GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Wischhofstr. 1-3
D-24148 Kiel
Tel.: +49-431 600-0
Fax: +49-431 600-2805
E-mail: info(at)
Team GEOMAR Technology Transfer
The Geomar Technology Transfer team is looking forward to transforming innovative ideas and research results into concrete applications and commercial successes. Our mission is to promote the transfer of technologies and knowledge from marine research to industry and society.
We work closely with researchers, companies and other organizations to identify opportunities, establish partnerships and transfer research results into marketable products or services. Our expertise includes identifying technologies with high innovation potential, developing business models, protecting intellectual property and supporting the commercialization of research results.The Geomar Technology Transfer team consists of experienced experts with extensive knowledge in the fields of technology transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship. We are committed, creative and focused on bridging the gap between science and industry to jointly create added value for all parties involved.
If you are interested in working with us or have questions about technology transfer at Geomar, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with you to advance innovative ideas and turn the transfer of research results into tangible successes.

Kathrin Krüger-Borgwardt
Leitung Forschungsförderung und Transfer
Telefon: +49-431-600-2322
e-mail: kkrueger-borgwardt(at)

Azadeh Hollmann
Projektkoordination und Assistenz der Leitung
Telefon: +49-431-600-2349
e-mail: ahollmann(at)

Dr. Esther Rickert
Innovationsmanagement und Technologietransfer
Innovationsplattform SOOP
Telefon: +49-431-600-1954
e-mail: erickert(at)

Myriam Dutzi
Innovationsmanagement & Kommunikation
Innovationsplattform SOOP
Telefon: +49-162-7699162
e-mail: mdutzi(at)