Ongoing 2020

HOSST - TOSST Weekly Seminar

Ongoing Seminar 

The Seminar will be videotransmitted between GEOMAR, Kiel and Dalhousie, University, Canada.

Jour fix: Thursdays every 4 week in 2020 

CORONA times: Seminars are currently virtual only, ZOOM links are distributed via the mailing lists.

Kiel time: 16:30-17:30 h  - GEOMAR East, Building 8A, Videoconference Room

Halifax time: 11:30 am  to 12:30 pm - SOSB room, Halifax, Canada 

Cabo Verde time: 13:30 - 14:30 h - Cabo Verde University, Mindelo, Sao Vincente, Cabo Verde

May 4-8, 2020

EGU2020 Geoscience General Assembly Online 

Monday May 4, 2020

14:00 – ITS1.11/OS1.14 Addressing scientific and socio-economic challenges in the North Atlantic

Session convenors are HOSST and TOSST doctoral researchers

With many contributions from former and current HOSST and TOSST researchers and others.

30. April 2020

Jacqueline Bertlich  - HOSST Doctoral Researcher submitted her doctoral thesis on:



Supervisor: Dirk Nürnberg (GEOMAR)

Co-Supervisor: Markus Kienast (Dalhousie University)


20. December 2019

Sebastian Flöter  - HOSST Doctoral Researcher defended his thesis on:

"Evaluation of the potential of bamboo corals to record environmental conditions in their calcitic skeleton"

Supervisor: Marcus Gutjahr (GEOMAR)

Co-Supervisor: Anton Eisenhauer (GEOMAR)


15. November 2019

Felix Geißler  HOSST Doctoral Researcher  defended his thesis on:

"Development and Validation of Microfluidic Lab-on-chip Analyzers for the In Situ Quantification of Dissolved Iron and Manganese Species in Seawater"

Supervisor: Eric Achterberg (GEOMAR)

Co-Supervisor: Doug Wallace (Dalhousie University, Canada) 


18. September 2019

Eva Louropoulou HOSST Doctoral Researcher  defended her thesis on:

"The abundance of the iron-containing molecule heme in the Atlantic Ocean and its regulation patterns in marine phytoplankton"

Supervisor: Ruth Schmitz-Streit (CAU), Martha Gledhill  (GEOMAR),  

Co-Supervisor: Julie LaRoche (Dalhousie University, Canada)


Congratulation and all the best for your future!




January 2019

Nature communication paper by Annalena Lochte from HOSST out!

21.02.2019 - All HOSST and TOSST - What's up, followed by Talk about an innovation tool.


24.01.2019 - Masoud Aali and Ana Corbalan - (TOSST) About the Research Stay in Kiel, Germany


10.01.2019 - All HOSST and TOSST - Welcome in the New Year 2019


21.12.2018  - Manuel Dureuil  from TOSST has a paper out in Science. Congratulation

Manuel's supervisors are Boris Worm (Dalhousie University,Canada) and Rainer Froese (GEOMAR, Kiel)

Congratulations from us!


Congratulation to Annalena !


20.12.2018 - Annalena Lochte - HOSST PhD Candidate:

“Holocene water mass variability in the Labrador Current"

Thesis Defense

13.12.2018 - Annalena Lochte - HOSST PhD Candidate: Test run for her PhD thesis defense

Supervisor Prof. Ralf Schneider (HOSST- CAU) Senior Supervisor Dr. Janne Repschläger

Co-Supervisor Dr. Markus Kienast (TOSST)


08.11.2018 - Patrick Duplessis - TOSST PhD Candidate visiting Kiel:

"The role of surface-active compounds in cloud droplet formation"

Supervisor Rachel Chang (TOSST)

Co-Supervisor Gernot Friedrichs (HOSST)


25.10.2018 - Masoud Aali - TOSST PhD candidate will talk about his thesis topic and what he wants to achieve during his research at GEOMAR. "Testing sequence stratigraphic models through ultra-high resolution 3D seismic imaging of Miocene foresets on the New Jersey shelf" Supervisor: Mladen Nedimovic (TOSST). Co-supervisor Heidrun Kopp (GEOMAR)


11.10.2018 - Ana Corbalan - TOSST PhD candidate will talk about her thesis topic and what she wants to achieve during her research stay at GEOMAR. Supervisor Mladen Nedimovic (TOSST) Co-Supervisor Ingo Grevemeyer (GEOMAR)




 HOSST TOSST Summer School Cabo Verde 2018

"Seafloor Structures and Life on Cabo Verde"

May 27 - June 8, 2018

The youngest stage of seamount development on Fogo, Cabo Verde experienced by Summer School 2018 participants from HOSST, TOSST and University Cabo Verde. The group stands on the latest lava flow erupted in 2015.

For comments on the summer school by TOSSTie Aly Chua, participant in the summer school and doctoral researcher in our partner programm, read the article:

Official News by Geomar:



Summerschool Cabo Verde 2018:

See the call 




"Getting ready for Cape Verde Summer School"

Seminar is  finished - we are now experiencing on site.


Next Seminar on February 22, 2018 - (Thursday)

Full programm here


Future Seminar dates:

Cape Verde Summer School Preparation Seminar:

2018 January 11 / 18 / 25 

2018 February 01 / 08 (TOSST Evaluation)/ 15 / 22

2018 March 08 /  22

2018 April 05 / 12 / 19 / 26 

2018 May 03 / 17 / 24


Summer School 2018,  May 27 - June 08



2017 November 30 

"North Atlantic Field work reports: Cruise M140" - Jacqueline Bertlich (HOSST)

"North Atlantic Field work reports: Cruise M139" - Tatum Herrero (HOSST)


2017 November 23

"North Atlantic Field work reports: Cruise M141" - Lisa Samrock/ P.D. Dr. Thor Hansteen (HOSST)


November 16, 2017, 16:00-17:00 h in Kiel, 11:00 - 12:00h AM  in Halifax

 "Getting ready for the next Summer School on Cape Verde"

GEOMAR East, Building 8A Video Seminarroom 


November   2, 2017

PhD Thesis Defended  with summa cum laude ! Congratulation!

Ibrahim Sadiek “New Mid-IR-CRD Spectrometer for Organohalogen Detection and Innovative Applications of Saturation Spectroscopy”.

Supervisor: Prof. Gernot Friedrichs (CAU, Kiel, Germany)

TOSST Supervisor: Prof. Doug Wallace (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada)


September 14, 2017 (postponed)

External Review of TOSST in Halifax, Canada

Joint discussion from 15:00 h to 16:00 h 

Seminar with HOSST and TOSST talks 16:00h - 17:00h 

Video transmitted

GEOMAR East - Video- Seminar Room


 August  21, 2017:

Submitted PhD Thesis

Ibrahim Sadiek "New mid-IR-CRD spectrometer for organohalogen detection and innovative applications of saturation spectroscopy"

Supervisor: Prof. Gernot Friedrichs (CAU, Kiel, Germany)

TOSST Supervisor: Prof. Doug Wallace (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada)

Defense November 2, 2017 - at CAU Audimax


July  28, 2017 - August 8, 2017:

HOSST goes Iceland


Going where the Mid Atlantic Ridge comes on land: using all senses to study processes in the complex system of their home ocean: seeing - smelling - feeling - hearing - talking. Providing interdisciplinary explanations for a better understanding.


July  04, 2017:

Defense of the PhD Thesis

Dominik Palgan "Volcano-tectonic controls of hydrothermalism on a hot spot-influenced mid-ocean ridge: Insights from Iceland and Reykjanes Ridge".

Supervisor: Prof. Colin Devey (GEOMAR)




July  03, 2017:

Defense of the PhD Thesis

Nadine Schattel "Silicic magma origin and its relation to different tectonic settings on Iceland"

Supervisor: Prof. Kaj Hoernle (GEOMAR)


05.-16.06.2017 HOSST-TOSST Summer School in Kiel

 "Multi-use conflicts in an industrialized coastal zone"


Summer School Agenda




March 2, 2017 

Event: Information day on academic career paths in Germany.

Details on the program you find here.

Place: Muhrmann Lecture Hall, CAU in Kiel starts at 9:00 h.

February  01, 2017:

Defense of the PhD Thesis

Stéphanie Céline Michl: ""Adaptive potential of aquaculture species for various feeding strategies"

Supervisor: Prof. Carsten Schulz (CAU),  Co-supervisor: Prof. Jeff Hutchings (Dalhousie University, Canada)


December 15, 2016:

Defense of the PhD Thesis

Annika Drews: "Correcting the path of the North Atlantic Current in a coupled model and its impact on the simulation of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability"

Supervisor: Prof. Richard Greatbach (GEOMAR),  Co-supervisor: Prof. Jinyu Sheng (Dalhousie University, Canada)


November 30, 2016:

Defense of the PhD Thesis

Sascha Filippova: "Late Quaternary water mass circulation in the Labrador Sea"

Supervisor: Prof. Martin Frank (GEOMAR),  Prof. Markus Kienast (Dalhousie University, Canada)


October 20, 2016:

Defense of the PhD Thesis

Swaantje Bennecke: Deep-water corals: Studies of distribution, abundance and growth in a conservation area

Supervisor: Prof. Christian Cullo (GEOMAR),  Dr. Ana Metaxas (Dalhousie University, Canada)


September 25, to October 7, 2016:

HOSST-TOSST Summer School in Halifax, Canada





September 20, 2016:

Helmholtz Doktorandenpreis goes to Dr. Corinna Breusing.


Corinna received the HGF-Doktorandenpreis for  the best PhD-Thesis within the Forschungsbereich "Erde und Umwelt" in 2016.

She will be awarded the prize during the Helmholtz- Jahresversammlung on Thursday, September 22, 2016 in Berlin.

More information:


July 04, 2016:

Defense of the PhD Thesis

Judith Elger: Studies of submarine slope failures in the North Atlantic: Causes, timing and consequences

Supervisor: Prof. Sebastian Krastel (CAU), Prof. Christian Berndt (CAU), Dr. David Piper (Dalhousie University, Canada)


June 01-03, 2016


1st Joint HOSST & ArcTrain Retreat

Peterhof bei Itzehoe


April 04, 2016:

Defense of the PhD Thesis:


Corinna Breusing: Population genetics and contemporaneous connectivity in deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussels of the genus Bathymodiolus 

Supervisor: Prof. Torsten Reusch (GEOMAR), Dr. Anna Metaxas (Dalhousie University, Canada)


March 11, 2016:

TOSST PhD Student Kristina Boerder involved in Science Publication:

Ending hide and seek at sea

  1. Douglas J. McCauley1,*
  2. Paul Woods2
  3. Brian Sullivan3
  4. Bjorn Bergman2
  5. Caroline Jablonicky1
  6. Aaron Roan3
  7. Michael Hirshfield4
  8. Kristina Boerder5
  9. Boris Worm5

Science  11 Mar 2016:
Vol. 351, Issue 6278, pp. 1148-1150
DOI: 10.1126/science.aad5686 



March 04, 2016:

Defense of the PhD Thesis:


Arne Johanson: Model-Driven Software Engineering for Computational Science Applied to a Marine Ecosystem Model 

Supervisor: Prof. Wilhelm Hasselbring (CAU), Prof. Andreas Oschlies (GEOMAR), Prof. Boris Worm (Dalhousie University, Canada)


January 26, 2016:

Corinna Breusing submitted her PhD Thesis - Congratulations!


January 1, 2016:


Six new HOSST PhD-Candidates take up their studies.


December, 2015:

Arne Johanson submitted his PhD Thesis - Congratulations!


December 1, 2015:

Four new HOSST PhD-Candidates take up their studies.


November 1, 2015:

Two newly selected HOSST PhD-Candidates start their fellowship.


October 1/2, 2015:

Selection Symposium  in Kiel


September 4, 2015:

Invitation letters have been sent out to successful applicants. The Selection Symposium will take place in Kiel, on October 1st-2nd, 2015.


July 15, 2015:

The call  is closed. Applicants will be informed after  September 7, 2015.



June 5, 2015:

The call for 11 PhD fellows is open from June 5 to July 15, 2015. 

Register for more information....


April 15, 2015:

The call for PhD fellows in the partner programm TOSST is open.

See for more information….