Dr. Abed El Rahman Hassoun
Research Division 1: Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics
FE Physical Oceanography

Room 3.401
Office: +494316001504
Mobile: +491723868950
Email: ahassoun(at)geomar.de
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Wichhofstrasse 1-3
D-24148 Kiel, Germany
- Researching and analysing the motivations of European countries in ocean observations in the context of the ObsSea4Clim project.
- Working on metadata curation, Literature/Assets Collection and analyses, and system level requirements of standards & Best Practices used to observe EOVs and ECVs for a CINEA tender entitled "Standards and Best Practices in Ocean Observation".
- Working on quality-control of Baltic Sea data in the context of the Sailing for Oxygen project.
- Identified gaps in the EU Ocean Observing & Forecasting System, provided actionable recommendations, and developed a scoring approach in the context of the EuroSea project.
- Identified gaps in standards and Best practices related to GOOS EOVs for a CINEA tender entitled "Study for Reporting Obligations for Ocean Observation".
Personal Information
- Born: January 01, 1988
- Born in: Tripoli, Lebanon
- Citizenship: Lebanese
- 2014, Ph.D. in Oceanology, in co-direction between the University of Perpignan Via Domitia, IMAGES laboratory, Perpignan, France and the National Council for Scientific Research in Lebanon, National Centre for Marine Sciences, Lebanon. Thesis entitled: Analysis and Modeling of the Acidification in the Mediterranean Sea
- 2010, Master in "Management and Conservation of Natural Resources"/Biodiversity (M2), Lebanese University / Faculty of sciences, Lebanon. Title of Master thesis: the effects of the organic pollution on the phytoplankton populations in the middle part of the Lebanese coast, during the spring period.
- 2009, Master in Earth and Life Sciences/Biodiversity and Environment (M1), Lebanese University / Faculty of sciences, Lebanon.
- 2005-2008, Bachelor of Earth and Life Sciences, Lebanese University / Faculty of sciences, Lebanon.
Research interests
- Ocean acidification (OA) and ocean carbon cycle.
- Effects of climate change consequences on marine organisms, particularly on Phytoplankton.
- Monitoring of coastal environmental conditions in the context of both climate change and OA, particularly in the Mediterranean Sea.
- Harmful algal blooms (HABs) and their biotoxins.
- Ocean observing sustainability
- Ocean literacy and outreach.
Career, Employment
- February 2022-Present: Scientist in GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Marine Biogeochemistry (50%) + Physical Oceanography (50%).
- June-August 2022: Scientific writer for the Ocean Frontier Institute, Halifax, Canada in the CFREF proposal: Transforming Climate Action.
- April 2015-Present: Research Associate, National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS-L), National Centre for Marine Sciences (NCMS), Lebanon.
- 2015-2022: Lecturer at the Lebanese University in the Faculty of Public Health (course: Methods of biological analysis) and the Faculty of Sciences (course: Ecology).
- 2021, September-December: Consultant for the Ocean Frontier Institute, Halifax, Canada, to elaborate North Atlantic Carbon Observatory (NACO).
- 2021, October-December: Consultant for the OA-ICC of the IAEA, Monaco, to assess the ocean acidification status in the Mediterranean Sea.
Membership & Expert activities
- 2021-Present: Co-champion in the OARS (Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability) Ocean Decade Programme, Outcome 6 “Increase public awareness of ocean acidification, its sources and impacts, achieved via ocean literacy and public outreach”.
- 2019-Present: Chair of the Ocean Acidification Mediterranean Hub (OA Med-Hub), a UN voluntary commitment and a GOA-ON regional hub.
- 2019-Present: Scientific member in the GOA-ON Executive Council.
- 2022-Present: Member in the EuroSea Gender and Diversity Board.
- 2019-Present: Member of the Ocean Acidification Information Exchange steering committee.
- 2019-Present: Member in the network of Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC).
- 2018-Present: Member in the NF-POGO (Nippon Foundation and Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean) Alumni Network for Oceans (NANO).
- 2019 and 2020: Jury member for the Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards: www.medadapt-awards.com/en/home/
- 2020: Jury member for Ocean Acidification Information Exchange (OAIE) microgrants: www.oainfoexchange.org
Grants and Awards
- 2021: North-South Prize 2020 from the Council of Europe in Lisbon, Portugal for the MedECC report (CLA of one MAR1 chapters: Ecosystems).
- 2019: Grant from the Ocean Foundation to attend the 4th Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) International Workshop, in Hangzhou, China.
- 2018: POGO fellowship for Ship-board Training on MSM72.
- 2017: Grant from the IAEA to attend the 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference in Interlaken, Switzerland.
- 2016: Grant from the IAEA to attend the 3rd Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network Science Workshop, in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
- 2016: Grant from the IAEA to attend the Mares Conference, Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation, in Olhão, Portugal.
- 2014: Grant from the European Space Agency to attend the ESA conference in ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
- 2013: Grant from the IAEA to attend the 6th international SOLAS summer school in Xiamen University, China
- 2013: Grant from GreenSeas to attend a summer school in Cape Town, South Africa
- 2011: Doctoral scholarship by the National Council for Scientific Research-Lebanon
- 2012-2013: CANA expeditions offshore the Lebanese coast.
- 2013: MedSeA oceanographic cruise onboard R/V Ángeles Alvariño, between 2 May and 2 June 2013. http://medseaoceancruise.wordpress.com/the-team/
- 2016: OCEANA Deep-Sea Lebanon expedition, October 16-20 2016. http://eu.oceana.org/en/our-work/expeditions/deep-sea-lebanon-2016/overview
- 2018: MSM72 oceanographic cruise conducted in the Mediterranean Sea aboard the R/V Maria S. Merian, between 2 March and 3 April 2018: https://www.ldf.uni-hamburg.de/merian/wochenberichte/wochenberichte-merian/msm71-msm74/msm72-scr.pdf.
- 2019-2020: 15 oceanographic cruises for ELME (Evaluation of the Lebanese Marine Environment: A multidisciplinary study) and IMAP (Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme) projects, aboard R/V CANA.
- TalPro 2022 cruise in the Western Mediterranean Sea aboard R/V Belgica between 16 and 26 May 2022. TAlPro2022: the Tyrrhenian Sea & Algero-Provencal component of the Med-SHIP programme – Eurofleets – An alliance of European marine research infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the research and industrial communities.
- MSM129 cruise in the Subpolar Atlantic Ocean aboard the R/V Maria S. Merian between 24 May and 07 July 2024. Short Cruise Report MSM129-1/Short Cruise Report MSM129/2.