Educational week Weather.Water.Waterkant from 19.9. to 2.10.2023

GEOMAR - Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research was present again for the third time as part of Wetter.Wasser.Waterkant.2024 in the Hanseatic City of Hamburg. As an outreach event, Dr. Hassan Humeida offered two events for schools on 25.09. and 26.09.2024. The events entitled “The importance of the sea for living organisms” included the following units

1. introductory presentation on the ocean and its dwellers

2. bilingual reading from the book “The Conference of Sea Dwellers”

3. microscopy of micro-objects brought along from the North and Baltic Seas

4. viewing macro-objects (plants and animals) from the world's oceans and deep sea

Finally, there was a discussion about the dangers of different species facing the oceans, the sustainable use of the sea and the importance of effective contributions from everyone to protect the oceans

Each event lasted 90 minutes and a total of 80 pupils and 2 teachers per class from Hamburg took part in the events.

The whole program of the proven educational week Wetter.Wasser.Waterkant from 19.9. to 2.10.2024 can be found at

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Sciences Kiel: Dr Hassan Humeida - RD3 Marine Ecology - Research Unit Marine Symbiosis

Marine plastic pollution

Research Project XTREAM Investigates the Industrial Potential of Extremophilic Microorganisms

Microbes from Extreme Environments as Key to Innovations

The XTREAM project (Sustainable exploration and biodiscovery of novel products and processes from extreme aquatic microbiomes to expedite the circular bioeconomy) brings together 13 partners from universities, research institutions, and industry from seven European countries. The project will run for four years (2025–2028).

Marine Plastics: On the danger of fishing nets to marine life

We proudly present our Bachelor's student Hanna Nordström who was featured by ZDF TerraXpress showing that plastics is even found in remote lakes in Sweden. Hanna works together with Dr. Rüdiger Stöhr from the NGO One Earth-One Ocean and former member of the Marine Microbiology Unit at GEOMAR. Her work is shown here from minute 17 onwards:

Erik Borchert, Ute Hentschel Humeida

How the ocean digests plastic waste - An insight into current research at GEOMAR

11 June 2021: Lecture by Dr Erik Borchert & Dr Hassan Humeida at the Toni-Jensen Community School Kiel

How voracious bacteria could solve the microplastic problem

19.5.2021 Dr Erik Borchert: Whether oceans or rivers: Microplastics can be found in high doses everywhere in the water. Researchers are looking for ways to deal with it. Hungry bacteria or tiny air bubbles are supposed to help. Article in: WELT Wissen

Marine conservation: research into enzymes that break down plastic

18.02.2021 TV feature Dr Erik Bochert in DAS! ∙ NDR Fernsehen

How does the plastic get into the deep sea?

15.01.2021 TV feature Dr Erik Borchert in the: NDR Schleswig-Holstein-Magazin

Research against plastic waste in the oceans

26.7.2020 Dr Erik Borchert: Plastic in the oceans is a problem for all creatures that live in them. That's why scientists are researching how to prevent even more of it from ending up in the oceans.