Dr. Mustafa Yücel
Postdoctoral Scientist
As a part of Helmholtz Alliance ROBEX - Robotic Exploration of Extreme Environments
Forschungbereich 2 Marine Biogeochemistry, FE Marine Geosysteme
E-mail: myuecel(at)geomar.de
Phone: +49-431-600-2639
Raum: 8/E-108, Wischhofstraße 1-3, D-24148 Kiel
2009 Ph.D. in Oceanography, University of Delaware, USA. Mentored by Prof. George W. Luther III
2005 B.S. (undergraduate) in Chemical Engineering, Middle East Technical University (METU), TURKEY
Professional Experience
Starting May 2015: Assistant professor in METU, Turkey
Since 2013 Postdoctoral researcher at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, GERMANY
2014 Qualification of 'Docent' (associate professorship, habilitation), Higher Education Council, Turkey
2013, 2014 Visiting scientist, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, UK (2 months)
2010-2012 Postdoctoral researcher at UPMC-CNRS Benthic Ecogeochemistry Laboratory, Banyuls, FRANCE
2005-2009 Graduate research assistant at the University of Delaware, Lewes, USA
Research Interests
- Biogeochemistry of anoxic marine environments and deep-sea chemosynthetic ecosystems
- Dynamics of sulfur-iron transformations across marine redox gradients
- In-situ chemical sensors, deep-sea technology
Full list with citation information available via:
Researcher ID
Google Scholar Citations
--2015 / Under review--
(24) Yücel M, Beaton A, Dengler M, Mowlem M, Sohl F, Sommer S. Nitrate and nitrite variability at the seafloor of an oxygen minimum zone revealed by a novel microfluidic in situ chemical sensor. Under review.
(23) Kalenitchenko D, Fagervold SK, Pruski A, Vetion G, Yücel M, Le Bris N, Galand PE (2015). Temporal and spatial contraints on community assembly during microbial colonization of wood in seawater. ISME Journal, in press.
(22) Sen A, Podowski EL, Becker EL, Shearer EA, Gartman A, Yücel M, Hourdez S, Luther GW, Fisher CR (2014). Community succession in hydrothermal habitats of the Eastern Lau Spreading Center and Valu Fa Ridge, Tonga. Limnology and Oceanography 59(5) 1510-1528.
(21) Gartman A, Yücel M, Luther GW (2014). An introduction to the major chemical components released from hydrothermal vents, In: Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences (Edited by S. Elias), Elsevier, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.09105-3
(20) Charles F, Coston-Guarini J, Lantoine F, Guarini J-M, Yücel M (2014). Ecogeochemical fate of coarse organic particles in the sediments of the Rhone River prodelta. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 141, 97-103.
(19) Yücel M (2013). Down the thermodynamic ladder: A comparative study of marine redox gradients across diverse sedimentary environments. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science 131, 83-92.
(18) Yücel M, Sievert SM, Vetriani C, Foustoukos DI, Giovannelli D, Le Bris N (2013). Eco-geochemical dynamics of a shallow-water hydrothermal vent system at Milos Island, Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). Chemical Geology 356, 11-20.
(17) Contreira L, Yücel M, Brulport JP, Omanovic D, Le Bris N (2013). Compact, autonomous voltammetric sensor for sulfide monitoring in deep-sea vent habitats. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 80, 47-57.
(16) Yücel M, Luther GW (2013). Temporal trends in vent fluid iron and sulfide chemistry following the 2005/2006 eruption at East Pacific Rise, 9º50’N. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14, 759-765.
(15) Yücel M, Galand PE, Fagervold SK, Contreira L, Le Bris N (2013). Sulfide production and consumption in degrading wood in the marine environment. Chemosphere 90, 403-409
(14) Yücel M, Moore WS, Butler IB, Boyce A, Luther GW (2012). Recent sedimentation in the Black Sea: New insights from radionuclides and sulfur isotopes. Deep Sea Research Part I 66, 103-113
(13) Le Bris N, Contreira L, Yücel M (2012). In situ sensors for benthic ecosystem studies. In: Sensors for Ecology, Edited by J.-F. Le Galliard, J.-M. Guarini, F. Gaill, CNRS Editions, Paris.
(12) Le Bris N, Contreira L, Yücel M (2012). Advances in marine benthic ecology using in situ sensors. In: Sensors for Ecology, Edited by J.-F. Le Galliard, J.-M. Guarini, F. Gaill, CNRS Editions, Paris.
(11) Luther GW, Gartman A, Yücel M, et al. (2012). Chemistry, temperature and faunal distributions at diffuse flow hydrothermal vents: comparisons of two geologically distinct ridge systems. Oceanography 25 (1), 234-245
(10) Sekercioglu CH, Anderson S, Akcay E, Bilgin R, Can OE, Semiz G, Tavsanoglu C, Yokes MB, Ipekdal K, Saglam IK, Yücel M, Dalfes HN (2011). Turkey’s globally important biodiversity in crisis. Biological Conservation 144, 2752-2769
(9) Gartman A, Yücel M, Madison AS, Chu DW, Ma S, Janzen C, Becker EL, Beinart RA, Girguis PR, Luther GW (2011). Sulfide oxidation across diffuse flow zones of hydrothermal vents, Aquatic Geochemistry 17, 583-601
(8) Yücel M, Gartman A, Chan CS, Luther GW (2011). Hydrothermal vents as a kinetically stable source of iron-sulphide-bearing nanoparticles to the ocean, Nature Geoscience 4, 367-371 --- NSF Highlight --- Science Daily
(7) Yücel M, Luther GW, Moore WS (2010). Earthquake-induced turbidite deposition as a previously unrecognized sink for hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea sediments. Marine Chemistry 121, 176-186
(6) Yücel M, Konovalov SK, Moore TS, Janzen C, Luther GW (2010). Sulfur speciation in the upper Black Sea sediments. Chemical Geology 269, 364-375
(5) Moore TS, Mullaugh K, Holyoke RR, Madison A, Yücel M, Luther GW (2009). Marine Chemical Technology and Sensors for Marine Waters: Potentials and Limits. Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci., Vol. 1: 91-115
(4) Nees HA, Moore TS, Mullaugh KM, Holyoke RR, Janzen CP, Ma S, Metzger E, Waite TJ, Yücel M, Lutz RA, Shank TM, Vetriani C, Nuzzio DB, Luther GW (2008). Hydrothermal vent mussel habitat chemistry at 9°50’ north East Pacific Rise, pre- & post-eruption. Journal of Shellfish Research 27, 169-175
(3) Mullaugh KM, Luther GW, Ma S, Moore TS, Yücel M, Becker EL, Podowski EL, Fisher CR, Trouwborst RE, Pierso BK (2008). Voltammetric (Micro)Electrodes for the In Situ Study of Fe2+ Oxidation Kinetics in Hot Springs and S2O3-2 Production at Hydrothermal Vents. Electroanalysis 20, 280 – 290
(2) Hsu-Kim H, Mullaugh KM, Tsang JJ, Yücel M, Luther GW (2008). Formation of Zn- and Fe-sulfides near hydrothermal vents at the Eastern Lau Spreading Center: Implications for sulfide bioavailability to chemoautotrophs. Geochemical Transactions 9:6
(1) Konovalov SK, Luther GW, Yücel M (2007). Porewater redox species and processes in Black Sea sediments. Chemical Geology 245, 254-274
Oceanographic Cruises
2014 Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean, Mauritanian OMZ with R/V Meteor
2013 Baltic Sea, with R/V Alkor
2013 Black Sea, with R/V Pelagia
2012 East Pacific Rise, 9°50’N with N/O L’Atalante and submersible Nautile
2010-12 Several cruises in NW Mediterranean with N/O Minibex and ROV Super Achille (COMEX)
2010 East Pacific Rise, 9°50’N and 13° N with L’Atalante and submersible Nautile
2009 Lau Basin with R/V Thomas Thompson and ROV Jason II
2008 East Pacific Rise, 9°50’N with R/V Atlantis and DSV Alvin
2007 East Pacific Rise, 9°50’N with R/V Atlantis and DSV Alvin
2006 Lau Basin with R/V Melville and ROV Jason II
2005-07 Several short cruises with R/V Hugh Sharp and R/V Cape Henlopen in Delaware, Chesapeake Bays
Submersible Dives
2012 NAUTILE, 2516 m, East Pacific Rise 9°50’N (19/3/2012)
2008 ALVIN, 2504 m, East Pacific Rise 9°50’N (12/6/2008 Dive #4407)
2007 ALVIN, 2511 m ,East Pacific Rise 9°50’N, (20/1/2007 Dive #4304)
Invited Presentations
2014 METU (ODTÜ) Institute of Marine Sciences, Mersin, Turkey
2014 METU (ODTÜ) Earth System Science Program, Ankara, Turkey
2012 Bogazici University, Institute of Environmental Sciences (Istanbul - Turkey)
2012 Uni. Pierre et Marie Curie - EU Sensenet Short Course, (Banyuls, France)
2011 Angers University, Actual and Fossil Bio-indicators Research Group (France)
2010 Istanbul Technical University, Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences (Turkey)