List of peer-reviewed articles 2025

Number of items: 4.

Mu, F. and Fiedler, S. (In Press / Accepted) How much do atmospheric depressions and Mongolian cyclones contribute to spring dust activities in East Asia?. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science . DOI 10.1038/s41612-025-00929-w.

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Oschlies, A. , Bach, L. T. , Fennel, K., Gattuso, J. P. and Mengis, N. (2025) Perspectives and challenges of marine carbon dioxide removal. Open Access Frontiers in Climate, 6 . Art.Nr. 1506181. DOI 10.3389/fclim.2024.1506181.

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Rudloff, D., Lübbecke, J. F. and Wahl, S. (2025) Seasonality of feedback mechanisms involved in Pacific coastal Nino events. Open Access Climate Dynamics, 63 (1). Art.Nr. 58. DOI 10.1007/s00382-024-07549-9.

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Sohail, H. M., Schuster, M., Krüger, J. and Lueg, R. (2025) Physical climate risk: Stock price reactions to the historically most extreme European and United States heat waves since 1979. Open Access PLOS ONE, 20 (1). Art.Nr.: e0318166. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0318166.

This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 16:04:40 2025 CET.

List of peer-reviewed articles 2024

Number of items: 31.

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Almendra, I., Dewitte, B., Garçon, V., Muñoz, P., Parada, C., Montes, I., Duteil, O. , Paulmier, A., Pizarro, O., Ramos, M., Koeve, W. and Oschlies, A. (2024) Emergent constraint on oxygenation of the upper South Eastern Pacific oxygen minimum zone in the twenty-first century. Open Access Communications Earth & Environment, 5 (1). Art.Nr. 284. DOI 10.1038/s43247-024-01427-2.

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Ayres, H. C., Ferreira, D., Park, W. , Kjellsson, J. and Ödalen, M. (2024) A comparison of the atmospheric response to the Weddell Sea Polynya in atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) of varying resolutions. Open Access Weather and Climate Dynamics, 5 (2). pp. 805-820. DOI 10.5194/wcd-5-805-2024.

[thumbnail of Geophysical Research Letters - 2024 - Bayr - Is El Ni o‐Southern Oscillation a Tipping Element in the Climate System.pdf]

Bayr, T. , Lübbecke, J. F. and Fiedler, S. (2024) Is El Nino‐Southern Oscillation a Tipping Element in the Climate System?. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (13). DOI 10.1029/2023GL107848.

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Bayr, T. , Lübbecke, J. F. , Vialard, J. and Latif, M. (2024) Equatorial Pacific Cold Tongue Bias Degrades Simulation of ENSO Asymmetry due to Underestimation of Strong Eastern Pacific El Niños. Journal of Climate, 37 (23). pp. 6167-6182. DOI 10.1175/JCLI-D-24-0071.1.

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Ferchichi, K. B., Böhnert, T., Ritter, B., Harpke, D., Stoll, A., Morales, P., Fiedler, S. , Mu, F. , Bechteler, J., Münker, C., Koch, M. A., Wiehe, T. and Quandt, D. (2024) Genetic diversity of the Atacama Desert shrub Huidobria chilensis in the context of geography and climate. Global and Planetary Change, 234 . Art.Nr. 104385. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2024.104385.

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Fiedler, S. , Naik, V., O'Connor, F. M., Smith, C. J., Pincus, R., Griffiths, P., Kramer, R., Takemura, T., Allen, R. J., Im, U., Kasoar, M., Modak, A., Turnock, S., Voulgarakis, A., Watson-Parris, D., Westervelt, D. M., Wilcox, L. J., Zhao, A., Collins, W. J., Schulz, M., Myhre, G. and Forster, P. M. (2024) Interactions between atmospheric composition and climate change – Progress in understanding and future opportunities from AerChemMIP, PDRMIP, and RFMIP. Open Access Geoscientific Model Development, 7 (6). pp. 2387-2417. DOI 10.5194/gmd-17-2387-2024.

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Ho-Tran, L. and Fiedler, S. (2024) A climatology of weather-driven anomalies in European photovoltaic and wind power production. Open Access Communications Earth & Environment, 5 (1). Art.Nr. 63. DOI 10.1038/s43247-024-01224-x.

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Ho-Tran, L. and Fiedler, S. (2024) More summertime low-power production extremes in Germany with a larger solar power share. Open Access Solar Energy, 283 . Art.Nr.: 112979. DOI 10.1016/j.solener.2024.112979.

[thumbnail of JGR Atmospheres - 2024 - Huo - Impacts of North Atlantic Model Biases on Natural Decadal Climate Variability.pdf]

Huo, W. , Drews, A. , Martin, T. and Wahl, S. (2024) Impacts of North Atlantic Model Biases on Natural Decadal Climate Variability. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129 (4). Art.Nr. e2023JD039778. DOI 10.1029/2023JD039778.

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Huo, W. , Spiegl, T., Wahl, S. , Matthes, K. , Langematz, U., Pohlmann, H. and Kröger, J. (Submitted) Assessment of the 11-year solar cycle signals in the middle atmosphere in multiple-model ensemble simulations. Open Access EGUsphere . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-2024-1288.

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Huo, W. , Xiao, Z., Zhao, L. and Liu, F. (2024) Ascending phase of solar cycle 25 tilts the current El Niño–Southern oscillation transition. Open Access Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 17 (1). Art.Nr. 100397. DOI 10.1016/j.aosl.2023.100397.

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Imbol Koungue, R. A. , Brandt, P. , Prigent, A. , Aroucha, L. C., Lübbecke, J. F. , Imbol Nkwinkwa N., A. S. , Dengler, M. and Keenlyside, N. S. (2024) Drivers and impact of the 2021 extreme warm event in the tropical Angolan upwelling system. Open Access Scientific Reports, 14 . Art.Nr. 16824. DOI 10.1038/s41598-024-67569-7.

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Jensen, L., Gerdener, H., Eicker, A., Kusche, J. and Fiedler, S. (2024) Observations indicate regionally misleading wetting and drying trends in CMIP6. Open Access npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7 (1). Art.Nr.: 249. DOI 10.1038/s41612-024-00788-x.

[thumbnail of Geophysical Research Letters - 2024 - Kahnert - Optical Characterization of Marine Aerosols Using a Morphologically.pdf]

Kahnert, M. and Kanngießer, F. (2024) Optical Characterization of Marine Aerosols Using a Morphologically Realistic Model With Varying Water Content: Implications for Lidar Applications and Passive Polarimetric Remote Sensing. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (5). Art.Nr. e2023GL107541. DOI 10.1029/2023GL107541.

[thumbnail of AGU Advances - 2024 - Kanngießer - Seeing Beneath the Clouds Machine‐Learning‐Based Reconstruction of North African Dust-1.pdf]

Kanngießer, F. and Fiedler, S. (2024) “Seeing” Beneath the Clouds — Machine-Learning-Based Reconstruction of North African Dust Plumes. Open Access AGU Advances, 5 (1). Art.Nr. e2023AV001042. DOI 10.1029/2023AV001042.

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Latif, M. , Martin, T. and Bielke, I. (2024) Regional Variation in Extratropical North Atlantic Air‐Sea Interaction 1960–2020. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (11). Art.Nr.: e2024GL108174. DOI 10.1029/2024GL108174.

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Liu, Y., Kjellsson, J. , Savita, A. and Park, W. (Submitted) Impact of horizontal resolution and model time step on European precipitation extremes in the OpenIFS 43r3 atmosphere model. Open Access Geoscientific Model Development . DOI 10.5194/gmd-2024-66.

[thumbnail of JGR Atmospheres - 2024 - Luiz - Global Climatology of Low‐Level‐Jets Occurrence Characteristics and Meteorological.pdf]

Luiz, E. W. and Fiedler, S. (2024) Global Climatology of Low‐Level‐Jets: Occurrence, Characteristics, and Meteorological Drivers. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129 (9). Art.Nr. e2023JD040262. DOI 10.1029/2023JD040262.

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Monteiro, E. A., Silvy, Y., Hohn, D. , Burger, F. A., Frölicher, T. L. and Mengis, N. (2024) FROT: A Framework to comprehensively describe radiative contributions to temperature responses. Open Access Environmental Research Letters, 19 (12). Art.Nr: 124012. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ad8807.

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Nandini-Weiss, S. D., Ojha, S., Köhl, A., Jungclaus, J. H. and Stammer, D. (2024) Long-term climate change impacts on regional sterodynamic sea level statistics analyzed from the MPI-ESM large ensemble simulation. Open Access Climate Dynamics, 62 . pp. 1311-1328. DOI 10.1007/s00382-023-06982-6.

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Nnamchi, H. C. and Diallo, I. (2024) Inconsistent Atlantic Links to Precipitation Extremes over the Humid Tropics. Open Access Earth Systems and Environment, 8 . pp. 347-368. DOI 10.1007/s41748-023-00370-0.

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Nworgu, U. C., Nnamchi, H. C. and Rosario, N. E. (2024) Divergent future change in South Atlantic Ocean Dipole impacts on regional rainfall in CMIP6 models. Open Access Environmental Research: Climate, 3 (3). Art.Nr. 035002. DOI 10.1088/2752-5295/ad3a0e.

[thumbnail of JGR Atmospheres - 2024 - Pinto - Why Is the Dust Activity in the Atacama Desert Low Despite its Aridity.pdf]

Pinto, R. and Fiedler, S. (2024) Why Is the Dust Activity in the Atacama Desert Low Despite its Aridity?. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129 (16). Art.Nr.: e2023JD040462. DOI 10.1029/2023JD040462.

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Prigent, A. , Imbol Koungue, R. A. , Lübbecke, J. F. , Brandt, P. , Harlaß, J. and Latif, M. (2024) Future weakening of southeastern tropical Atlantic Ocean interannual sea surface temperature variability in a global climate model. Open Access Climate Dynamics, 62 (3). pp. 1997-2016. DOI 10.1007/s00382-023-07007-y.

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Rahm, T., Pilch Kedzierski, R. , Hänsch, M. and Matthes, K. (Submitted) Downward Coupling of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings: Important Role of Synoptic-Scale Waves Demonstrated by ERA5 Reanalysis. Open Access EGUsphere . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-2024-667.

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Savita, A., Kjellsson, J. , Kedzierski, R. P. , Latif, M. , Rahm, T., Wahl, S. and Park, W. (2024) Assessment of Climate Biases in OpenIFS Version 43R3 across Model Horizontal Resolutions and Time Steps. Open Access Geoscientific Model Development, 17 (4). pp. 1813-1829. DOI 10.5194/gmd-17-1813-2024.

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Scheele, R. C. and Fiedler, S. (2024) What drives historical and future changes in photovoltaic power production from the perspective of global warming?. Open Access Environmental Research Letters, 19 (1). Art.Nr. 014030. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ad10d6.

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Shigemitsu, M., Duteil, O. , Ito, T., Tjiputra, J. and Eddebbar, Y. (2024) Editorial: Constraining Uncertainties in Hindcasts and Future Projections of Marine Deoxygenation. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 10 . Art.Nr. 1355015. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2023.1355015.

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Steinig, S. , Dummann, W., Hofmann, P., Frank, M. , Park, W. , Wagner, T. and Flögel, S. (2024) Controls on Early Cretaceous South Atlantic Ocean circulation and carbon burial – a climate model-proxy synthesis. Open Access Climate of the Past, 20 (7). pp. 1537-1558. DOI 10.5194/cp-20-1537-2024.

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Yao, W. , Morganti, T., Wu, J., Borchers, M., Anschütz, A. A., Bednarz, L. K., Bhaumik, A., Boettcher, M., Burkhard, K., Cabus, T., Sueyi Chua, A., Diercks, I., Esposito, M., Fink, M., Fouqueray, M., Gasanzade, F., Geilert, S. , Hauck, J., Havermann, F., Hellige, I., Hoog, S., Jürchott, M. , Thanveer Kalapurakkal, H., Kemper, J., Kremin, I. , Lange, I., Lencina-Avila, J. M., Liadova, M., Liu, F., Mathesius, S. , Mehendale, N., Nagwekar, T., Philippi, M., Leite Neves da Luz, G., Ramasamy, M., Stahl, F., Tank, L., Vorrath, M. E., Westmark, L., Wey, H. W. , Wollnick, R., W�olfelschneider, M., Bach, W., Bischof, K., Boersma, M., Daewel, U., Fernandez-Mendez, M., Geuer, J., Keller, D. P. , Kopf, A. J., Merk, C., Moosdorf, N., Oppelt, N. M., Oschlies, A. , Pongratz, J., Proelss, A., Rehder, G., Rüpke, L. H. , Szarka, N., Thrän, D., Wallmann, K. and Mengis, N. (Submitted) Exploring site-specific carbon dioxide removal options with storage or sequestration in the marine environment - The 10 Mt CO2 yr-1 removal challenge for Germany. Open Access Earth's Future . DOI 10.22541/essoar.171650351.11778445/v1.

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Ying, R., Monteiro, F. M., Wilson, J. D., Ödalen, M. and Schmidt, D. N. (2024) Past foraminiferal acclimatization capacity is limited during future warming. Open Access Nature, 636 . pp. 385-389. DOI 10.1038/s41586-024-08029-0.

This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 16:04:41 2025 CET.

List of peer-reviewed articles 2023

Number of items: 26.

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Bayr, T. and Latif, M. (2023) ENSO atmospheric feedbacks under global warming and their relation to mean-state changes. Open Access Climate Dynamics, 60 . pp. 2613-2631. DOI 10.1007/s00382-022-06454-3.

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Bischof, S. , Pilch Kedzierski, R. , Hänsch, M., Wahl, S. and Matthes, K. (2023) The Role of the North Atlantic for Heat Wave Characteristics in Europe, an ECHAM6 Study. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 50 (23). Art.Nr. e2023GL105280. DOI 10.1029/2023GL105280.

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Boroughani, M., Mirchooli, F., Hadavifar, M. and Fiedler, S. (2023) Mapping land degradation risk due to land susceptibility to dust emission and water erosion. Open Access SOIL, 9 (2). pp. 411-423. DOI 10.5194/soil-9-411-2023.

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Casselman, J. W., Lübbecke, J. F. , Bayr, T. , Huo, W. , Wahl, S. and Domeisen, D. I. V. (2023) The teleconnection of extreme El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events to the tropical North Atlantic in coupled climate models. Open Access Weather and Climate Dynamics, 4 (2). pp. 471-487. DOI 10.5194/wcd-4-471-2023.

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Couldrey, M. P., Gregory, J. M., Dong, X., Garuba, O., Haak, H., Hu, A., Hurlin, W. J., Jin, J., Jungclaus, J., Köhl, A., Liu, H., Ojha, S., Saenko, O. A., Savita, A., Suzuki, T., Yu, Z. and Zanna, L. (2023) Greenhouse-gas forced changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and related worldwide sea-level change. Open Access Climate Dynamics, 60 . pp. 2003-2039. DOI 10.1007/s00382-022-06386-y.

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Ding, R., Nnamchi, H. C. , Yu, J. Y., Li, T., Sun, C., Li, J., Tseng, Y., Li, X., Xie, F., Feng, J., Ji, K. and Li, X. (2023) North Atlantic oscillation controls multidecadal changes in the North Tropical Atlantic−Pacific connection. Open Access Nature Communications, 14 (1). Art.Nr. 862. DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-36564-3.

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Dommo, A., Klutse, N. A. B., Fiedler, S. , Koffi, H. A. and Vondou, D. A. (2023) The seasonal cycle of cloud radiative effects over Congo Basin based on CERES observation and comparison to CMIP6 models. Atmospheric Research, 291 . Art.Nr. 106820. DOI 10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106820.

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Duteil, O. and Park, W. (2023) Future changes in atmospheric synoptic variability slow down ocean circulation and decrease primary productivity in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Open Access npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6 (1). Art. Nr. 136. DOI 10.1038/s41612-023-00459-3.

[thumbnail of Geophysical Research Letters - 2023 - Fiedler.pdf] [thumbnail of 2023gl104848-sup-0001-supporting information si-s01.pdf]

Fiedler, S. , van Noije, T., Smith, C. J., Boucher, O., Dufresne, J., Kirkevåg, A., Olivié, D., Pinto, R., Reerink, T., Sima, A. and Schulz, M. (2023) Historical Changes and Reasons for Model Differences in Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing in CMIP6. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 50 (15). Art.Nr. e2023GL104848. DOI 10.1029/2023GL104848.

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Hohenegger, C., Ament, F., Beyrich, F., Löhnert, U., Rust, H., Bange, J., Böck, T., Böttcher, C., Boventer, J., Burgemeister, F., Clemens, M., Detring, C., Detring, I., Dewani, N., Duran, I. B., Fiedler, S. , Göber, M., van Heerwaarden, C., Heusinkveld, B., Kirsch, B., Klocke, D., Knist, C., Lange, I., Lauermann, F., Lehmann, V., Lehmke, J., Leinweber, R., Lundgren, K., Masbou, M., Mauder, M., Mol, W., Nevermann, H., Nomokonova, T., Päschke, E., Platis, A., Reichardt, J., Rochette, L., Sakradzija, M., Schlemmer, L., Schmidli, J., Shokri, N., Sobottke, V., Speidel, J., Steinheuer, J., Turner, D. D., Vogelmann, H., Wedemeyer, C., Weide-Luiz, E., Wiesner, S., Wildmann, N., Wolz, K. and Wetz, T. (2023) FESSTVaL: the Field Experiment on Submesoscale Spatio-Temporal Variability in Lindenberg. Open Access Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104 (10). E1875-E1892. DOI 10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0330.1.

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Huo, W. , Xiao, Z. and Zhao, L. (2023) Modulation of the solar activity on the connection between the NAO and the tropical pacific SST variability. Open Access Frontiers in Earth Science, 11 . Art.Nr. 1147582. DOI 10.3389/feart.2023.1147582.

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Huo, W. , Xiao, Z. and Zhao, L. (2023) Phase-Locked Impact of the 11-Year Solar Cycle on Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability. Journal of Climate, 36 (2). pp. 421-439. DOI 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0595.1.

[thumbnail of Krüger_Tellus_a_2023.pdf]

Krüger, J. , Kjellsson, J. , Kedzierski, R. P. and Claus, M. (2023) Connecting North Atlantic SST Variability to European Heat Events over the Past Decades. Open Access Tellus A: Dynamic meteorology and oceanography, 75 (1). pp. 358-374. DOI 10.16993/tellusa.3235.

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Landt-Hayen, M., Rath, W. , Wahl, S. , Niebaum, N., Claus, M. and Kröger, P. (2023) A climate index collection based on model data. Open Access Environmental Data Science, 2 . Art.Nr. e9. DOI 10.1017/eds.2023.5.

[thumbnail of s43247-023-00912-4.pdf]

Latif, M. , Bayr, T. , Kjellsson, J. , Lübbecke, J. F. , Martin, T. , Nnamchi, H. C. , Park, W., Savita, A., Sun, J. and Dommenget, D. (2023) Strengthening atmospheric circulation and trade winds slowed tropical Pacific surface warming. Open Access Communications Earth & Environment, 4 (1). Art.Nr. 249. DOI 10.1038/s43247-023-00912-4.

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Mu, F., Luiz, E. W. and Fiedler, S. (2023) On the dynamics and air-quality impact of the exceptional East Asian dust outbreak in mid-March 2021. Open Access Atmospheric Research, 292 . Art.Nr. 106846. DOI 10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106846.

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Nnamchi, H. C. , Farneti, R., Keenlyside, N. S., Kucharski, F., Latif, M. , Reintges, A. and Martin, T. (2023) Pan-Atlantic decadal climate oscillation linked to ocean circulation. Open Access Communications Earth & Environment, 4 . Art.Nr. 121. DOI 10.1038/s43247-023-00781-x.

[thumbnail of Geophysical Research Letters - 2023 - Prigent - Uncertainty on Atlantic Ni o Variability Projections.pdf] [thumbnail of 2023gl105000-sup-0001-supporting information si-s01.pdf]

Prigent, A., Imbol Koungue, R. A. , Imbol Nkwinkwa N., A. S. , Beobide‐Arsuaga, G. and Farneti, R. (2023) Uncertainty on Atlantic Niño Variability Projections. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 50 (24). e2023GL105000. DOI 10.1029/2023GL105000.

[thumbnail of cp-19-517-2023.pdf] [thumbnail of cp-19-517-2023-supplement.pdf]

Reyers, M., Fiedler, S. , Ludwig, P., Böhm, C., Wennrich, V. and Shao, Y. (2023) On the importance of moisture conveyor belts from the tropical eastern Pacific for wetter conditions in the Atacama Desert during the mid-Pliocene. Open Access Climate of the Past, 19 . pp. 517-532. DOI 10.5194/cp-19-517-2023.

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Richardson, K., Steffen, W., Lucht, W., Bendtsen, J., Cornell, S. E., Donges, J. F., Drüke, M., Fetzer, I., Bala, G., von Bloh, W., Feulner, G., Fiedler, S. , Gerten, D., Gleeson, T., Hofmann, M., Huiskamp, W., Kummu, M., Mohan, C., Nogués-Bravo, D., Petri, S., Porkka, M., Rahmstorf, S., Schaphoff, S., Thonicke, K., Tobian, A., Virkki, V., Wang-Erlandsson, L., Weber, L. and Rockström, J. (2023) Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries. Open Access Science Advances, 9 (37). Art.Nr. eadh2458. DOI 10.1126/sciadv.adh2458.

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Sallée, J. B., Abrahamsen, E. P., Allaigre, C., Auger, M., Ayres, H., Badhe, R., Boutin, J., Brearley, J. A., de Lavergne, C., ten Doeschate, A. M. M., Droste, E. S., du Plessis, M. D., Ferreira, D., Giddy, I. S., Gülk, B., Gruber, N., Hague, M., Hoppema, M., Josey, S. A., Kanzow, T., Kimmritz, M., Lindeman, M. R., Llanillo, P. J., Lucas, N. S., Madec, G., Marshall, D. P., Meijers, A. J. S., Meredith, M. P., Mohrmann, M., Monteiro, P. M. S., Mosneron Dupin, C., Naeck, K., Narayanan, A., Naveira Garabato, A. C., Nicholson, S. A., Novellino, A., Ödalen, M., Østerhus, S., Park, W. , Patmore, R. D., Piedagnel, E., Roquet, F., Rosenthal, H. S., Roy, T., Saurabh, R., Silvy, Y., Spira, T., Steiger, N., Styles, A. F., Swart, S., Vogt, L., Ward, B. and Zhou, S. (2023) Southern ocean carbon and heat impact on climate. Open Access Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 381 (2249). Art.Nr. 20220056. DOI 10.1098/rsta.2022.0056.

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Siuts, T., Bayr, T. and Lübbecke, J. F. (2023) Changes in ENSO Characteristics in Model Simulations with Considerably Altered Background Climate States. Journal of Climate, 36 (2). pp. 467-483. DOI 10.1175/jcli-d-21-1004.1.

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Sun, J. , Latif, M. and Park, W. (2023) Atlantic decadal-to-bidecadal variability in a version of the Kiel Climate Model. Open Access Climate Dynamics, 61 . pp. 4703-4716. DOI 10.1007/s00382-023-06821-8.

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