Prof. Dr. Eric Achterberg
Research Division 2: Marine Biogeochemistry
Research Unit: Chemical Oceanography
Working Group Water Column Biogeochemistry

Room # 312 / Build. 12 - 3rd fl
Phone : +49 431 600 1290
Fax : +49 431 600 131290
E-Mail : eachterberg(at)
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel
Wischhofstraße 1-3, Build. 12
D-24148 Kiel
Research interests
- Open Ocean Biogeochemistry
- Global Change and Ecosystem Functioning
- Study of nutrient and (in) organic carbon and trace element distributions
- Study of trace element behaviour and speciation (incl. colloids and nanoparticles) and the interactions with geochemical and biological processes
- Development and application of in-situ sensors for nutrients and carbonate chemistry variables
Memberships, Services, Activities
- Member of The Royal Society of Chemistry
- Member of The UK Challenger Society for Marine Science
- Member of The American Geophysical Union
- Member of American Society for Limnology and Oceanography
Current appointments and awards
- Since February 2013 W3 Professor in Marine Chemistry at University of Kiel and GEOMAR, Germany
- 2012-2013 Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award Professor
External funding
- DFG SFB 754 project: Iron stabilization and transfer in tropical oxygen minimum zone
- DFG Cruise Programme: GEOTRACES GA08 cruise in the South East Atlantic Ocean (with M. Frank).
For a full list of publications please visit OceanRep.