[Translate to English:] AtlantOS Symposium.

Progress in Ocean Observations in the Atlantic

EU-Horizon 2020 Project AtlantOS presents plans an for international All-Atlantic Ocean Observing System

[Translate to English:] Gletscherkante in Grönland. Die neue Studie zeigt, dass Regen vermehrt Eisschmelze an der Oberfläche des Inlandeises auslöst. Foto: Tim Brücher/GEOMAR

Greenland: Rainy weather events trigger increased surface melting

New study shows overlooked consequence of global warming

[Translate to English:] Ein gestreifter Hamletbarsch (Hypoplectrus puella) vor der Küste Panamas. Foto: Kosmas Hench/GEOMAR

How new species arise in the sea

Study sheds new light on a fundamental question in evolutionary biology

Prof. Dr. Sabrina Speich (left) with the WEB postdocs (from left to right)  Marlene Wall, Ivy Frenger, Patricia Handmann, Arielle Imbol, und Michal Grossowicz. Photo: Anja Engel/GEOMAR

A successful mixture of ocean observations and modeling

Prof. Dr. Sabrina Speich held 26th Marie-Tharp Lecture for Ocean Research at GEOMAR.

A young cod. Photo: Fredrik Jutfelt/NTNU

Ocean acidification harms cod larvae more than previously thought

New studies on cod larvae show severe organ damages caused by high CO2 concentrations

One of the organisms involved in the metabolic processes of the nitrogen cycle present in the oxygen minimum zone off Peru is the foraminifera species Uvigerina peregrina. Photo: Nicolaas Glock/GEOMAR

Understanding nutrient cycling in the low-oxygen ocean

Kiel research team develops basis for quantifying the nitrogen cycling in oceanic oxygen minimum zones

Drought or flooding?  In particular, developing countries like  those in the Sahel region of Africa could benefit from reliable near-term climate predictions. The photo shows a country road in Mali. Foto: NOAA via Wikimedia Commons

Starting signal for Near-term climate prediction

Current ocean and atmosphere data provide basis for more reliable modelling

[Translate to English:] Der Ausbruch des Sarychev Peak im Jahr 2009 - hier von der ISS aus gesehen - transportierte Schwefelgase bis in die Stratosphäre. Foto: NASA

Extratropical volcanoes influence climate more than assumed

Study shows surprisingly strong cooling after volcanic eruptions in mid and high latitudes

The Helmholtz Juniors in the GEOMAR Technology and Logistics Centre. Photo: Jan Steffen/GEOMAR

Annual Meeting of Helmholtz Juniors at GEOMAR

Representation of PhD students of the Helmholtz Association meets in Kiel

[Translate to English:] Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer am POGO20-Treffen. Foto: Andreas Villwock/GEOMAR

Marine Research Summit in Cape Verde

CEOs of more than 40 scientific institutions meet at the Ocean Science Centre Mindelo