Dr. Timm Schoening

Head of Data Science Unit
IDCC (Information-, Data and Computing Centre)
Room: 4/304
Phone: +49 431 600-2320
Email: tschoening(at)
Wischhofstraße 1-3
D-24148 Kiel
- 2022 - 2025 GEOMAR PI of the GAIA-X project MARISPACE
- 2021 - 2023 GEOMAR PI of the HMC project FDO-5DI on FAIR marine images
- 2020 - 2022 Staff scientist at GEOMAR
in the DeepSea Monitoring Group. H2020 project "iAtlantic". - 2020 - 2021 Research data manager for ROV/AUV data workflows at GEOMAR
- 2019 - 2020 PostDoc at GEOMAR
in the DeepSea Monitoring Group (Prof. Dr. Jens Greinert, Marine Geosystems). Automated Image Analysis in the framework of the JPIOceans “Mining Impact 2” Project. - 2018 - 2019 PostDoc in the Future Ocean excellence cluster
at the GEOMAR Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel. Rapid off-shore Analysis of Marine Imagery - 2018 PostDoc at Okeanos, University of the Azores, Horta, Portugal
(DFG Research Fellowship). Exploiting 3D information for an automated semantic analysis of underwater images - 2015 - 2017 PostDoc at the GEOMAR
in the DeepSea Monitoring Group (Prof. Dr. Jens Greinert). Automated Image Analysis in the framework of the JPIOceans “EcoMining” Project.
- 2015 Ph.D. in Computer Science:
"Automated detection in benthic images for megafauna classification and marine resource exploration: supervised and unsupervised methods for classification and regression tasks in benthic images with efficient integration of expert knowledge" (Bielefeld University) - 2010 M.Sc. in Computer Science in the Natural Sciences:
"Towards Improved Epilepsia Diagnosis by Unsupervised Segmentation of Neuropathology Tissue Sections using Ripley's-L Features" (Bielefeld University) - 2008 B.Sc. in Computer Science in the Natural Sciences:
"Web 2.0 techniques for exploratory image database analysis" (Bielefeld University)
- PI for RV Maria S Merian MSM96 (2020): Emden - Emden; Metal geochemistry meets machine learning - Data - Cruise Report
- RV Sonne SO268-1&2 (2019): Manzanillo – Vancouver; Station Planning, AUV Operations, Optical and Sensor Network Data Management, Automated Image Analysis, Manganese Nodule Measurements from BoxCores, Deployment Management in GIS
- PI for RV Poseidon cruise POS526 “SeaSOM” (2018): Bergen – Kiel; Semi-autonomous optical monitoring technologies for bubble release sites and cold water coral reefs
- MIDAS Pelagia cruise (2016): Faial – Faial; ROV and towed camera operations, data management and imagery analysis
- RV Sonne SO242-1 (2015): Guayaquil – Guayaquil; AUV operation, image analysis and annotation
- RV Sonne SO239 (2015): Panama – Manzanillo; AUV operation, image analysis and annotation
- RV Sonne Testcruise (2014): Kiel – Gran Canaria; ROV video analysis and annotation
Selected Publications
- Schoening, T., Durden, J.M., Faber, C. et al. Making marine image data FAIR. Nature Scientific Data 9, 414 (2022).
- Sabine Haalboom et al. Monitoring of Anthropogenic Sediment Plumes in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, NE Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science
- Daniel OB Jones et al. Environment, ecology, and potential effectiveness of an area protected from deep-sea mining (Clarion Clipperton Zone, abyssal Pacific). Progress in Oceanography
- Timm Schoening, Autun Purser et al. Megafauna community assessment of polymetallic-nodule fields with cameras: platform and methodology comparison. Biogeosciences - Timm Schoening. SHiPCC—A Sea-going High-Performance Compute Cluster for Image Analysis. Frontiers in Marine Science - Timm Schoening, Kevin Köser, Jens Greinert. An acquisition, curation and management workflow for sustainable, terabyte-scale marine image analysis. Scientific Data - Hongbo Liu, Jan Sticklus, Kevin Köser, Henk-Jan Hoving, Hong Song, Ying Chen, Jens Greinert, Timm Schoening. TuLUMIS - A tunable LED-based underwater multispectral imaging system. Optics Express
- Peukert, A., Schoening, T., Alevizos, E., Köser, K., Kwasnitschka, T., & Greinert, J. Understanding Mn-nodule distribution and related deep-sea mining impacts using AUV-based hydroacoustic sensing and optical observations. Biogeosciences, 1-33.
- Timm Schoening, Daniel Jones, Jens Greinert Compact Morphology based Delineation of Poly-Metallic Nodules (Nature Scientific Reports) - Timm Schoening, Jonas Osterloff, Tim W Nattkemper RecoMIA - Recommendations for Marine Image Annotation: Lessons Learned and Future Directions (Frontiers in Marine Science) - Timm Schoening, Thomas Kuhn, Melanie Bergmann, Tim W Nattkemper DELPHI - fast and adaptive computational laser point detection and visual footprint quantification for arbitrary underwater image collections (Frontiers in Marine Science) - Timm Schoening, Melanie Bergmann, Jörg Ontrup, et al. Semi-Automated Image Analysis for the Assessment of Megafaunal Densities at the Arctic Deep-Sea Observatory HAUSGARTEN (PLoS ONE)
- Schoening, Timm (2021): Results of nodule detection along OFOS tracks of RV SONNE cruise SO268. - Schoening, Timm; Gazis, Iason-Zois (2019): Summary of sizes, weights, counts and coverage of poly-metallic nodules from box cores taken during SONNE cruises SO268/1 and SO268/2. - Schoening, Timm; Gazis, Iason-Zois (2019): Sizes, weights and volumes of poly-metallic nodules from box cores taken during SONNE cruises SO268/1 and SO268/2. - Schoening, Timm (2017): Results of nodule detection along AUV tracks during SONNE cruises SO239 and SO242/1. - Greinert, Jens; Schoening, Timm; Köser, Kevin; Rothenbeck, Marcel (2017): Seafloor images and raw context data along AUV tracks during SONNE cruises SO239 and SO242/1.
- Timm Schoening et al. „Report on the Marine Imaging Workshop 2017” (Research Ideas and Outcomes) - Jen Durden, Timm Schoening et al. Perspectives in Visual imaging for marine biological and ecological research (Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review)
Briese Research PhD Award for Marine Science (2017)
- "MARISPACE-X" Co-Proponent (GAIA-X call of BMWK)
- "FDO-5DI" project Co-Proponent (HMC project call 2020)
- "iAtlantic" project Co-Proponent (EU H2020)
- “Exploiting 3D information for an automated semantic analysis of underwater images” (DFG Research Fellowship)
- “Rapid, offshore Analysis of Marine Imagery” (Future Ocean Excellence Cluster – PostDoc Project Call)
- “General Purpose Underwater Spectral Imaging” (Future Ocean Excellence Cluster – Investment Call, proposal supporter)
- “Multi-Spectral Image Capture” (GEOMAR Seed Funding)
Practical Experience
- 2021 - Now Speaker of the Integrative Research Focus Digital Twins
- 2020 - Now Member of GEOMAR Digital Council
- Co-host of the 2019 “Image Analysis Days Schleswig-Holstein”
- Chair of the scientific and local organizing committees to conduct the second Marine Imaging Workshop (held in February 2017 at GEOMAR)
- Co-chair of the scientific organizing committee that initiated and conducted the first Marine Imaging Workshop (held in April 2014 at the National Oceanographic Centre, UK) with three days of poster and technical presentations of 100 international participants.
- Exchange semester to visit the Bioimage Analysis Lab at the University of Warwick, UK