Early Career Research Groups
ERC Starting Grants
- Ivy Frenger is the coordinator of the ERC Starting Grant OSTIA, investigating the role of the ocean in climate change mitigation. (Start 2024)
- Thomas Browning is the coordinator of the ERC Starting Grant Ocean Glow, focusing on the global detection of phytoplankton nutrient limitation using satellite-based fluorescence observations. (Start 2022)
- Morelia Urlaub is the coordinator of the ERC Starting Grant PRE-COLLAPSE, which aims to identify precursors of catastrophic volcanic flank collapses. (Start 2021)
ERC Consolidator Grants
- Eleni Anagnostou received an ERC Consolidator Grant HighBorG, which reconstructs past climate-carbon-ice sheet dynamics during warm periods in the Paleogene and Neogene. The goal is to identify tipping points and climate analogs across different climate states. (Start 2024)
- Jan Taucher coordinates the ERC Consolidator Grant SEA-THROUGH, which develops a novel in situ imaging technology to study the “staircase of vertical migrations” into the deep sea. (Start 2024)
Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups
- Morelia Urlaub coordinates the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Do Volcanoes Collapse Retrogressively? (Start 2021)
- David Needham and Kristin Bergauer jointly coordinate the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Ocean EcoSystem Biology
Emmy Noether Groups
- Till Harter coordinates the Emmy Noether Group Fish Physiology, which investigates the comparative physiology of red blood cells, uncovering new cellular mechanisms to predict climate change impacts on fish. (Start 2024)
- Nadine Mengis is the coordinator of the Emmy Noether Group FOOTPRINTS– From Carbon Removal to Reaching the Paris Agreement’s Temperature Stabilization Goal. (Start 2021)
- Kevin Köser coordinates the Emmy Noether Group DEEP QUANTICAMS (Start 2019) and has held a W3 professorship for Marine Data Science at Kiel University (CAU) since 2024.
Graduate School: Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science (MarDATA)
The Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science (MarDATA) offers young researchers from computer science and mathematics the opportunity to develop data science methods specifically for marine research while pursuing a PhD. Doctoral candidates are trained at GEOMAR or the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in cooperation with partner universities.
The PhD degree is awarded in computer science/engineering (Dr.-Ing.) or natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat.).