean.
Nature, 473
pp. 497-500.
Brandt, P. 
Funk, A.,
Hormann, V.,
Dengler, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Toole, J. M.
Interannual atmospheric variability forced by the deep equatorial Atlantic Ocean.
In: WCRP OSC Climate Research in Service to Society. , 24.-28.10.2011, Denver, USA .
Brandt, P. 
Funk, A.,
Hormann, V.,
Dengler, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Toole, J. M.
Interannual atmospheric variability forced by the deep equatorial Atlantic Ocean.
In: WHOI Seminar. , 27.10.2011, Woods Hole, USA .
Thomas, H.,
Prowe, F. 
Lima, I. D.,
Doney, S. C.,
Wanninkhof, R.,
Greatbatch, R. 
Schuster, U. and
Corbiere, A.
Changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation influence CO2 uptake in the North Atlantic over the past 2 decades.
In: EGU General Assembly. , 19.-24.04, Vienna, Austria .
Thomas, H.,
Prowe, F. 
Lima, I. D.,
Doney, S. C.,
Wanninkhof, R.,
Greatbatch, R. 
Schuster, U. and
Corbière, A.
Changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation influence CO2 uptake in the North Atlantic over the past 2 decades.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22
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