Marine Life

From the sunlit surface to the dark deep sea: The ocean is home to a wealth of life. Many of the animals and plants in the sea are especially adapted to an existence in a certain environment – for example on hydrothermal vents, manganese nodule fields or seamounts.

Their biodiversity supports important ocean functions such as climate regulation or the supply of food and raw or natural materials. However, climate change, plastic pollution and other human impacts affect marine life. Therefore, GEOMAR Researchers investigate key ecosystems, effects of changes and possibilities for their protection and sustainable use.



News about Marine Life

A silvery shimmering school of fish under water fills the entire picture.

Fisheries Research Overestimates Fish Stocks

GEOMAR Expert Calls for More Realistic Stock Assessments

An island in the sea, the sea is very blue and so is the sky

Diving deeper for richer prey?

METEOR expedition M202 investigates the ecology of prey to better understand hunting behaviour of toothed whales in the Atlantic

The oxygen optode sensors were extensively tested in the laboratory and in the field, as here during a mooring deployment.

A new source of oxygen in the deep sea?

Research supported by GEOMAR questions the origins of life and calls for further research on oxygen production in the deep sea

Marine litter on the north-west coast of Sørkappland, Svalbard.

Climate Change and Pollution Affecting Life in the Arctic

ICEBERG Project Collaborates with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

Meer und Himmel nach dem Sonnenuntergang

Loss of oxygen in bodies of water identified as new tipping point

Current study involving GEOMAR calls for aquatic oxygen loss to be recognised as another Planetary Boundary