Studies on fish stock, plankton organisms and environmental conditions are conducted several times a year with the help of Kiel’s research vessel ALKOR. Foto: J. Dierking, GEOMAR

How important is Biodiversity?

GEOMAR coordinates large scale EU project on biodiversity research in the Baltic

The mid-Cretaceous is  a time of high tectonic activity that drove the breaking up of the super-continent Pangaea. The new study explains how the opening and widening of new ocean basins around Africa, South America and Europe created additional space where large amounts of atmospheric CO2 was fixed by photosynthetic organisms like marine algae Grafik: Ron Blakey, NAU Geology (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Global cooling as significant as global warming

GEOMAR Scientists contribute to international study about a “cold snap” 116 million years ago


Focus on Marine Ecology

Scientific Advisory Board reviewed RD 3

HOSST coordinator Dr Christel van den Bogaard (GEOMAR, left), Professor Dr Birgit Schneider (CAU, 2nd from left) and HOSST spokesperson Professor Dr Wolf-Christian Dullo (GEOMAR, right) welcome the TOSST coordinator Brendal Davies. Poto: J. Steffen, GEOMAR

TOSST is coming

Coordinator of Canadian HOSST partner program visits GEOMAR

A Loggerhead Sea Turtle in Cape Verde . Photo: V. Stiebens, GEOMAR

Going Home

GEOMAR scientists found evidence why female loggerhead sea turtles always return to their place of birth

Accumulation of pelagic jellies. New experiments indicates that fast-sinking jellyfish could boost the oceans’ uptake of carbon dioxide. Photo: Veronica Fuentes

Fast-sinking jellyfish could boost the oceans’ uptake of carbon dioxide

Experiments show high sinking speed for dead gelatinous plankton species

[Translate to English:] "Meeresforschung ist Forschung an unserem Ursprung" - Meerespreisträger Ranga Yogeshwar. Foto: J. Steffen, GEOMAR

Ranga Yogeshwar receives the 2013 Ocean Award

Renowned science journalist is honored at GEOMAR Kiel


The Birth of the Atlantic Ocean

Team of international scientists is looking for the cradle of the “Big Pond”

Launch of the P-Cable 3d seismic system during cruise JC45 off the coast of Montserrat. Photo: J. Karstens, GEOMAR

Each layer a natural disaster

GEOMAR scientists present 3D seismic analyses of volcanic deposits offshore of the Caribbean island Montserrat


Kiel and Seoul bridging the gap

Closer cooperation in research planned