Marine Life

From the sunlit surface to the dark deep sea: The ocean is home to a wealth of life. Many of the animals and plants in the sea are especially adapted to an existence in a certain environment – for example on hydrothermal vents, manganese nodule fields or seamounts.

Their biodiversity supports important ocean functions such as climate regulation or the supply of food and raw or natural materials. However, climate change, plastic pollution and other human impacts affect marine life. Therefore, GEOMAR Researchers investigate key ecosystems, effects of changes and possibilities for their protection and sustainable use.



News about Marine Life

in a delicate white sponge on a reddish stem against a black background

Microbes from Extreme Environments as Key to Innovations

Research Project XTREAM Investigates the Industrial Potential of Extremophilic Microorganisms

Red birds with long beaks sit in the dense green of the mangrove forest

Amazonian Mangrove Forests Provide Nutrients for the Ocean

New study highlights the role of mangrove systems in global biogeochemical cycles

White plastic bowls in water basins filled with sand, in which individual stalks of seaweed grow

Seagrass meadows as natural climate protectors

New major project investigates potential of seagrass meadows as carbon sinks

[Translate to English:] Till Harter vor dem Forschungsschiff Littorina.

Research on the adaptation of cod to environmental stress

New Emmy Noether Group at GEOMAR investigates oxygen transport in fish