Ocean Observation

Observational data from the ocean are of elementary importance for understanding the complex climate system of the present with its multilayered interactions between a multitude of components. They are also needed for quality control and as initial and boundary conditions for high-resolution climate simulations. At GEOMAR and its predecessor institutes, new measurement methods have been developed and data from all parts of the world ocean have been intensively collected and analyzed for more than 80 years. GEOMAR researchers maintain long-term observation stations such as moorings in the tropical and subpolar Atlantic, but also in Boknis Eck in the Eckernförde Bay, where one of the world's longest time series stations is operated.



Fotostory: The Evolution of Ocean Observation

Research News: Ocean Observation

Ice floes on blue water in a fjord. Mountains in the background.

Expedition investigates the effects of climate change off Greenland

MERIAN expedition MSM130 investigates meltwater runoff from Greenland glaciers, the loss of Arctic sea ice and the interfaces of ice, ocean and atmosphere off the east coast of Greenland

Deutscher Meerespreis 2024

Boris Herrmann receives the German Ocean Award 2024

A recognition of the professional sailor’s commitment to ocean conservation

A research vessel at sea

Gathering data on climate change in the North Atlantic

MERIAN Expedition MSM129 continues long-term observations in the Labrador Sea