Postdoc Academic Career Support (PACT)

Career Development Talks

Am I well positioned for an academic career? What experience and skills am I still lacking? What is the job situation in my subject? Could leaving science sooner or later turn out to be the better alternative?

During the postdoc period at GEOMAR, a series of career development meetings are scheduled to support you in your individual career planning. The postdocs are to be supported here with regard to the assessment of their current situation, their personal career goals and the review of these goals.

Documents for the preparation of these discussions can be found on our intranet page.


  • In this seminar we will guide you through key things we feel you need to consider when doing a postdoc. Are you on a drift doing a postdoc or do you use your time as a postdoc to built up skills and gain experiences for your next move? Is it an active well thought about decision to do a postdoc?

    Come and reflect on this. Own your career.

    Target group: Postdocs 0-4 years after the doctorate (4-12 TN)

    Time: 1,5 hours virtual seminar

    When: March 5, 2021; 2-3:30 pm (14:00-15:30h)

    Registration needed 

    Further dates on demand - Contact us!

Further Information

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