SynCom offers synthesis and communication in the Helmholtz Research Field Earth & Environment. It supports the synthesis of overarching research topics from the program and forms the interface in the dialogue between science, society, and politics.
Purpose of SynCom
SynCom connects 7 Centres and 9 Topics for a higher societal impact. SynCom fosters the program “Changing Earth – Sustaining our Future” through cross-Centre and cross-Topic networking activities:
- Scientific knowledge synthesis (“Syn”)
- Stakeholder engagement and communication (“Com”)
SynCom contributes substantially to a closely networked Helmholtz Research Field Earth & Environment with scientists who work together to tackle the grand challenges of Earth system research and environmental research. Through scientific synthesis, actionable knowledge is generated - with the aim of influencing the solution to the grand challenges of our time.
SynCom unites scientists from all seven Centres in the Helmholtz Research Field 'Earth and Environment'. The goal is to develop a deep understanding of the complexities of Earth system research through a scientific synthesis approach. SynCom aims to provide practical insights and knowledge to key players in politics and industry.
SynCom Anchor Persons
The SynCom Anchor Persons support the SynCom activities and establish contacts within the respective Helmholtz Earth and Environment Centre. The SynCom Anchor Persons of GEOMAR is Beate Slaby.