Dr. Willi Rath
Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics
Ocean Dynamics
Room No.: 3.312, Building 5 (ENB)
E-mail: wrath(at)geomar.de
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research
Wischhofstr. 1 - 3
24148 Kiel, Germany
Number of items: 34.
Fraser, N. J., Fox, A. D., Cunningham, S. A., Rath, W.
, Schwarzkopf, F. U.
and Biastoch, A.
Vertical Velocity Dynamics in the North Atlantic and Implications for AMOC.
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 54
pp. 2011-2024.
DOI 10.1175/JPO-D-23-0229.1.

Schmittmann, L.
, Busch, K.
, Mock, L. C.
, Rath, W.
and Kluger, L. C.
Beyond the bay: Biophysical simulations of disease dispersal suggest broadening spatial scales for aquaculture carrying capacity.
One Earth, 7
pp. 1202-1212.
DOI 10.1016/j.oneear.2024.05.023.

Burmeister, K.
, Schwarzkopf, F. U.
, Rath, W.
, Biastoch, A.
, Brandt, P.
, Lübbecke, J. F.
and Inall, M.
Dependency of simulated tropical Atlantic current variability on the wind forcing.
Ocean Science, 20
pp. 307-339.
DOI 10.5194/os-20-307-2024.

Landt-Hayen, M., Wölker, Y., Rath, W.
and Claus, M.
A Bottom-Up Sampling Strategy for Reconstructing Geospatial Data from Ultra Sparse Inputs.
In: 19th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2023). , 21.-23.08.2023, Shenyang, China . Advanced Data Mining and Applications. ; pp. 677-691 .
DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-46661-8_45.

Landt-Hayen, M., Kröger, P., Rath, W.
and Claus, M.
Reconstruct Geospatial Data from Ultra Sparse Inputs to Predict Climate Events.
In: 19. IEEE International Conference on e-Science. , 09. - 14.10.2023, Limassol, Cypres . 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science). ; pp. 1-10 .
DOI 10.1109/e-Science58273.2023.10254937.

Ngakala, R. D., Alory, G., Da-Allada, C. Y., Kom, O. E., Jouanno, J., Rath, W.
and Baloïtcha, E.
Joint observation–model mixed-layer heat and salt budgets in the eastern tropical Atlantic.
Ocean Science, 19
pp. 535-558.
DOI 10.5194/os-19-535-2023.

Landt-Hayen, M., Rath, W.
, Wahl, S.
, Niebaum, N., Claus, M.
and Kröger, P.
A climate index collection based on model data.
Environmental Data Science, 2
Art.Nr. e9.
DOI 10.1017/eds.2023.5.

Portanier, E., Nicolle, A., Rath, W.
, Monnet, L., Le Goff, G., Le Port, A. S., Daguin-Thiébaut, C., Morrison, C. L., Cunha, M. R., Betters, M., Young, C. M., Van Dover, C. L., Biastoch, A.
, Thiebaut, E. and Jollivet, D.
Coupling large-spatial scale larval dispersal modelling with barcoding to refine the amphi-Atlantic connectivity hypothesis in deep-sea seep mussels.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 10
Art.Nr. 1122124.
DOI 10.3389/fmars.2023.1122124.

Landt-Hayen, M.
, Rath, W.
and Claus, M.
Fact or Artifact? Revise Layer-wise Relevance Propagation on various ANN Architectures.
Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT), 13
DOI 10.5121/csit.2023.132305.

Fox, A. D., Handmann, P.
, Schmidt, C.
, Fraser, N., Rühs, S.
, Sanchez-Franks, A., Martin, T.
, Oltmanns, M., Johnson, C., Rath, W.
, Holliday, N. P., Biastoch, A.
, Cunningham, S. A. and Yashayaev, I.
Exceptional freshening and cooling in the eastern subpolar North Atlantic caused by reduced Labrador Sea surface heat loss.
Ocean Science, 18
pp. 1507-1533.
DOI 10.5194/os-18-1507-2022.

Claus, M.
, Gundlach, S., Hasselbring, W., Jung, R., Rath, W.
and Schnoor, H.
Modularizing Earth system models for interactive simulation.
Informatik Spektrum, 45
pp. 300-303.
DOI 10.1007/s00287-022-01490-z.

Landt-Hayen, M., Kröger, P., Claus, M.
and Rath, W.
Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation for Echo State Networks Applied to Earth System Variability.
In: Signal, Image Processing and Embedded Systems, 8th International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Embedded Systems (SIGEM 2022). , 19.-20.11.2022, Zürich, Switzerland . Signal, Image Processing and Embedded Systems Trends. ; pp. 115-130 .
DOI 10.5121/csit.2022.122008.
Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT): Conference Proceedings, 12

Trahms, C., Handmann, P., Rath, W.
, Visbeck, M.
and Renz, M.
Where have all the larvae gone? Towards Fast Main Pathway Identification from Geospatial Trajectories.
In: 17. International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, SSTD 2021. , 23.-25.08.2021, Online ; pp. 126-129 .
DOI 10.1145/3469830.3470896.
ACM International Conference Proceedings Series

Hiremath, D.
, Claus, M.
, Hasselbring, W.
and Rath, W.
Towards Automated Metamorphic Test Identification for Ocean System Models.
In: 2021 IEEE/ACM 6th International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing (MET). , 22.-30.05.2021, Virtual (originally Madrid, Spain) . Proceedings from IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing (MET). ; pp. 42-46 .
DOI 10.1109/MET52542.2021.00014.

Benestan, L.
, Fietz, K., Loiseau, N.
, Guerin, P. E., Trofimenko, E., Rühs, S.
, Schmidt, C.
, Rath, W.
, Biastoch, A.
, Pérez-Ruzafa, A.
, Baixauli, P.
, Forcada, A.
, Arcas, E.
, Lenfant, P.
, Mallol, S.
, Goñi, R., Velez, L.
, Höppner, M., Kininmonth, S.
, Mouillot, D.
, Puebla, O.
and Manel, S.
Restricted dispersal in a sea of gene flow.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288
Art.Nr. 20210458.
DOI 10.1098/rspb.2021.0458.

Hummels, R.
, Dengler, M.
, Rath, W.
, Foltz, G. R., Schütte, F., Fischer, T.
and Brandt, P.
Surface cooling caused by rare but intense near-inertial wave induced mixing in the tropical Atlantic.
Nature Communications, 11
Art.Nr. 3829.
DOI 10.1038/s41467-020-17601-x.

Matthes, K.
, Biastoch, A.
, Wahl, S.
, Harlaß, J.
, Martin, T.
, Brücher, T., Drews, A.
, Ehlert, D., Getzlaff, K.
, Krüger, F., Rath, W.
, Scheinert, M.
, Schwarzkopf, F. U.
, Bayr, T.
, Schmidt, H.
and Park, W.
The Flexible Ocean and Climate Infrastructure Version 1 (FOCI1): Mean State and Variability.
Geoscientific Model Development, 13
pp. 2533-2568.
DOI 10.5194/gmd-13-2533-2020.

Hiremath, D.
, Claus, M.
, Hasselbring, W.
and Rath, W.
Automated identification of metamorphic test scenarios for an ocean-modeling application.
In: 2020 IEEE International Conference On Artificial Intelligence Testing (AITest). , 03.-06.08.2020, Oxford, UK .
DOI 10.1109/AITEST49225.2020.00016.

Eynard-Bontemps, G., Abernathey, R., Hamman, J., Ponte, A. and Rath, W.
The PANGEO Big Data Ecosystem and its use at CNES.
In: Proc. of the 2019 conference on Big
Data from Space (BiDS’2019), EUR 29660 EN.
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, pp. 49-52.
ISBN 978-92-76-00034-1
DOI 10.2760/848593.

Poggemann, D. W., Nürnberg, D.
, Hathorne, E. C.
, Frank, M.
, Rath, W., Reißig, S.
and Bahr, A.
Deglacial Heat Uptake by the Southern Ocean and Rapid Northward Redistribution via Antarctic Intermediate Water.
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 33
pp. 1292-1305.
DOI 10.1029/2017PA003284.

Frank, M.
, Achterberg, E. P.
, Bristow, L., Browning, T.
, Deng, F., Handmann, P., Hathorne, E.
, Hopwood, M. J.
, Lodeiro, P.
, Menzel-Barraqueta, J. L., Merschel, G., Meyer, S., Pampin Baro, J., Rahlf, P., Rath, W., Schlosser, C.
, Stippkugel, A., Vieira, L. H.
, Zitoun, R. and Raeke, A.
Trace Metal Chemistry in the Water Column of the Angola Basin - A Contribution to the International GEOTRACES Program - Cruise No. M121, November 22, – December 27, 2015,
Walvis Bay (Namibia) – Walvis Bay (Namibia).
METEOR-Berichte, M121
DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, Bremen, 39 pp.
DOI 10.2312/cr_m121.

Dippe, T., Zhai, X., Greatbatch, R. J.
and Rath, W.
Interannual variability of wind power input to near-inertial motions in the North Atlantic.
Ocean Dynamics, 65
pp. 859-875.
DOI 10.1007/s10236-015-0834-x.

Rath, W., Greatbatch, R. J.
and Zhai, X.
On the spatial and temporal distribution of near-inertial energy in the Southern Ocean.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119
pp. 359-376.
DOI 10.1002/2013JC009246.

Dippe, T., Zhai, X., Greatbatch, R. J.
and Rath, W.
Interannual Variability of Wind Power Input to near-inertial Currents in the North Atlantic.
In: Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics: A Scientific Workshop to Celebrate Professor Dr Richard Greatbatch's 60th Birthday. , 10.-11.04.2014, Liverpool, UK .

Rath, W., Greatbatch, R. J.
and Zhai, X.
Reduction of Near-Inertial energy through the dependence of wind stress on the Ocean-Surface velocity.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118
pp. 2761-2773.
DOI 10.1002/jgrc.20198.

Rath, W.
The influence of ocean-surface-velocity-dependent wind stress on the dynamics of the Southern Ocean: The near-inertial and the sub-inertial response.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 113 pp.

Greatbatch, R.
, Zhai, X., Claus, M.
, Czeschel, L. and Rath, W.
Transport driven by eddy momentum fluxes in the Gulf Stream Extension region.
Geophysical Research Letters, 37
DOI 10.1029/2010GL045473.