Maike Nicolai
Phone: +49 431 600-2807
Mail: mnicolai(at)
The EngageComm Fund
The EngageComm Fund supports knowledge transfer and science communication projects at GEOMAR.
Funded projecs 2024
„Engaging Public Audiences with Seagrass Ecosystems: Hands-On Model and interactive Simulation“
submitted by: Philipp R. Schubert, Dr. Esther Thomsen, Christian Lieberum, Jana Willim and Prof. Dr. Thorsten Reusch, Research Division 3 "Marine Ecology", Research Unit "Marine Evolutionary Ecology"
„Co-Creation and Communication of AI Applications in Environmental Sciences“
submitted by: Dr. Helmke Hepach, Research Division 2 "Marine Biogeochemisty", Research Unit "Biological Ozeanography", Dr. Joachim Dengg, Communication and Media, School Programmes
„Exploring the Depths: Illustrated Zines as a Window into Research“
submitted by: Dr. Andrea Geipel, Research Division 4 "Dynamics of the Ocean Floor", Research Unit "Marine Geodynamics", PR-Officer DAM-Mission mareXtreme
„Video about the Ocean Decade Programmes and Projects led by GEOMAR researchers“
submitted by: Dr. Ulrike Heine, Contact Point German Committee of the UN Ocean Decade (Deutsches Komitee der UN-Ozeandekade, ODK)
Funded Projects 2023
Fact Sheet "Storing CO2 in flood basalts under the sea", developed for the PERBAS (Permanent sequestration of gigatons of CO2 in continental margin basalt deposits) project
submitted by: Dr. Jörg Bialas, Research Division 4 "Dynamics of the Ocean Floor", Research Unit "Marine Geodynamics"
WAVES - customized outreach models in 3-D to facilitate improved marine geoscience communication
submitted by: Dr. Severine Furst, Research Division 4 "Dynamics of the Ocean Floor", Research Unit "Marine Geodynamics"
„SciVis Service“ - science visualization graphic development and storymaps
submitted by: Timm Schöning, Data Science Unit
A Travler's Guide to the Seafloor - 360-degree-documentary film for the ARENA2 Visualization Laboratory
submitted by: Dr. Tom Kwasnitschka, Research Division 4 "Dynamics of the Ocean Floor", Research Unit "Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems"