Number of items: 24.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Stewart, M. S.,
Hannington, M. D.,
Emberley, J.,
Baxter, A. T.,
Krätschell, A.,
Petersen, S. ,
Brandl, P. A. ,
Anderson, M. O.,
Mercier-Langevin, P.,
Mensing, R. A. D. C.,
Breker, K. and
Fassbender, M. L.
A new geological map of the Lau Basin (southwestern Pacific Ocean) reveals crustal growth processes in arc-backarc systems.
Geosphere, 18
pp. 910-943.
Baxter, A. T.,
Hannington, M. D.,
Stewart, M. S.,
Emberley, J. M.,
Breker, K.,
Krätschell, A.,
Petersen, S. ,
Brandl, P. A. ,
Klischies, M. ,
Mensing, R. and
Anderson, M. O.
Shallow seismicity and the classification of structures in the Lau back-arc basin.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21
Petersen, S. ,
Krätschell, A.,
Augustin, N. ,
Jamieson, J.,
Hein, J. R. and
Hannington, M. D.
News from the seabed – Geological characteristics and resource potential of deep-sea mineral resources.
Marine Policy, 70
pp. 175-187.
Bertram, C.,
Krätschell, A.,
O’Brien, K.,
Brückmann, W. ,
Proelss, A. and
Rehdanz, K.
Metalliferous sediments in the Atlantis II Deep—Assessing the geological and economic resource potential and legal constraints.
Resources Policy, 36
pp. 315-329.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review
Book chapters
Brandl, P. A. ,
Krätschell, A. and
Augustin, N.
Geologie der Tiefsee.
In: Tiefsee - Vielfalt in der Dunkelheit.
, ed. by
Müller, T. and
Hoffmann-Wieck, G..
Senckenberg-Buch, 83
Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, pp. 46-50.
ISBN 978-3-510-61415-8
Hartmann, K.,
Wünnemann, B.,
Hölz, S. ,
Krätschell, A. and
Zhang, H.
Neotectonic constraints on the Gaxun Nur inland basin in north–central China, derived from remote sensing, geomorphology and geophysical analyses.
In: Growth and Collapse of the Tibetan Plateau.
; 353
, ed. by
Gloaguen, R. and
Ratschbacher, L..
GSL Special Publications
Geological Society Publ. House, Bath, UK, pp. 221-233.
ISBN 978-1-86239-326-4
Petersen, S. ,
Hannington, M. D.,
Hölz, S. ,
Krätschell, A.,
Klischies, M. ,
Graber, S.,
Anderson, M. O.,
Jamieson, J.,
Grant, H. and
Murton, B. J.
Same, same, but different: recent advances in our understanding of modern seafloor hydrothermal systems.
In: 15. Biennal SGA Meeting 2019. , 27.-30.08.2019, Glasgow, UK .
Conference posters
Besaw, M.,
Hannington, M. D.,
Baxter, A.,
Stewart, M.,
Petersen, S. and
Krätschell, A.
Geology of the North Fiji Basin Triple
Junction: A possible modern analog of late Archean mafic magmatism and VMS formation.
In: PDAC Convention 2021. , 08.03.-11.03.21, Toronto, Canada . 12 Annual PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloqium Abstracts. ; p. 39 .
Mensing, R.,
Stewart, M.,
Baxter, A.,
Hannington, M. D.,
Krätschell, A. and
Petersen, S.
Microplate interactions and hydrothermal
activity at the Mangatolu Triple Junction, Northern Lau Basin.
In: PDAC Convention 2021. , 08.03.-11.03.21, Toronto, Canada . 12 Annual PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloqium Abstracts. ; p. 42 .
Besaw, M.,
Hannington, M. D.,
Stewart, M. S.,
Baxter, A. T.,
Petersen, S. ,
Krätschell, A. and
Emberley, J.
Geology of the Central North Fiji Basin Triple Junction: A Possible Modern Analogue for Voluminous Late Archean Mafic Volcanism..
In: PDAC Convention 2020. , 01.4.-04.4.2020, Toronto, Canada .
Brandl, P. A. ,
Krätschell, A.,
Emberley, J.,
Hannington, M. D.,
Stewart, M.,
Petersen, S. and
Baxter, A.
Remote predictive geological mapping as a tool for the reconstruction of the complex geodynamic evolution of Melanesia.
In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 03.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria .
Mensing, R.,
Stewart, M.,
Hannington, M. D.,
Emberly, J.,
Baxter, A. T.,
Krätschell, A.,
Petersen, S. ,
Brandl, P. ,
Anderson, M. O.,
Mercier-Langevin, P. and
Breker, K.
Investigating growth of present-day oceanic back-arc crust as an analogue for ancient greenstone belts..
In: PDAC Convention 2020. , 01.4.-04.4.2020, Toronto, Canada .
Laurila, T. E.,
Hannington, M. D.,
Petersen, S. and
Krätschell, A.
The Atlantis II Deep - Geochemical insights to the metal precipitation in the Red Sea.
In: Society of Economic Geologists 2010 Conference. , 03.-05.10.2010, Keystone, Colorado, USA .
Theses - not published by a publisher
Reports - Cruise Reports
Kampmeier, M.,
Krätschell, A. and
Schwarzer, K.
RV Alkor AL 396 Cruise Report
AufMod-F North Sea (west of the island of Sylt).
Alkor-Berichte, AL396
Institute of Geosciences Sedimentology, Coastal- and Continental Shelf Research Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 34 pp.
This list was generated on Wed Sep 11 16:30:42 2024 CEST.