Ocean and Climate

Our climate is determined by the complex interactions between the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the biosphere and the geosphere, and it is ultimately the basis of all life on our planet. The ocean is one of the components, especially on long time scales. In addition to natural fluctuations controlled by interactions of the various components and the astronomical boundary conditions, the ever-increasing influence of human activities has been contributing to the changes in the climate system since the end of the 19th century. As a result, the ocean is not only getting warmer, but the seawater is becoming more acidic, loses its oxygen, and the sea level is rising.

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel is making an important contribution to a better understanding of the complex climate system. "Ocean and Climate" is one of the three central research topics at GEOMAR. The research spectrum ranges from natural climate fluctuations in the past to the detailed study of the current ocean system to the modelling of future climate states, which enables the assessment of possible consequences and the evaluation of climate protection and climate adaptation strategies. GEOMAR offers the best conditions for this: Scientists from a wide range of disciplines work together to investigate physical, chemical, biological or geological processes in the ocean in order to achieve a holistic view of the climate system and its changes and interactions with ecosystems.

News about Ocean and Climate

Ice floes on blue water in a fjord. Mountains in the background.

Expedition investigates the effects of climate change off Greenland

MERIAN expedition MSM130 investigates meltwater runoff from Greenland glaciers, the loss of Arctic sea ice and the interfaces of ice, ocean and atmosphere off the east coast of Greenland

Meer und Himmel nach dem Sonnenuntergang

Loss of oxygen in bodies of water identified as new tipping point

Current study involving GEOMAR calls for aquatic oxygen loss to be recognised as another Planetary Boundary

Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier trägt sich bei seinem Besuch am GEOMAR ins Gästebuch ein. Rechts: GEOMAR-Direktorin Professorin Dr. Katja Matthes, links Daniel Günther, Ministerpräsident des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, und Frank Spiekermann, Verwaltungsdirektor des GEOMAR.

German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visits GEOMAR

The head of state learnt about outstanding research and school programmes

Deutscher Meerespreis 2024

Boris Herrmann receives the German Ocean Award 2024

A recognition of the professional sailor’s commitment to ocean conservation

A graphic shows emissions of nitrous oxide from the ground and the sea

Nitrous Oxide Emissions at Record High

GEOMAR database provides critical oceanic data for global N2O budget