Ocean@Home 22: Climate Change and Sustainability

- a hybrid Summer School

Young people between 14 and 17 years from Poland, Romania and Germany were invited to a hybrid summer school from August 1 to 5, 2022. Three parallel courses took place "in person" in Kiel (D), Sopot (PL) and Constanța (RO), and virtual meetings between the three locations connected them every day. Participation in Ocean@Home was free of charge.



Topics | Description | Requirements | Application | Partners & Team


The goal of this course was to introduce the participants to current issues of climate research and ocean sustainability and to discuss local aspects in the three countries. The following topics were addressed:

  • Observed and Expected Climate Change: Are we able to adapt?
  • Carbon Dioxide Removal: How to “clean” the atmosphere?
  • Ocean Sustainability: Implications of Marine Pollution and Fisheries


Course Description

Experts from the host institutions introduced and discussed the topics in the mornings in simultaneous virtual presentations to all three groups. After that, on-site practical tasks were carried out by the students either separately in the three locations or in cooperation via video-conferences. These included activities like experiments or a simulation game. Each day was finished with a virtual get-together in the international group to discuss results and exchange views.

The daily work schedule was from 09:00 hrs (Central European Time) to around 16:00 hrs.

(Here is an article on Ocean@Home in the last year, where the course took place as a purely virtual event.)


Course Requirements

Requirements for participation were:

  • Curiosity about ocean- and climate-studies
  • Enthusiasm and openness for new people
  • A fair grasp of English to connect with everyone



The course is now closed, but we hope to organize it again in 2023 in presence for all participants in one of the three countries. If this is possible, it will be advertised on the GEOMAR school program websites from around March/April.


 Cooperating Partners & Team

Ocean@Home is a course inspired by support from the German-Polish Youth Office in 2021 and jointly prepared and presented by the following scientific institutions and non-profit organizations:


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