Meteorological Station GEOMAR & Kiel Lighthouse
Dear weather page user,
- Water temperature measured at Badestelle Kiellinie am Segelcamp powered by Stadtwerke Kiel (external Link)
Weather of Kiel at 14:48
06. February 2025, 14:49 | Centre |
Wind direction | 28 °, NNE |
Wind speed | 2,25 m/s |
Air temperature | 5,9 °C |
Relative humidity | 83,9 % |
Max. wind speed | |
Air pressure | 1.040,6 hPa |
Incoming short wave | 242,37 W/m² |
Incoming short wave (sum) | 0,91124 kWh/m² |
Sum of Precipitation | 0,00 mm |
06. February 2025, 14:49 | Light House |
Wind direction | 8 °, N |
Wind speed | 4,18 m/s |
Air temperature | 4,1 °C |
Relative humidity | 89,0 % |
Max. wind speed | 4,60 m/s |
Air pressure | |
Incoming short wave | |
Incoming short wave (sum) | |
Sum of Precipitation |
06. February 2025, 14:49 | Centre | Light House |
Wind direction | 28 °, NNE | 8 °, N |
Wind speed | 2,25 m/s | 4,18 m/s |
Air temperature | 5,9 °C | 4,1 °C |
Relative humidity | 83,9 % | 89,0 % |
Max. wind speed | 4,60 m/s | |
Air pressure | 1.040,6 hPa | |
Incoming short wave | 242,37 W/m² | |
Incoming short wave (sum) | 0,91124 kWh/m² | |
Sum of Precipitation | 0,00 mm |