Dr. Christian Pansch
Research Devision: Marine Ecology
Experimental Ecology - Benthic Ecology
E-Mail: cpansch(at)geomar.de
Düsternbrooker Weg 20
D-24105 Kiel
I am an Ecologist/Ecophysiologist. During my career, I investigated climate change impacts on marine benthic systems, applying single-species to community approaches. The field of environmental variability and its significance as amplifier or buffer of climate change impacts is a field of research that I followed through these years and that I currently have my focus on. I have further worked on marine fouling, with respect to processes and solutions. Acorn barnacles (multiple life-history stages, multiple stressors, reproduction, acclimation and adaptation) served as model organisms to address a suite of these ecological questions. Early-on till now, I investigated macrophyte-grazer as well as macrophyte- epibiont interactions. Only recently, I included parasitology of marine invertebrates into my investigations. Over the past few years, I thoroughly investigated Baltic Sea communities by not only using small-scale microcosms but also by the use of large-scale mesocosm infrastructures. Herein, I thoroughly addressed the consequences from climate change impacts on changes in biodiversity and its consequences for ecosystem function and services via in-situ incubations.
For more details please visit this site here: http://pansch-research.com