Dr. rer. nat. Jan Taucher
- Leader of GEOMAR Research Group "Plankton Imaging"
- Post-Doc at Research Unit Biological Oceanography
Room: 320
Tel.: +49 431 600-4262
Fax: +49 431 600-4446
E-Mail: jtaucher(at)geomar.de
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Resarch Kiel
Düsternbrooker Weg 20
24105 Kiel
Research Interests
- Impacts of ocean warming and acidification on marine ecosystems
- Linkages between phytoplankton physiology, food web structure and biogeochemical cycles
- Combination of ecosystem modelling (1-D to 3-D global models) and experimental investigations, e.g. batch cultures, mesocosms
- Plankton imaging
- Technology development: in situ camera systems and lab-based methods
- Application of imaging technology to study marine plankton, particle dynamics (marine snow), and the biological pump
Education and Employment
- since 1/2019: Co-PrincipaI Investigator of sub-project WP5 ("Particle Export") in the BMBF joint project CUSCO (Coastal upwelling in a changing ocean)
- since 1/2018: Leader of the GEOMAR Post-Doc Research Group "Plankton Imaging Technology"
- since 8/2017: Post-Doc in the ERC project "Ocean artUP": Potential influence of artificial upwelling on zooplankton communities
- 1/2014 - 7/2017: Post-Doc in the BMBF project "BIOACID": Impacts of ocean acidification on plankton communities and biogeochemical cycles (GEOMAR)
- 2013: PhD Thesis: "Effects of increasing temperatures and CO2 on phytoplankton and marine biogeochemical cycles - Combining experimental work and numerical modeling"
- 2012 and 2013: Research visits (DAAD PhD student fellowship) at the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), Marine Science Institute, Superivisors: Uta Passow, Craig Carlson, Mark Brzezinski
- since 2010 PhD candidate at IFM-GEOMAR, now GEOMAR | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Marine Biogeochemistry
- 2010 Diploma in Physical Geography
- 2009 – 2010 Diploma Thesis at IFM-GEOMAR, title of Diploma thesis: "Modelling the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems – Investigating the direct effects of temperature on biological processes in a global earth system model"
- 2004 – 2010: Diploma studies in Physical Geography at Ludwig-Maximilian-University (LMU) Munich, Germany, main focus: Climate change and its impacts on natural systems, Minor subjects: bio- / ecoclimatology, remote sensing (until intermediate diploma also economics and political science)