Forschungsbereich 4: Dynamik des Ozeanbodens
FE Magmatische und hydrothermale Systeme
SFB 574
Room: 8/A-213
Phone: +49 431 600-2565
Fax: +49 431 600-2915
Email: skutterolf(at)geomar.de
Wischhofstrasse 1-3
D-24148 Kiel
Education and career
- 2016: Goldschmidt conference; Convener of proposed session: “Subduction zone volcanism as trigger for climate and environmental effects (and vice verca?)”.
- 2015 – recent: JOIDES Resolution Science Operator Laboratory Working Groupli
- 2014 – recent: ECORD alternate for IODP Science evaluation panel
- 2014 – recent: Co-lead of the com2mission for submarine volcanism (IAVCEI)
- 02.02.2015 Antrittsvorlesung an der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel: Marine Tephrostratigraphie: Ein Bindeglied zwischen verschiedenen Naturwissenschaften?
- 2014 Since February 2014 “Privatdozent” (associated professor equivalent) at the Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel
- Since 2013 permanent scientist at GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung, Kiel
- 2012: Co-convener Session 6c: “Crystals and glasses as archives of volcanic processes” at the Goldschmidt conference in Montreal 2012
- 2011-2013: IODP Scientific Technology Panel (STP)
- Organization of annual “Summerschool for marine Geoscience” at IFM-GEOMAR and GEOMAR (since 2007),
- Since 2003 Instructor and co-supervisor at the GEOMAR Electron Microprobe (formerly CAMECA SX50, now JEOL JXA 8200); development of measurement routines for volcanic glasses
- 10/2001-12/2012 Member of the executive board, Collaborative Research Center SFB574 “Volatiles and Fluids in Subduction Zones: Climate Feedback and Trigger Mechanisms for Natural Disasters” at the Christian Albrechts University of Kiel,
- 2001 - 2012 Post-doc at SFB574, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, SFB574
- 1999-2000 Organization team of the 17th Latin America colloquium in Stuttgart 2000
- 1999-2000 Webmaster of the Institute for Geology and Paleontology, university of Stuttgart
- 2013 Habilitation (25.11.2013) at Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel with the title: On-shore and off-shore tephrostratigraphy: Mass budgets, Time series, and Implications for geological processes (Mentor: Prof. K. Hoernle; Referees: Prof. S. Self, Prof. C. Bonadonna, Prof. M. Hort).
- 2001 PhD thesis at the University of Stuttgart, Geology and Paleontology with the title: Clastic sediments of the carboniferous Hochwipfel- and Auernig Formation, East Karawanken Mountains (Austria/Slovenia) – Sedimentology, Geochemistry and Provenance. (Referees: PD Dr. Hannelore Krawinkel, Prof. H. Seyfried)
- 1996 – 2004 other short courses: X-ray diffractometry (Prof. Dr. Keller), Trace Fossils (Prof. Dr. R. Bromley), Geostatistics (Profs. Dr. Pawlowsky, Prof. Dr. von Eynatten), Balanced Profiles (Prof. Dr. Oncken), “Introduction in SIMS in the earth science” (Dr. Wiedenbeck).
- 1996 - 2001 short courses in sedimentology and volcanology: Pyroclastic rocks (Prof. Dr. Schmincke), Diagenesis of clastic sediments (Prof. Hesse, Prof. Gaupp)
- 1996 Diploma thesis at the University of Stuttgart, Geology and Palaentology including field structural geology, aerial and satellite image analyses as well as sediment petrography with the title: “Strukturgeologische Untersuchungen im Forearc von Südwest-Costa Rica (Raum Dominical)”.
- 1990-1996 Studies of Geology and Paleontology at the University of Stuttgart
Scientific Interest
- Tephrostratigraphy in marine and onshore areas associated to long-term magmatic processes from mantle to atmosphere and vice versa (Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Chile, Japan, Izu-Bonin Marianna, Cape Verdes, Sumatra)
- Magmatic petrology of individual eruptions and volcanic complexes
- Physical volcanology with emphasis on explosive volcanism
- Magmatic processes leading to explosive volcanic eruptions
- Volcanic hazards from explosive volcanism and its deposits
- Spatial and temporal evolution of explosive subduction zone magmatism, with emphasis on volatile cycles through subduction zones (Latin America)
- Analytical methods in volcanology (XRF, EMP, LA-ICPMS, SIMS, Synchrotron XRF, melt inclusions)
- Alteration of tephras in the marine setting and their role in sediment input into subduction zones
- Continental slope geologic processes in combination with tephrostratigraphy (emphasis on mud and carbonate mounds, sedimentation rates and submarine sliding)
- Sediment petrography and geochemistry of ancient and recent fore-arc sediments
- Aerial and satellite image analyses
- Structural geology
Teaching/Awards/Invited talks
- Since 1998 Supervision of 4 PhD theses, 4 Master theses, 6 Diploma theses, 2 bachelor theses and co-supervision of 6 PhD theses and 7 Diploma theses,
- Lecturer in physical volcanology 2012 at CAU (short course July 2012),
- Annual co-lecturer for students of CAU and other German institutes in short course physical volcanology together with Dr. Armin Freundt (since 2003-2011, 2015),
- 1999 Lecturer, Geology Department, University of Mainz, Germany: 12 days short course: Clastic sediment petrography
Awards/Invited talks/scientific output
- 2003-2015: 12 first and 39 co-authored papers in peer-reviewed journals/books (Thomson Reuters web of science h-index: 12; google scholoar h-index: 15)
- 2014/15: Invited talks at Fribourg, Konstanz and Braunschweig Universities
- 2013: Invited talk at AGU 2013: A detection of Milankovitch frequencies in tephra records of arc volcanism: Shedding light on a feedback loop between climate and volcanism (V33H-02).
- 2010: Invited talk at EGU 2010: Magmatic heavy halogen concentrations and degassed masses in late Pleistocene to Holocene Plinian eruptions of Nicaragua (abstract: 8046)
- 2008:IFM-GEOMAR Publication Award
- 2007:IFM-GEOMAR Publication Award
Journals: Science, Nature Geoscience, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, G-Cubed, Geophysical Research Letters, Bulletin of Volcanology, JVGR, International Journal of Earth Science, Geological Society of America Special Publications, Polar Research;
Funding foundations: DFG, NSF, ANR,
- IODP priority program of DFG Project KU 2685/4-1: Izu-Bonin Arc Tephrostratigraphy – Evolution, Provenance and Cyclicities (IODP Exp. 350&352), 2015 to recent (Co-proponent)
- IODP priority program of DFG Project KU 2685/2-2: Miocene to Recent tephrostratigraphy and sediment variability offshore Central America: Evolution, Provenance and Cyclicities, 2014 to recent (Main proponent)
- ICDP priority program of DFG Project KU 2685/3-1: Tephrochronology of lacustrine ash layers in sediments of lake Petén Itzá: Implications for regional volcanology and Central American paleoclimate, 2013 to recent (Main proponent)
- IODP priority program of DFG Project KU 2685/2-1: Miocene to Recent tephrostratigraphy and sediment variability offshore Central America: Evolution, Provenance and Cyclicities, 2012 to 2014 (Main proponent)
- IODP priority program of DFG Project KU 2685/1-1: Provenance and depositional processes of tephras and Tertiary volcaniclastic sandstones from IODP Expedition 322, Nankai Trough, 2010 to 2014 (Main proponent)
- DFG Project FR 947/14-1: Quaternary explosive volcanism of the Cape Verde Archipelago: On- and offshore tephrostratigraphy, 2011 to 2014 (Co-proponent)
Research cruises
Marine and On-shore Experience
- 2016 July, 31 – September, 30., sedimentologist at IODP Leg 362 Sumatra Seismogenic Zone
- 2015 October: Boso peninsula Japan, fieldwork (1 week)
- 2015 July, shore based volcanologist for IODP Leg 353 Indian Monsoon
- 2014 July, 31 – September, 30., sedimentologist at IODP Leg 352 IMB-Forearc
- 2013 September: Miura peninsula Japan, fieldwork (1 week)
- 2013 February to April: Central America, fieldwork (8 weeks)
- 2013 January and February: Cape Verdes, fieldwork (2 weeks)
- 2012 October, 23. – December, 12., group leader sedimentology at IODP Leg 344 CRISP 2
- 2011 March, 15. – April, 13., co-group leader sedimentology at IODP Leg 334 CRISP 1
- 2011 February and March: Chile and Argentina, fieldwork (4 weeks)
- 2010 September 23. – October, 15., scientist on cruise SO210: Tephrostratigraphy and sedimentology off-shore Chile on RV SONNE.
- 2010 March and April: Chile and Argentina, fieldwork (6 weeks)
- 2009/10 December, 28. – February 1., senior scientist on cruise M80/3 investigating the tephrostratigraphy and marine sediments offshore Cape Verdes on RV METEOR
- 2009 September, 01.- October, 10., sedimentologist at IODP Leg 322 Nankai Through.
- 2009 February and March: Chile and Argentina, fieldwork (6 weeks)
- 2008 March: Chile and Argentina, fieldwork (4 weeks)
- 2008 February: Nicaragua/El Salvador/Guatemala, fieldwork (4 weeks)
- 2007 March and April: Nicaragua, fieldwork (5 weeks)
- 2006 April: Nicaragua and El Salvador, fieldwork (4 weeks)
- 2005 November, 13.-18., co-chief scientist on cruise M66/3b: Tephrostratigraphy offshore Central America (Pacific coast) on RV METEOR.
- 2005 October, 26.- November, 11., scientist on cruise M66/3a: Sedimentology of mudmounds off-shore Costa Rica and Nicaragua (Pacific coast) on RV METEOR.
- 2005 February and March: Nicaragua/El Salvador /Guatemala, field work (6 weeks)
- 2004 February and March: Nicaragua, fieldwork (6 weeks)
- 2003 September, 3.-29., scientist on cruise SO173/3+4: Tephrostratigraphy on the incoming plate and forearc, off-shore Costa Rica and Nicaragua (Pacific coast) on RV SONNE.
- 2003 March and April: Nicaragua, fieldwork (8 weeks)
- 2002 August, 23.- September, 13., scientist on cruise M54/2: Tephrostratigraphy in pacific sediments, off-shore Costa Rica and Nicaragua (Pacific coast) on RV METEOR.
- 2003 February to April: Nicaragua, fieldwork (12 weeks)
- 1997-2000 Karawanken: 4 field seasons with more than 6 months fieldwork
- 1995 June to August: Costa Rica, structural geology fieldwork for diploma thesis (10 weeks)
Collaborators during the past 5 years
Richard W. Murray, Boston University (at the moment NSF), Sidney R. Hemming, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory; Kirsten Krüger, University of Oslo; Marc Longpré, City University of New York; Axel Schmitt, University of Heidelberg; Kuo-Lung Wang, Academia Sinica Taipei Taiwan; Drilling in Lake Petén Itza ICDP-Project (Flavio Anselmetti, ETH Zürich; Mark Brenner, University of Florida; Antje Schwalb, TU Braunschweig, Liseth Pérez, UNAM Mexico); Scientists of IODP Leg 322, 334, 344, 352 (Walter Kurz, University of Graz; Kevin T. Pickering, University College London; Peter Sak, Dickinson College; Saneatsu Saito, JAMSTEC; Rachel P. Scudder, Boston University; Susanne M. Straub, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory; Marta Torres, Oregon State University; Mike Underwood, Missouri State University; Paola Vannucchi, Royal Holloway University London; Yuzuru Yamamoto, JAMSTEC).