A group of summer-clad young people walk through the mud in the Wadden Sea, the sky is bright blue
“Diving into Change”: First Interdisciplinary FYORD Summer School
An older man with white hair and a full white beard looks friendly into the camera. High shelves with blue labelled boxes can be seen in the background.
Renowned volcanologist and Leibniz prize winner dies at 86
A silvery shimmering school of fish under water fills the entire picture.
GEOMAR Expert Calls for More Realistic Stock Assessments
An island in the sea, the sea is very blue and so is the sky
METEOR expedition M202 investigates the ecology of prey to better understand hunting behaviour of toothed whales in the Atlantic


Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier trägt sich bei seinem Besuch am GEOMAR ins Gästebuch ein. Rechts: GEOMAR-Direktorin Professorin Dr. Katja Matthes, links Daniel Günther, Ministerpräsident des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, und Frank Spiekermann, Verwaltungsdirektor des GEOMAR.

German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visits GEOMAR

The head of state learnt about outstanding research and school programmes

The research vessel METEOR is moored in the harbour. The sky is blue with clouds.

Development of young underwater volcanoes off Iceland in focus

METEOR expedition M201 investigates the volcanic history of unusual volcanoes in Iceland's Vesturdjúp Basin

Two men and a woman stand on a roof terrace and look into the camera

UXO clearance - It's time to start!

Major network meeting on the upcoming munitions recovery in the Bay of Lübeck

Deutscher Meerespreis 2024

Boris Herrmann receives the German Ocean Award 2024

A recognition of the professional sailor’s commitment to ocean conservation

Four researchers stand at a table and present the memorial stone for Professor Dr Erwin Suess.

Last honour in 4819 metres depth

Memorial rock for Professor Dr. Erwin Suess placed in the Aleutian Trench off Alaska

A graphic shows emissions of nitrous oxide from the ground and the sea

Nitrous Oxide Emissions at Record High

GEOMAR database provides critical oceanic data for global N2O budget

A pale-red squid with large eyes and eight thick, orange arms drifts in the water column. The squid’s cone-shaped mantle has white scars above the eyes and is pointing to the left side of the frame. The squid’s arms are held above its body and are cradling a gelatinous brown sheet that contains several round, yellowish-white eggs. The background is dark blue water with numerous small yellowish-brown flecks of drifting organic debris.

Underwater robots discover deep-sea squid that broods giant eggs

During an expedition to the Gulf of California, researchers observed a previously unknown species of squid carrying a cluster of exceptionally large eggs

Several people are standing on a dark carpet, arranged in a spiral. They look up towards the camera.

Do ocean fine-scale whirls impact our climate and ecosystems?

Kick-off of the interdisciplinary EU ERC-Synergy Grant Project WHIRLS

Picture of seaweed under water

Novel Genetic Clock discovers oldest known marine plant

Seagrass clone in the Baltic Sea is more than 1400 years old

World map on which some countries are coloured light blue and some dark blue

For Diversity and Equality at the Workplace

First joint Diversity Day at GEOMAR sets a signal against racism and right-wing ideologies