Jon Roa
Technischer Mitarbeiter
Jon Roa
Technical assistant

Research Division 2: Marine Biogeochemistry (FB2)
Biological Oceanography - Microbial Biogeochemistry (BI/MB)
Contact data
Office: Building 5 (ENB), Room 2.113
Phone: +49 431 600 1540 (office) / +49 431 600 1643 (lab)
Email: jroa(at)
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel
Fields of activity
- Ion-exchange chromatography for monosaccharides quantification
- Organic carbon and nitrogen analysis
- Lab organisation
- Expedition/experiment support
- Drifting sediment traps deployment
- 2024: Sonne SO305, BIOCAT-IIOE2, Bay of Bengal
- 2023: Pourquoi Pas, APERO, Northeast Atlantic
- 2021: Sonne SO287, CONNECT, Tropical North Atlantic and Pacific
- 2021: Heincke HE578, FACTS, Northwest Atlantic and Arctic
- 2019: Poseidon PO536, HOTMIC, Tropical North Atlantic
- 2019: Meteor M156, REEBUS, Eastern Tropical North Atlantic
- 2018: Alkor AL510, TRASE-EC, Baltic Sea
- 2017: Meteor M136, SFB754, Eastern Tropical South Pacific
- 2015: Sonne SO243, ASTRA-OMZ, Eastern South Pacific
- 2015: Alkor AL458, BALTICOM, Baltic Sea
- 2014: Meteor M105, SOPRAN-SFB574, Eastern Tropical North Atlantic
- 2012: Meteor M91, SOPRAN, Upwelling off Peru
- 2012: Polarstern ARK-XXVII/2, Fram Strait/Arctic Ocean