Global Approach by Modular Experiments

An international research and education program for master's students in biology, ecology, and environmental sciences.


Information about GAME (for download): GAME-Broschüre (deutsch) (pdf), GAME brochure (English) (pdf), GAME image film, GAME info presentation

For the latest news and posts about GAME, visit, GAME's Facebook page and 


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... you find older Blog posts here:


  • Completed GAME projects

    All GAME projects are presented here in the overview. As of 2012, there is a final report in German for each project, which can be downloaded as a PDF.

    There are also blogs by the teams from the various project years at

  • Since 2011, GAME has been supported and advised by a Board of Trustees.

  • We would like to thank all sponsors who have made GAME 2022 possible through their financial commitment!

    Become a supporter of GAME!

    From 2002 to 2008, GAME was funded by the Mercator Foundation and subsequently by the Kiel University Foundation and GEOMAR. Since 2011, supporters from the German foundation landscape, from the (predominantly maritime) industry, as well as private donors could be gained.

    To ensure that the program can continue in the future, we are looking for additional supporters who would like to get involved in marine research, the education of students and the international networking of scientists. Make your donation possible for future students from all over the world to participate in this international training program that combines applied research with excellent education.

    If you are interested or have any questions, please contact:

    Annette Tempelmann

    Tel.: +49 176 76902809
