Completed Research projects

Search result (32 hits)

Analysis of magnitude, drivers, and mechanisms of salinity variability in the tropical Atlantic

May, 2016 - April, 2019

Funding body: DFG

Contact: Peter Brandt

Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System

April, 2015 - September, 2019

Funding body: EU

Contact: Martin Visbeck

Ecosystem Approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in West African waters

February, 2013 - January, 2017

Funding body: BMBF

Contact: Peter Brandt

Benguela Niños: Physical processes and long-term variability

July, 2018 - June, 2021

Funding body: BMBF

Contact: Peter Brandt

Blue Action: Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate

December, 2016 - February, 2021

Funding body: EU

Contact: Johannes Karstensen

Der Nordatlantik als Teil des Erdsystems: Pilot-Anwendungen eines Beobachtungs-, und Diagnosesystems zur regionalen Abschätzung der Zirkulation im Nordatlantik und in der Nordsee

October, 2009 - September, 2012

Funding body: BMBF


Finanzierung des Wissenschaftlichen Sekretariats des Deutschen Komitees für Nachhaltigkeit in Future Earth

June, 2013 - July, 2016

Funding body: DFG

Contact: Martin Visbeck

Emmy Noether-Programm: Diapyknische Vermischungsprozesse in den Auftriebsgebieten des tropischen Atlantiks.

August, 2008 - July, 2011

Funding body: DFG

Contact: Marcus Dengler

NextG Climate Science EUREC4A-OA

June, 2020 - May, 2023

Funding body: BMBF

Contact: Johannes Karstensen

Global Ocean Observing Infrastructure

January, 2008 - June, 2012

Funding body: EU

Contact: Jürgen Fischer