GLORIA (GEOMAR Library Ocean Research Information Access)
(1) Books: Shows all the results of your search within our monographs holdings and corresponds with a search in a common library catalog. This collection is enlarged by available electronic books [e-book], as well as electronic books from the DFG National Licences (only German).
“Latest Books” is a list of all items being added to our catalog within the last month. This includes also older books from our stock, which we make searchable piece by piece.
(2) Journals: Shows all the search results within our journal collection, electronic journals as well as print journals (this encompasses our subscriptions, access possibilities through consortium agreements, Open Access journals and the so-called DFG National Licences for journal archives).
You can enlarge the common search space through ‘Settings’ with other relevant subjects and their journals and articles within the national licences.
‘Show latest articles’ gives you direct access to the articles which were recently made accessible on the publishers’ servers. Including articles featuring as online first, articles in press and which have not yet been printed and are not searchable in Web of Science or SCOPUS during this period.
You can use the following possibility to refine your search (Refine):
Availability: ‘Current journals only’ or ‘online journals only’
(3) Articles: Is a search area with relevant scientific articles in addition to the search possibilities in classical bibliographical databases.
[Paper Current] contains the newest articles of relevant journals (Current Contents Service) and especially those articles that are accessible at the publishers’ servers, but not yet available as printed versions and that are therefore not yet referenced in GeoRef or Web of Science. After approximately one year these entries will be removed from our search engine.
[Paper] enlarges the search space ‘Articles’ with articles from licensed electronic books and articles of journals and articles of books from the DFG National Licences. Especially the articles available through the national licences open an opportunity to look for older articles which are not included in our Web of Science subscription. You can widen the search space by other relevant subjects of the national licences through ‘Settings’.
Please use [RSS] to create your own personal Current Contents Service.
(4) Data: Contains published scientific data from the WDC Pangaea [Data Pangaea].
5) More: Contains the GEOMAR publications database OCEANREP
What information can be searched within these sources?
All the given information: Metadata (authors, title, publishers’ details and similar things) and tables of contents, abstracts, when they are provided. Even full texts, when they are openly accessible. Your search terms will be marked in the result list.
Further features:
- Show Details: Displays more content related information (bibliographic description, book covers, item availability and, if possible, a look inside a book via Google books).
- PDF: leads you – if possible – directly to the pdf.
- Fulltext: leads you either to the entry in OceanRep or to the publisher’s website
- RSS (icon next to search field): Stay up to date with individual RSS. You can subscribe to the service and you will be informed when there are new items in GLORIA that matches your individual search terms. This will especially be helpful for current tables of contents from journals or to new acquisitions corresponding to your search terms.
- Permalink: For your bookmarks. When we change for example the vendor of the electronic access to a journal, this Permalink will take you directly to the currently licensed source.
Settings: Set up your personal preferences in GLORIA. You can regulate the number of displayed results or position the “Refine your search-box” on the left or the right side.
How does the search work?
- Simple Search combines words usually with the Boolean operator AND.
- Advanced Search combine your search terms (author, corporation, title, content, publication date) with the Boolean operator And; OR; NOT
- Use wildcards, e.g. antar*ti* to find Antarctic, Antarkis, antarktisch or other forms.
Examplery searches:
How do I get to know, if the library has for example volume 151 of the Special Publications of the Geological Society of London?
How do I find the journal ‘Geophysical Journal International’?
How do I find all journals with a ‘geo’ in the title?
More Questions? FAQ GLORIA |