Phone: +49-431 600 4105
Fax: +49-431 600 4102
E-Mail: pbrandt(at)

GEOMAR | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
East shore campus
Wischhofstrasse 1-3
Raum 3.116
D-24148 Kiel


Personal Information

  • Date of birth: May 24, 1966
  • Place of birth: Merseburg
  • Nationality: German
  • Family status: Married


Research Interests

  • internal waves and mixing
  • mesoscale eddies, planetary waves 
  • oxygen distribution and ventilation
  • equatorial dynamics
  • interannual to decadal circulation variability
  • its role in climate variablity

Education and Employment

  • 1987 - 1989 Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle, studying Physics 
  • 1990 - 1993 Universtät Hamburg, studying Oceanography
  • 1993            Diploma in Physical Oceanography, Universtät Hamburg 
  • 1996            Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography, Universität Hamburg
  • 1996 - 1998  Postdoc, Institut für Meereskunde, Hamburg
  • 1998 - 1999  Postdoc, GKSS-Forschungszentrum, Geesthacht
  • since 1999    Assistant Professor, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel
  • 2004             Habilitation/Venia Legendi in Physical Oceanography, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
  • since 2007    Professor for Experimental Oceanography, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel and GEOMAR, Kiel



  • In 2022 Peter Brandt was awarded the Albert Defant Medal  of the German Meteorological Society "in recognition of his innovative experimental work and its evaluation, taking model and remote sensing data into account for a better understanding of ocean circulation, its variability and its influence on biogeochemical processes and the climate".
  • 1996 Award of the Universitäts-Gesellschaft Hamburg for the best  Ph. D. thesis in the field of earth sciences in 1996






  • 2000-2020: Study advisor for Physical Oceanography (Bachelor Physics of the Earth System and Master Climate Physics) at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
  • 2008-2019: Project leader in the Collaborative Research Centre 754 „Climate-Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean“
  • 2004-2012: Faculty Standing Committee on Academic Matters of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
  • 2009-2014: Medium research vessel steering group (member)
  • 2014-2017, Member of the DFG Permanent Senate Commission on Oceanography
  • 2017-present, Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Annette Barthelt-Stiftung e.V.
  • 2020 - present: Chair of the Examining Board of BSc Physics of the Earth System:
    Meteorology – Oceanography – Geophysics



Research Cruises

  • Planet cruise 91-12, Oct. 1991, North Sea, Norwegian Sea, Tasks: CTD, student helper
  • Valdivia cruise 128, Aug.-Sep. 1992, WOCE, Northeast Atlantic, Tasks: CTD, student helper
  • Meteor cruise M32/4, Jun.-Jul. 1995, WOCE, Arabian Sea, Tasks: CTD, Oxygen
  • Alliance cruise, AIS’95 (SACLANT Centre), Oct. 1995, Strait of Messina, Tasks: CTD chain
  • Alliance cruise, RR’97 (SACLANT Centre), Aug. 1997, Strait of Messina, Tasks: CTD chain
  • Planet cruise, Oct. 1997, Strait of Gibraltar, Tasks: CTD chain
  • Sonne cruise SO127, Dec.-Jan. 1998, WOCE, Bay of Bengal, Responsibilities: CTD-chain
  • Meteor cruise M45/3, Jul.-Aug. 1999, SFB 460, Labrador and Irminger Seas, Tasks: shipboard ADCP, lowered ADCP, Pegasus
  • Meteor cruise M47/1, Mar.-Apr. 2000, CLIVAR, western tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: shipboard ADCP, lowered ADCP
  • Sonne cruise SO151, Nov. 2000, CLIVAR, western tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: shipboard ADCP, lowered ADCP
  • Meteor cruise M50/1, May 2001, SFB 460, western subpolar North Atlantic, Responsibilities: shipboard ADCP, lowered ADCP
  • Sonne cruise SO170, May 2003, CLIVAR, western tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: shipboard ADCP, lowered ADCP, RAFOS floats, sound source moorings
  • Meteor cruise M59/3, Sep.-Oct. 2003, SFB 460, western subpolar North Atlantic, Responsibilities: shipboard ADCP, lowered ADCP, RAFOS floats, sound source moorings
  • Meteor cruise M62/2, Aug. 2004, CLIVAR, western tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist
  • Thalassa cruise, Jul.-Aug. 2005, SFB 460, subpolar North Atlantic, Responsibilities: shipboard ADCP, lowered ADCP, sound source moorings
  • Meteor cruise M68/2, Jun.-Jul. 2006, BMBF Nordatlantik, western and central tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist
  • l’Atalante cruise, Feb.-Mar. 2008, SFB754, BMBF Nordatlantik, central tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist
  • Meteor cruise M80/1, Oct.-Nov. 2009, SFB754, BMBF Nordatlantik, central tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist
  • Maria S. Merian cruise MSM18/2, May-Jun. 2011, BMBF Nordatlantik, SFB754, central tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist, co-ordinator MSM18
  • Maria S. Merian cruise MSM22, Oct.-Nov. 2012, SFB754, central tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist
  • Meteor cruise M98, Jul. 2013, BMBF RACE, BMBF SACUS, tropical South Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist
  • Meteor cruise M106, Apr.-May 2014, SFB754, BMBF RACE, central and south-western tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist
  • Meteor cruise M119, Sep.-Oct. 2015, SFB754, BMBF RACE, central and south-western tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist
  • Meteor cruise M131, Oct.-Nov. 2016, EU PREFACE, BMBF SACUS, tropical South Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist
  • Meteor cruise M145, Feb.-Mar. 2018, SFB754, BMBF RACE, central and south-western tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist
  • Meteor cruise M158, Sep.-Oct. 2019, BMBF BANINO, EU TRIATLAS, equatorial and south-eastern tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist
  • Sonne cruise SO284, Jun.-Aug. 2021, EU TRIATLAS, NextGEMS, EuroSea, tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist
  • Meteor cruise M181, Apr.-May 2022, BMBF BANINO, EU TRIATLAS, equatorial and south-eastern tropical Atlantic, Responsibilities: chief scientist


News Archive

06.01.2025 Complex Drivers of Phytoplankton Bloom

18.12.2024 Outstanding Achievements of Young Researchers Honoured

26 January 2024 How waves and mixing drive coastal upwelling systems

17. March 2023 Annette Barthelt Foundation takes a stance for marine research

30 June 2022 Twenty years of ocean current observations for an improved understanding of climate variability

19 April 2021 Fluctuations in ocean currents modulate oxygen content at the equator

31 July 2020 Short wind turns with strong cooling effect

11 June 2018 Further Drivers of Ocean Deoxygenation identified

10 October 2017 Marine Snowfall at the Equator

28 July 2016 Improvements in climate simulations

09 December 2013 What’s Happening to the Tropical Atlantic?

25 October 2013 The Role of the Ocean for Climate Change

18 May 2011 The Long Reach of the Deep Sea