Publications M80-3 (usually peer-reviewed)

Jordt, A., Köser, K. and Koch, R. (2016): Refractive 3D reconstruction on underwater images. Methods in Oceanography 15-16: 90-113. []

Jordt-Sedlazeck, A. and Koch, R. (2013): Refractive Structure-from Motion on Underwater Images. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision 2013: 7-64. [doi: 10.1109/ICCV.2013.14]

Kwasnitschka, T., Hansteen, T.H., Devey, C.W. and Kutterolf, S. (2013): Doing fieldwork on the seafloor: Photogrammetric techniques to yield 3D visual models from ROV video. Computers and Geosciences 52: 218-226. []

Raddatz, J., Dullo, W.-C., Hansteen, T., López Correa, M. and Rüggeberg, A. (2011): Bioluminescence in deep-sea isidid gorgonians from the Cape Verde archipelago. Coral Reefs 30: 579. [DOI 10.1007/s00338-011-0743-5]



    Scientific Head 

    Dr. Friedrich Abegg
    GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel
    Technology & Logistics Centre
    Tel.: 0049 431 600-2134
    Fax: 0049 431 600-2680
    E-mail: fabegg(at)   

    Technical Head

    Martin Pieper (Dipl. Ing.)
    Technology & Logistics Centre
    Tel.: 0049 431 600-1688
    Fax: 0049 431 600-2680
    E-mail: mpieper(at) 

    Scientific Advisor

    Prof. Dr.Colin Devey
    FB4: Dynamics of the Ocean Floor
    Tel.: 0049 431 600-2257
    Fax: 0049 431 600-2924
    E-mail: cdevey(at)