Darwin Day 2022

The Kiel Darwin Day 2022 will take place for the first time as a hybrid event consisting of a face-to-face event in the CAU Audimax and livestreaming. All lectures can be accessed at any time on the YouTube channel of Kiel University.

November 11, 2022 - Revolution in biology: new insights into host-microbiota interactions lead to a new understanding of biology and evolution.

The evolution of free-living bacteria into symbiotic partners of marine sponges

Schmittmann, Lara: Still a bacterium or already a symbiont?

Links: www.uni-kiel.de/de/detailansicht/news/revolution-in-der-biologie-darwintag-2022-zur-metaorganismus-forschung

Darwin Day 2021

The Darwin Day took place again in 2021 as an online event. All lectures can be viewed at any time on the YouTube channel of Kiel University.

November 12, 2021- Evolution in the sea - as live stream

11:25 "Of old friends: Sponges and bacteria"

Schmittmann, Lara: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany.

Links: www.kec.uni-kiel.de/outreach/Darwintag.php

Darwin Day 2019

Since 2009, core members of KEC are also organizing together with the Kiel Zoological Museum the Darwin day for school children from across Northern Germany. For further information click here

29 November 2019 - Audimax der CAU

10:40 »Meeresschwämme: Methusaleme der Meere«
Hentschel Humeida, Ute: GEOMAR Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel 


Kieler Darwintag lockte 1200 Schüler/Kieler_Nachrichten_online.de

„Ich bin viele“: 10-jähriges Jubiläum des Kieler Darwintags