10 Good Reasons to use your library...

→ Abbreviations
AmB (German Association of Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (GAMSLIC)
→ Apprenticeship
Author Identifier (ORCID, ResearcherID & Co)

Book order (Intranet only)
→ Bookscanner 

→ Catalogue of the library
Catalogue of Life
→ Classification  
→ Contact 
→ Copier 
→ Copyright
Copyright licences


→ Databases 
→ Dictionaries
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
→ Document Delivery Service Kiel 

Earthquake Catalogue Helgoland (1907-1997) - Clausthal (1908-1920) (Archive, Tel: 600-2505, bibliotheksleitung@geomar.de)
→ E-Books (e.g.ProQuest Ebooks Central,  and you can find the titles in the library catalogue!
→ Electronic journals (EZB GEOMAR)
→ Encyclopedia 
→ Equipment
→ EU Projects see: Hoizon 2020
EURASLIC (European Association of Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information Centres)


Fan Shop (GEOMAR merchandise)
FishBase (a global information system with all you ever wanted to know about fishes) 
→ Für Sie Recherchiert - FSR
Future Ocean Atlas

→ "Real" Geologists ;-)
GLORIA (GEOMAR Library Ocean Research Information Access)
Guidelines for authors
Guidelines for scientific publications (Intranet only)

HGF Open Access  [Sorry - only available in German at the moment]
→ Homepage - add your publication list [Sorry - only available in German at the moment]
Horizon 2020 [Factsheet - sorry, only availalbe in German at the moment]
→ Hygiene and safety rules

IAMSLIC (International Association of Marine Sciences Libraries and Information Centres)
Interlibrary loan


→ Library catalogue
→ Library card
→ Library Committee
→ Library regulations [Sorry, available only in german]
→ Loan
Lyell Collection (Geological Society London)

→ Marine Biologists ;-)
Arctic Register of Marine Species (ARMS)
World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS)

Metrics (Impact Factor, h-index...)

→ Networks
North Sea Map Server

→ Online journals (EZB GEOMAR)
→ OceanRep
ODIS (IOC:"Catalogue of Sources")
→ Open Access
Open Access Journals (Directory)
→ Opening hours 
Order a book (Intranet only)


→ Patents 
→ Plagiarism
→ Printer 
Projects of the Library / Project Participation
Publication Database OceanRep
→ Publication link on your homepage or department website (Intranet only)

Re-use Rights
Reference Management: GEOMAR
Reference Management Software Comparison (TU Munich)
Reference works 
→ Registration
→ Renewal 
→ Research computer
Research Data Management of Kiel Marine Sciences
Re3data (Registry of Research Data Repositories)
Research Data Search (Google Datasetsearch, Beta Version)
→ Research Vessels: Cruise Reports & Data 

Sealife Base
→ Service
→ Scanner
→ Springer E-Books - you can find the titles in the library catalogue


Terms of use for electronic media
→ Training 


→ User account 

→ Wardrobe
→ WoS - Web of Science