current projects


finished projects:

  • Earth System Knowledge Platform (ESKP) / Section Volcanic Activity andand Volcanic Hazards
    Contact: Dr. Heidi Wehrmann, Prof. Kaj Hoernle
    funding through: Helmholtz Association (since 2013)

  • SO-225 MANIHIKI II: The Manihiki Plateau - Origin, Structure, and Effects of Oceanic Plateaus and Pleistocene Dynamic of the West Pacific Warm Water Pool
    Contact: Prof. Kaj Hoernle, Prof. Dirk Nürnberg (FB1), Dr. Maxim Portnyagin, Dr. Reinhard Werner, Dr. Folkmar Hauff
    funding through: BMBF (2012 - 2015)

    additional information: MANIHIKI II

  • MSM19/3-AGULHAS: Origin of the Dupal anomaly in oceanic basalts of the southern hemisphere and causes of intraplate volcanism
    Contact: Prof. K. Hoernle, Dr. F. Hauff, Dr. R. Wernerfunding through: DFG (since 2011)

    additional information: AGULHAS 

  • CLIP: Origin of the Caribbean Large Igneous Provinz (CLIP) in relation to the geodynamic evolution of the Central Caribbean
    Contact: Prof. K. Hoernle, Dr. F. Hauff, Dr. R. Werner
    funding through: DFG (2010 - 2015)

    additional information: CLIP

  • Jeddah-Transect: Volcanism and hydrothermalism in and around the Atlantis II Deep
    Contact: Prof. C. Devey, Dr. N. Augustin
    funding through: King Abdullah-Aziz University, Saudi Arabia (2010-2013)

    additional information: Jeddah-Transect 

  • Origin and effects of magmatism at the Marie Byrd Seamounts (Amundsen Sea)
    Contact: Dr. F. Hauff, Prof. Dr. K. Hoernle
    funding through: DFG (2005-2010)

  • Flux and spreading of Galápagos plume material in the equatorial East Pacific
    Contact: Prof. K. Hoernle, Dr. F. Hauff, Dr. R. Werner
    funding through: BMBF (2010 - 2012)
    additional information: Plumeflux

  • WALVIS I: Ar/Ar Geochronology and Geochemistry of existing samples from the Walvis Ridge and Rio Grande Rise
    Contact: Prof. K. Hoernle, Dr. F. Hauff, Dr. R. Werner
    funding through: DFG (2009 - 2012)
    additional information: Walvis 

  • Woodlark: Magma genesis, tectonics and hydrothermalism along
    the propagating spreading axis in the Woodlark Basin
    Contact: Prof. C. Devey
    funding through: BMBF (2009 - 2011)
    additional information: Woodlark

  •  IODP: High-precision Pb (double spike) and Sr-Nd-Hf-isotopic record of upper oceanic crust at Leg 206 (Site 1256, Eastern Central Pacific)
    Contact: Prof. Dr. K. Hoernle
    funding through: DFG (2008-2011)

    additional information: IODP

  • KALMAR TP3: Volcanic and magmatic evolution of the Kamchatka-Aleutian-Triple-Junction in space and time
    Contact: Prof. K. Hoernle, Dr. M. Portnyagin, Dr. R. Werner
    funding through: BMBF (2006 - 2011)
    additional information: KALMAR TP3

  • The third dimension of the ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothermal field: sulfide formation, evolution, and fluid flow in the subseafloor (LOGDRILL)
    Contact: Dr. S. Petersen

    additional information: LOGDRILL

  • Christmas Island Seamount Province and the Investigator Ridge: Age and Causes of Intraplate Volcanism and Evolution of the Seafloor in the Wharton Basin (Eastern Central Indian Ocean)
    Contact: Prof. K. Hoernle
    funding through: BMBF (2008 - 2010)
    additional information: CHRISP

  • Shallow drilling of hydrothermal fields in the Tyrrhenian Sea
    Contact: Dr. S. Petersen
    funding through: DFG (2007 - 2008)
    additional Information: PALINDRILL

  • Temporal, spatial and tectonic evolution of oceanic plateaus (MANIHIKI)
    Contact: Prof. Dr. K. Hoernle, Dr. F. Hauff, Dr. R. Werner
    funding through: BMBF (2007 - 2009)
    additional Information: MANIHIKI

  • Causes and effects of magmatism at the Marie Byrd Seamounts (Amundsen Sea)
    Contact: Prof. Dr. K. Hoernle, Dr. F. Hauff
    funding through: DFG (2005-2007)


The Research Unit was also involved in 3 subprojects of the Sonderforschungsbereich "Volatiles and Fluids in Subduction Zones" (SFB 574).

  • Subproject C2: Transfer of volatiles and fluid-mobile elements through the mantle wedge (more information)

  • Subproject C3: Fluid fluxes from permanently degassing active volcanoes (more information)

  • Subproject C4: Volatile output from evolving magma systems in explosive eruptions (more information)


The research group "Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems" was coordinating the DFG-Priority Program (SPP) 1144 “From Mantle to Ocean: Energy-, Material- and Life-cycles at Spreading Axes" from 2003 to 2009.

Contact: Prof. C. Devey, Dr. K. Lackschewitz

additional information: SPP1144