Our Strength: Sea-going Facilities
GEOMAR fosters the development of marine technology and engages in national and international cooperation. At the Technology and Logistics Centre, unique sea-going platforms and cutting-edge infrastructures are developed and provided for a variety of scientific applications. This includes the maintenance and operation of research vessels and interactive expedition planning as well as constant efforts that keeps observational platforms and underwater vehicles at the state-of-the art. Key aspects are the interoperability and durability of the various platforms as well as the precision of underwater communication and positioning systems. Development of novel equipment is carried out in cooperation with partners both from the scientific and the commercial field, with an eye to improved usability also for non-experts.
Strategic aims
- Promote German marine technology competence and foster national and international cooperation
- Increase revenue from technology and optimize investments
- Attract academic talents by unique infrastructure and strengthen academic tech culture
- Diminish redundancies and strengthen interoperability among teams
- Modernize and rebrand Technology and Logistics Centre (TLZ) within GEOMAR
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