Prof. Dr. habil. Heidrun Kopp

Wissenschaftlerin, Topic 3
Forschungsbereich 4: Dynamik des Ozeanbodens
Forschungseinheit: Marine Geodynamik

Tel.: 0431 600 2334
E-mail: hkopp(at)

GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Gebäude 8/D-227, Ostufer
Wischhofstrasse 1-3
24148 Kiel

Anne Völsch / Jette Schätzel / Ines Staben
Tel.: 0431 600 2271
E-mail: office-fb4(at)


Projekte und Expeditionen

  • 2026:              T-SECTOR CLEFT (PI), ERC SynGrant, SO321/1-2
  • 2025:              MMC-3 (PI), DAM, M215
  • 2025:              T-SECTOR SEPR (co-PI), ERC SynGrant, SO314
  • 2024 - 2026:   Verbundprojekt MULTI-MAREX (Koordinatorin) in der 3. DAM. Forschungsmission mareXtreme
  • 2023 - 2029:   T-SECTOR (PI), ERC Synergy Grant
  • 2023 - 2025:   DYNAMET (co-PI), BMBF, SO299
  • 2022 – 2026:  EnvSeis (PI), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network, EU
  • 2022 - 2025:   PISAGUA (co-PI), BMBF, SO297
  • 2022 - 2024:   CLOCKS (co-PI), BMBF, SO294
  • 2021 - 2024:   COMBO (PI), BMBF, SO288
  • 2018 - 2020:   SPP2017 Alp Array (PI), DFG
  • 2018 - 2020:   ARCHIMEDES (co-PI), BMBF, SO267
  • 2017 - 2021:   LOBSTER (PI), DFG, MSM71
  • 2017:              MARE (PI),  DFG, M143
  • 2015 - 2018:   GeoSEA (Koordinatorin), BMBF, SO244
  • 2015:              Marsite Pickup (PI), DFG, POS484/1
  • 2014:              DIONYSUS (PI), DFG, M111
  • 2012 - 2014:   GEOSEA (PI), BMBF
  • 2011 - 2012:   ALPHA (PI), DFG, M86/3
  • 2011 - 2013:   South China Sea (PI), NSF China
  • 2010 - 2011:   TIGER, Petersen Stiftung
  • 2007 - 2009:   MANGO (PI), BMBF, SO192
  • 2006 - 2007:   SINDBAD (Koordinatorin), BMBF, SO190
  • 2005 - 2008:   SEACAUSE I & II (PI), BMBF, SO186/3
  • 2006 - 2007:   SUNDA (PI), DFG
  • 2006 - 2009:   Thales was Right (co-PI), EU-6 FP, MSM04/02
  • 2006 - 2007:   TRAIL (PI), DFG
  • 2005 - 2008:   SALVATORE (co-PI), EU-6 FP
  • 2004 - 2006:   MERAMEX (PI), BMBF SO176 & SO179
  • 2004 - 2005:   SundaArc (co-PI), DFG/BMBF


Forschung und Werdegang

seit 2024
Koordinatorin des Verbundprojekts MULTI-MAREX der 3. DAM Forschungsmission mareXtreme
seit 2023
PI, ERC Synergy Grant T-Sector: Testing Solid Earth Climate connections Through mid Ocean Ridge time series
seit 2021
Leiterin des Forschungsbereichs 4: Dynamik des Ozeanbodens, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR)
2019 - 2021
Präsidentin der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft DGG
2018 - 2028
Adjunct, Dept of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University 
2012 - 2017
Leiterin des Forschungsbereichs 4: Dynamik des Ozeanbodens, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR)
seit 2012
W3-Professorin für Marine Geodäsie, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR) und Christian-Albrechts-Universität
2003 - 2012
Juniorprofessorin für Marine Seismologie, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel
2001 - 2003
Post-Doc, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel


2018            Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) und Univ. Victoria, Kanada
1998            U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, USA


2011             Habilitation und venia legendi, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
1999 - 2001 Promotion in Geophysik, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Geomar
1992 - 1997 Studium der Geophysik, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel


  • 060021           Regionale Geophysik
  • 500087           Current Research Topics in Marine Geodynamics
  • 060910           Dynamik der Erde / Dynamics of the Earth
  • 500078           Einführung in die Geophysik I
  • 060187           Plate Tectonics
  • 500035           Petroleum Geophysics
  • 500073           Einführung in die Geophysik II: Geoelektrik
  • 060183           Praktikum zu Einführung in die Geophysik II
  • 500051           Fundamental Concepts in Geodynamics
  • 500144           Continental Margins
  • 500095           Geothermie
  • 500028           Reservoirgeophysik
  • 06515             Subduction Zones – Subduction Factory

Gremien und Mitarbeit

2021 - 2023
Vizepräsidentin Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft
2019 - 2021
Vorsitzende der European Marine Board Working Group Marine Geohazards and Blue Economy
seit 2019
Vize-Präsidentin des Inter-Commission Committee on Marine Geodesy (ICCM) der IUGG
Präsidentin der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft
2017 - 2019
designierte Präsidentin der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft
2016 - 2019
Mitglied im Wissenschaftlichen Beirat, DVGeo
2015 -2021
Mitglied in der Kommission unabhängiger wissenschaftlicher Sachverständiger Umweltschutz in der Antarktis, Umweltbundesamt
2015 - 2024
Mitglied im Lenkungsausschuss SPP2017 & AlpArray
2010 - 2023
Mitglied des Vorstandes der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft


Kopp, H., Lange, D., Steffen, K. P. and Petersen, F. Antragsteller/Inhaber: GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (2017) Vorrichtung zur lösbaren Verbindung eines Drahtes und Verfahren zum Ausbringen des Gerätes in ein Gewässer mit der Vorrichtung. DE 102016107558 A1 2017.10.26 (Patent).


ausgewählte Publikationen

Publikationen (OceanRep)

Number of items: 387.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

[thumbnail of Geochem Geophys Geosyst - 2025 - Warwel - Seismic Structure and Tectonics of the North‐Central Chilean Subduction Zone.pdf] [thumbnail of 2024gc011829-sup-0001-supporting information si-s01.pdf]

Warwel, A., Lange, D. , Dannowski, A. , Contreras‐Reyes, E., Klaucke, I. , Diaz‐Naveas, J., Moreno, M. and Kopp, H. (2025) Seismic Structure and Tectonics of the North‐Central Chilean Subduction Zone Along the Copiapó Ridge From Amphibious Seismic Refraction Tomography and Local Seismicity. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 26 (1). e2024GC011829. DOI 10.1029/2024GC011829.

[thumbnail of Geophysical Research Letters - 2025 - Melo - Relationship Between Rupture Length and Magnitude of Oceanic Transform Fault.pdf] [thumbnail of 2024gl112891-sup-0001-supporting information si-s01.pdf]

de Melo, G. W. S. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Metz, D. and Kopp, H. (2025) Relationship Between Rupture Length and Magnitude of Oceanic Transform Fault Earthquakes. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 52 (1). e2024GL112891. DOI 10.1029/2024gl112891.

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Beniest, A., Dannowski, A. , Schnabel, M., Kopp, H. , Augustin, N. , Barckhausen, U., Brandl, P. A. , Devey, C. W. , Engels, M., Hannington, M. D., Heyde, I., Jegen, A., Klaucke, I. , Petersen, F. , Petersen, P., Riedel, M. , Schmid, F. , Schramm, B., Stewart, M. S., Weber, M. and Werner, R. and the SO267 Scientist Party (2024) Tectonic Quiescence in Actively Extending Back‐Arc Regions. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129 (9). Art.Nr.: e2024JB029236. DOI 10.1029/2024JB029236.

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Jegen, A. M., Lange, D. , Karstensen, J. , Pizarro, O. and Kopp, H. (2024) Deep ocean hydrographic variability estimated from distributed geodetic sensor arrays off northern Chile. Open Access Scientific Reports, 14 . Art.Nr. 11163. DOI 10.1038/s41598-024-61929-z.

[thumbnail of JGR Solid Earth - 2023 - Xia - Seamount and Ridge Subduction at the Java Margin Indonesia Effects on Structural Geology.pdf] [thumbnail of 2022jb026272-sup-0001-supporting information si-s01.pdf]

Xia, Y. , Kopp, H. , Klaeschen, D. , Geersen, J. , Ma, B. and Schnabel, M. (2023) Seamount and Ridge Subduction at the Java Margin, Indonesia: Effects on Structural Geology and Seismogenesis. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128 (9). e2022JB026272. DOI 10.1029/2022jb026272.

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Gutscher, M. A., Quetel, L., Murphy, S., Riccobene, G., Royer, J. Y., Barreca, G., Aurnia, S., Klingelhoefer, F., Cappelli, G., Urlaub, M. , Krastel, S. , Gross, F. and Kopp, H. (2023) Detecting strain with a fiber optic cable on the seafloor offshore Mount Etna, Southern Italy. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 616 . Art.Nr. 118230. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118230.

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Schulten, I., Micallef, A. , Krastel, S. , Urlaub, M. , Gutscher, M. A. and Kopp, H. (2023) Reconstruction of the 1908 Messina gravity flow (central Mediterranean Sea) from geophysical and sedimentological data. Open Access Marine Geology, 459 . Art.Nr. 107047. DOI 10.1016/j.margeo.2023.107047.

[thumbnail of Geochem Geophys Geosyst - 2023 - Jegen - Extension Dynamics of the Northern Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center and the.pdf] [thumbnail of 2022gc010550-sup-0001-supporting information si-s01.pdf]

Jegen, A. M., Dannowski, A. , Schnabel, M., Barckhausen, U., Brandl, P. A. , Riedel, M. , Beniest, A., Heyde, I., Hannington, M. D., Sandhu, A., Werner, R. and Kopp, H. (2023) Extension Dynamics of the Northern Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center and the Southern Mangatolu Triple Junction in the Lau Basin at 16°S. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24 (4). Art.Nr. e2022GC010550. DOI 10.1029/2022GC010550.

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Ma, B. , Geersen, J. , Klaeschen, D. , Contreras-Reyes, E. , Riedel, M. , Xia, Y. , Tréhu, A. M., Lange, D. and Kopp, H. (2023) Impact of the Iquique Ridge on structure and deformation of the north Chilean subduction zone. Open Access Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 124 . Art.Nr. 104262. DOI 10.1016/j.jsames.2023.104262.

Ma, B. , Geersen, J. , Lange, D. , Klaeschen, D. , Grevemeyer, I. , Contreras-Reyes, E., Petersen, F. , Riedel, M. , Xia, Y., Tréhu, A. M. and Kopp, H. (2022) Megathrust reflectivity reveals the updip limit of the 2014 Iquique earthquake rupture. Open Access Nature Communications, 13 . Art.Nr. 3969 (2022). DOI 10.1038/s41467-022-31448-4.

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Urlaub, M. , Geersen, J. , Petersen, F. , Gross, F., Bonforte, A., Krastel, S. and Kopp, H. (2022) The Submarine Boundaries of Mount Etna’s Unstable Southeastern Flank. Open Access Frontiers in Earth Science, 10 . Art.Nr. 810790. DOI 10.3389/feart.2022.810790.

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Xia, Y., Klaeschen, D. , Kopp, H. and Schnabel, M. (2022) Reflection tomography by depth warping: A case study across the Java trench. Open Access Solid Earth, 13 . pp. 367-392. DOI 10.5194/se-13-367-2022.

Gómez de La Peña, L. , Gràcia, E., Maesano, F. E., Basili, R., Kopp, H. , Sánchez-Serra, C., Scala, A., Romano, F., Volpe, M., Piatanesi, A. and Ranero, C. R. (2022) A first appraisal of the seismogenic and tsunamigenic potential of the largest fault systems in the westernmost Mediterranean. Open Access Marine Geology, 445 . Art.Nr. 106749. DOI 10.1016/j.margeo.2022.106749.

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El-Sharkawy, A., Meier, T., Hübscher, C., Lebedev, S., Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Behrmann, J. H. , McGrandle, A. and Hamada, M. (2021) Lithospheric structure of the eastern Mediterranean Sea: Inferences from surface wave tomography and stochastic inversions constrained by wide-angle refraction measurements. Tectonophysics, 821 . Art.Nr. 229159. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229159.

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Wolf, F. N. , Lange, D. , Dannowski, A. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W., Wiesenberg, L., Grevemeyer, I. and Kopp, H. and AlpArray Working Group (2021) 3D crustal structure of the Ligurian Basin revealed by surface wavetomography using ocean bottom seismometer data. Open Access Solid Earth, 12 . pp. 2597-2613. DOI 10.5194/se-2021-55.

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Thorwart, M., Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Petersen, F. , Crawford, W. and Paul, A. and AlpArray Working Group (2021) Basin inversion: Reactivated rift structures in the Ligurian Sea revealed by OBS. Open Access Solid Earth, 12 (11). 2553-2571. DOI 10.5194/se-12-2553-2021.

[thumbnail of se-12-2467-2021.pdf] [thumbnail of se-12-2467-2021-supplement.pdf]

Xia, Y., Geersen, J. , Klaeschen, D. , Ma, B. , Lange, D. , Riedel, M. , Schnabel, M. and Kopp, H. (2021) Marine forearc structure of eastern Java and its role in the 1994 Java tsunami earthquake. Open Access Solid Earth, 12 . pp. 2467-2477. DOI 10.5194/se-12-2467-2021.

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Hein, G., Kolínský, P., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Hetényi, G., Abreu, R., Allegretti, I., Apoloner, M. T., Aubert, C., Besançon, S., Bés de Berc, M., Bokelmann, G., Brunel, D., Capello, M., Čarman, M., Cavaliere, A., Chéze, J., Chiarabba, C., Clinton, J., Cougoulat, G., C. Crawford, W., Cristiano, L., Czifra, T., D’Alema, E., Danesi, S., Daniel, R., Dannowski, A. , Dasović, I., Deschamps, A., Dessa, J. X., Doubre, C., Egdorf, S., Fiket, T., Fischer, K., Friederich, W., Fuchs, F., Funke, S., Giardini, D., Govoni, A., Gráczer, Z., Gröschl, G., Heimers, S., Heit, B., Herak, D., Herak, M., Huber, J., Jarić, D., Jedlička, P., Jia, Y., Jund, H., Kissling, E., Klingen, S., Klotz, B., Kolínský, P., Kopp, H. , Korn, M., Kotek, J., Kühne, L., Kuk, K., Lange, D. , Loos, J., Lovati, S., Malengros, D., Margheriti, L., Maron, C., Martin, X., Massa, M., Mazzarini, F., Meier, T., Métral, L., Molinari, I., Moretti, M., Nardi, A., Pahor, J., Paul, A., Péquegnat, C., Petersen, D., Pesaresi, D., Piccinini, D., Piromallo, C., Plenefisch, T., Plomerová, J., Pondrelli, S., Prevolnik, S., Racine, R., Régnier, M., Reiss, M., Ritter, J., Rümpker, G., Salimbeni, S., Santulin, M., Scherer, W., Schippkus, S., Schulte-Kortnack, D., Šipka, V., Solarino, S., Spallarossa, D., Spieker, K., Stipčević, J., Strollo, A., Süle, B., Szanyi, G., Szűcs, E., Thomas, C., Thorwart, M., Tilmann, F., Ueding, S., Vallocchia, M., Vecsey, L., Voigt, R., Wassermann, J., Wéber, Z., Weidle, C., Wesztergom, V., Weyland, G., Wiemer, S., Wolf, F. N. , Wolyniec, D., Zieke, T., Živčić, M. and Žlebčíková, H. (2021) Shear wave splitting in the Alpine region. Open Access Geophysical Journal International, 227 (3). pp. 1996-2015. DOI 10.1093/gji/ggab305.

[thumbnail of se-12-1389-2021.pdf] [thumbnail of se-12-1389-2021-supplement.pdf]

Mader, S., Ritter, J. R. R., Reicherter, K., Bokelmann, G., Hetényi, G., Abreu, R., Allegretti, I., Apoloner, M. T., Aubert, C., Besançon, S., Bés de Berc, M., Bokelmann, G., Brunel, D., Capello, M., Čarman, M., Cavaliere, A., Chéze, J., Chiarabba, C., Clinton, J., Cougoulat, G., C. Crawford, W., Cristiano, L., Czifra, T., D’Alema, E., Danesi, S., Daniel, R., Dannowski, A. , Dasović, I., Deschamps, A., Dessa, J. X., Doubre, C., Egdorf, S., Fiket, T., Fischer, K., Friederich, W., Fuchs, F., Funke, S., Giardini, D., Govoni, A., Gráczer, Z., Gröschl, G., Heimers, S., Heit, B., Herak, D., Herak, M., Huber, J., Jarić, D., Jedlička, P., Jia, Y., Jund, H., Kissling, E., Klingen, S., Klotz, B., Kolínský, P., Kopp, H. , Korn, M., Kotek, J., Kühne, L., Kuk, K., Lange, D. , Loos, J., Lovati, S., Malengros, D., Margheriti, L., Maron, C., Martin, X., Massa, M., Mazzarini, F., Meier, T., Métral, L., Molinari, I., Moretti, M., Nardi, A., Pahor, J., Paul, A., Péquegnat, C., Petersen, D., Pesaresi, D., Piccinini, D., Piromallo, C., Plenefisch, T., Plomerová, J., Pondrelli, S., Prevolnik, S., Racine, R., Régnier, M., Reiss, M., Ritter, J., Rümpker, G., Salimbeni, S., Santulin, M., Scherer, W., Schippkus, S., Schulte-Kortnack, D., Šipka, V., Solarino, S., Spallarossa, D., Spieker, K., Stipčević, J., Strollo, A., Süle, B., Szanyi, G., Szűcs, E., Thomas, C., Thorwart, M., Tilmann, F., Ueding, S., Vallocchia, M., Vecsey, L., Voigt, R., Wassermann, J., Wéber, Z., Weidle, C., Wesztergom, V., Weyland, G., Wiemer, S., Wolf, F. N. , Wolyniec, D., Zieke, T., Živčić, M. and Žlebčíková, H. (2021) Seismicity and seismotectonics of the Albstadt Shear Zone in the northern Alpine foreland. Open Access Solid Earth, 12 . pp. 1389-1409. DOI 10.5194/se-12-1389-2021.

Kalmar, D., Hetényi, G., Balazs, A., Bondar, I., Abreu, R., Allegretti, I., Apoloner, M. T., Aubert, C., Besançon, S., Bés de Berc, M., Bianchi, I., Bokelmann, G., Brunel, D., Capello, M., Čarman, M., Cavaliere, A., Chéze, J., Chiarabba, C., Clinton, J., Cougoulat, G., C. Crawford, W., Cristiano, L., Czifra, T., D’Alema, E., Danesi, S., Daniel, R., Dannowski, A. , Dasović, I., Deschamps, A., Dessa, J. X., Doubre, C., Egdorf, S., Fiket, T., Fischer, K., Friederich, W., Fuchs, F., Funke, S., Giardini, D., Govoni, A., Gráczer, Z., Gröschl, G., Heimers, S., Heit, B., Herak, D., Herak, M., Huber, J., Jarić, D., Jedlička, P., Jia, Y., Jund, H., Kissling, E., Klingen, S., Klotz, B., Kolínský, P., Kopp, H. , Korn, M., Kotek, J., Kühne, L., Kuk, K., Lange, D. , Loos, J., Lovati, S., Malengros, D., Margheriti, L., Maron, C., Martin, X., Massa, M., Mazzarini, F., Meier, T., Métral, L., Molinari, I., Moretti, M., Nardi, A., Pahor, J., Paul, A., Péquegnat, C., Petersen, D., Pesaresi, D., Piccinini, D., Piromallo, C., Plenefisch, T., Plomerová, J., Pondrelli, S., Prevolnik, S., Racine, R., Régnier, M., Reiss, M., Ritter, J., Rümpker, G., Salimbeni, S., Santulin, M., Scherer, W., Schippkus, S., Schulte-Kortnack, D., Šipka, V., Solarino, S., Spallarossa, D., Spieker, K., Stipčević, J., Strollo, A., Süle, B., Szanyi, G., Szűcs, E., Thomas, C., Thorwart, M., Tilmann, F., Ueding, S., Vallocchia, M., Vecsey, L., Voigt, R., Wassermann, J., Wéber, Z., Weidle, C., Wesztergom, V., Weyland, G., Wiemer, S., Wolf, F. N. , Wolyniec, D., Zieke, T., Živčić, M. and Žlebčíková, H. (2021) Crustal Thinning From Orogen to Back-Arc Basin: The Structure of the Pannonian Basin Region Revealed by P-to-S Converted Seismic Waves. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126 (7). e2020JB021309. DOI 10.1029/2020JB021309.

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Jozi Najafabadi, A., Haberland, C., Ryberg, T., Verwater, V. F., Le Breton, E., Handy, M. R., Weber, M., Apoloner, M. T., Aubert, C., Besançon, S., Bés de Berc, M., Bokelmann, G., Brunel, D., Capello, M., Čarman, M., Cavaliere, A., Chéze, J., Chiarabba, C., Clinton, J., Cougoulat, G., C. Crawford, W., Cristiano, L., Czifra, T., D’Alema, E., Danesi, S., Daniel, R., Dannowski, A. , Dasović, I., Deschamps, A., Dessa, J. X., Doubre, C., Egdorf, S., Fiket, T., Fischer, K., Friederich, W., Fuchs, F., Funke, S., Giardini, D., Govoni, A., Gráczer, Z., Gröschl, G., Heimers, S., Heit, B., Herak, D., Herak, M., Huber, J., Jarić, D., Jedlička, P., Jia, Y., Jund, H., Kissling, E., Klingen, S., Klotz, B., Kolínský, P., Kopp, H. , Korn, M., Kotek, J., Kühne, L., Kuk, K., Lange, D. , Loos, J., Lovati, S., Malengros, D., Margheriti, L., Maron, C., Martin, X., Massa, M., Mazzarini, F., Meier, T., Métral, L., Molinari, I., Moretti, M., Nardi, A., Pahor, J., Paul, A., Péquegnat, C., Petersen, D., Pesaresi, D., Piccinini, D., Piromallo, C., Plenefisch, T., Plomerová, J., Pondrelli, S., Prevolnik, S., Racine, R., Régnier, M., Reiss, M., Ritter, J., Rümpker, G., Salimbeni, S., Santulin, M., Scherer, W., Schippkus, S., Schulte-Kortnack, D., Šipka, V., Solarino, S., Spallarossa, D., Spieker, K., Stipčević, J., Strollo, A., Süle, B., Szanyi, G., Szűcs, E., Thomas, C., Thorwart, M., Tilmann, F., Ueding, S., Vallocchia, M., Vecsey, L., Voigt, R., Wassermann, J., Wéber, Z., Weidle, C., Wesztergom, V., Weyland, G., Wiemer, S., Wolf, F. N. , Wolyniec, D., Zieke, T., Živčić, M., Žlebčíková, H., Abreu, R., Allegretti, I. and Al-Halbouni, D. (2021) Relocation of earthquakes in the southern and eastern Alps (Austria, Italy) recorded by the dense, temporary SWATH-D network using a Markov chain Monte Carlo inversion. Open Access Solid Earth, 12 . pp. 1087-1109. DOI 10.5194/se-12-1087-2021.

Petersen, F. , Lange, D. , Ma, B. , Grevemeyer, I. , Geersen, J. , Klaeschen, D. , Contreras‐Reyes, E., Barrientos, S., Tréhu, A. M., Vera, E. and Kopp, H. (2021) Relationship between subduction erosion and the up‐dip limit of the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique earthquake. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (9). e2020GL092207. DOI 10.1029/2020GL092207.

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Contreras-Reyes, E., Ruiz, J. A., Becerra, J., Kopp, H. , Reichert, C., Maksymowicz, A. and Arriagada, C. (2015) Structure and tectonics of the central Chilean margin (31°–33°S): implications for subduction erosion and shallow crustal seismicity. Open Access Geophysical Journal International, 203 (2). pp. 776-791. DOI 10.1093/gji/ggv309.

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Contreras-Reyes, E., Becerra, J., Kopp, H. , Reichert, C. and Díaz-Naveas, J. (2014) Seismic structure of the north-central Chilean convergent margin: Subduction erosion of a paleomagmatic arc. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (5). pp. 1523-1529. DOI 10.1002/2013GL058729.

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Zhu, J., Sun, Z., Kopp, H. , Qiu, X., Xu, H., Li, S. and Zhan, W. (2013) Segmentation of the Manila subduction system from migrated multichannel seismics and wedge taper analysis. Marine Geophysical Research, 34 (3-4). pp. 379-391. DOI 10.1007/s11001-013-9175-7.

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Evain, M., Galve, A., Charvis, P., Laigle, M., Kopp, H. , Weinzierl, W. , Hirn, A., Flueh, E. R. and Gallart, J. and Thales Scientific Party (2013) Structure of the Lesser Antilles subduction forearc and backstop from 3D seismic refraction tomography. Tectonophysics, 603 . pp. 55-67. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.09.021.

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Ruiz, M., Galve, A., Monfret, T., Sapin, M., Charvis, P., Laigle, M., Evain , M., Hirn, A., Flueh, E. R., Gallart, J., Diaz, J., Lebrun, J. F., Bayrakci, G., Becel, A., Gailler, A., Hello, Y., Kopp, H. , Krabbenhoeft, A., Papenberg, C. , Planert, L. and Weinzierl, W. and Lesser Antilles Thales Scientific Party (2013) Seismic Activity offshore Martinique and Dominica islands (Central Lesser Antilles subduction zone) from temporary onshore and offshore seismic networks. Tectonophysics, 603 . pp. 68-78. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.08.006.

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Shulgin, A., Kopp, H. , Klaeschen, D. , Papenberg, C. , Tilmann, F., Flueh, E. R., Franke, D., Barckhausen, U., Krabbenhoeft, A. and Djajadihardja, Y. (2013) Subduction system variability across the segment boundary of the 2004/2005 Sumatra megathrust earthquakes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 365 . pp. 108-119. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.12.032.

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Laigle, M., Becel, A., de Voogd, B., Sachpazi, M., Bayrakci, G., Lebrun, J. F., Evain, M., Daignières, M., Gailler, A., Gesret, A., Hirn, A., Klaeschen, D. , Kopp, H. , Marthelot, J. M., Mazabraux, Y., Roux, R. and Weinzierl, W. and Thales Was Right Seismic Reflection Working Group (2013) Along-arc segmentation and interaction of subducting ridges with the Lesser Antilles Subduction forearc crust revealed by MCS imaging. Tectonophysics, 603 . pp. 32-54. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2013.05.028.

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Laigle, M., Hirn, A., Sapin, M., Bécel, A., Charvis, P., Flueh, E., Diaz, J., Lebrun, J. F., Gesret, A., Raffaele, R., Galvé, A., Evain, M., Ruiz, M., Kopp, H. , Bayrakci, G., Weinzierl, W. , Hello, Y., Lépine, J. C., Viodé, J. P., Sachpazi, M., Gallart, J., Kissling, E. and Nicolich, R. (2013) Seismic structure and activity of the north-central Lesser Antilles subduction zone from an integrated approach: Similarities with the Tohoku forearc. Tectonophysics, 603 . pp. 1-20. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2013.05.043.

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Tang, G., Klingelhoefer, F., Kopp, H. , Barton, P., McNeill, L. C., Henstock, T. J., Tilmann, F., Dean, S. M., Jusuf, M. D., Djajadihardja, Y. S. and Permana, H. (2013) 3-D active source tomography around Simeulue Island offshore Sumatra: thick crustal zone responsible for earthquake segment boundary. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (1). pp. 48-53. DOI 10.1029/2012GL054148.

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Zhu, J., Qiu, X., Kopp, H. , Xu, H., Sun, Z., Ruan, A., Sun, J. and Wei, X. (2012) Shallow anatomy of a continent–ocean transition zone in the northern South China Sea from multichannel seismic data. Tectonophysics, 554-557 . pp. 18-29. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.05.027.

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Kopp, H. , Weinzierl, W., Becel, A., Charvis, P., Evain, M., Flueh, E. R., Gailler, A., Galve, A., Hirn, A., Kandilarov, A., Klaeschen, D. , Laigle, M., Papenberg, C. , Planert, L. and Roux, E. and Trail and Thales teams (2011) Deep structure of the central Lesser Antilles Island Arc : relevance for the formation of continental crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304 (1-2). pp. 121-134. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.01.024.

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Koulakov, I., Kopp, H. and Stupina, T. (2011) Finding a realistic velocity distribution based on iterating forward modelling and tomographic inversion. Open Access Geophysical Journal International, 186 (1). pp. 349-358. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05034.x.

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Li, S., Kusky, T. M., Zhao, G., Liu, X., Wang, L., Kopp, H. , Hoernle, K. , Zhang, G. and Dai, L. (2011) Thermochronological constraints on two-stage extrusion of HP/UHP terranes in the Dabie–Sulu orogen, east-central China. Tectonophysics, 504 . pp. 25-42. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.01.017.

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Lüschen, E., Müller, C., Kopp, H. , Engels, M., Lutz, R., Planert, L., Shulgin, A. and Djajadihardja, Y. S. (2011) Structure, evolution and tectonic activity of the eastern Sunda forearc, Indonesia, from marine seismic investigations. Tectonophysics, 508 (1-4). pp. 6-21. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2010.06.008. Date online first: 2011

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Shulgin, A., Kopp, H. , Mueller, C., Planert, L., Lueschen, E., Flueh, E. R. and Djajadihardja, Y. (2011) Structural architecture of oceanic plateau subduction offshore Eastern Java and the potential implications for geohazards. Open Access Geophysical Journal International, 184 . pp. 12-28. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04834.x.

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Worzewski, T., Jegen, M. , Kopp, H. , Brasse, H. and Taylor, W. T. (2011) Magnetotelluric image of the fluid cycle in the Costa Rican subduction zone. Nature Geoscience, 4 . pp. 108-111. DOI 10.1038/ngeo1041.

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Brune, S., Ladage, S., Babeyko, A. Y., Müller, C., Kopp, H. and Sobolev, S. V. (2010) Submarine landslides at the eastern Sunda margin: observations and tsunami impact assessment. Natural Hazards, 54 (2). pp. 547-562. DOI 10.1007/s11069-009-9487-8.

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Krabbenhöft, A., Weinrebe, R. W., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Ladage, S., Papenberg, C. , Planert, L. and Djajadihardja, Y. (2010) Bathymetry of the Indonesian Sunda margin-relating morphological features of the upper plate slopes to the location and extent of the seismogenic zone. Open Access Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 10 (9). pp. 1899-1911. DOI 10.5194/nhess-10-1899-2010.

Li, S., Kusky, T. M., Zhao, G., Liu, X., Zhang, G., Kopp, H. and Wang, L. (2010) Two-stage Triassic exhumation of HP-UHP terranes in the western Dabie orogen of China: Constraints from structural geology. Tectonophysics, 490 (3-4). pp. 267-293. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2010.05.010.

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Planert, L., Kopp, H. , Lueschen, E., Mueller, C., Flueh, E. R., Shulgin, A., Djajadihardja, Y. and Krabbenhöft, A. (2010) Lower plate structure and upper plate deformational segmentation at the Sunda-Banda arc transition, Indonesia. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 115 (B8). B08107. DOI 10.1029/2009JB006713.

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Scherwath, M., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Henrys, S. A., Sutherland, R., Stagpoole, V. M., Barker, D. H. N., Reyners, M. E., Bassett, D. G., Planert, L. and Dannowski, A. (2010) Fore-arc deformation and underplating at the northern Hikurangi margin, New Zealand. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115 (B6). B06408. DOI 10.1029/2009JB006645.

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Tilmann, F. J., Craig, T. J., Grevemeyer, I. , Suwargadi, B., Kopp, H. and Flueh, E. R. (2010) The updip seismic/aseismic transition of the Sumatra megathrust illuminated by aftershocks of the 2004 Aceh-Andaman and 2005 Nias events. Open Access Geophysical Journal International, 181 (3). pp. 1261-1274. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04597.x.

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Zhu, J., Kopp, H. , Papenberg, C. , Klaeschen, D. , Flueh, E. R. and Planert, L. (2010) Margin architecture and seismic attenuation in the central Costa Rican forearc. Marine Geology, 276 . pp. 30-41. DOI 10.1016/j.margeo.2010.07.004.

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Kopp, H. , Hindle, D., Klaeschen, D. , Oncken, O. and Scholl, D. (2009) Anatomy of the western Java plate interface from depth-migrated seismic images. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 288 (3-4). pp. 399-407. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.09.043.

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Shulgin, A., Kopp, H. , Mueller, C., Lueschen, E., Planert, L., Engels, M., Flueh, E. R., Krabbenhöft, A. and Djajadihardja, Y. (2009) Sunda-Banda arc transition: incipient continent-island arc collision (Northwest Australia). Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 36 . L10304. DOI 10.1029/2009GL037533.

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Sutherland, R., Stagpoole, V., Uruski, C., Kennedy, C., Bassett, D., Henrys, B., Scherwath, M., Kopp, H. , Field, B., Stern, T. and Flueh, E. R. (2009) Reactivation of tectonics, crustal underplating, and uplift after 60 Myr of passive subsidence, Raukumara Basin, Hikurangi-Kermadec fore arc, New Zealand: implications for global growth and recycling of continents. Open Access Tectonics, 28 (TC5017). DOI 10.1029/2008TC002356.

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Zhu, J., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Klaeschen, D. , Papenberg, C. and Planert, L. (2009) Crustal structure of the central Costa Rica subduction zone: implications for basal erosion from seismic wide-angle data. Geophysical Journal International, 178 . pp. 1112-1131. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04208.x.

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Franke, D., Schnabel, M., Ladage, S., Tappin, D. R., Neben, S., Djajadihardja, Y. S., Müller, C., Kopp, H. and Gaedicke, C. (2008) The great Sumatra-Andaman earthquakes - Imaging the boundary between the ruptures of the great 2004 and 2005 earthquakes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 269 (1/2). pp. 118-130. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.01.047.

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Kopp, H. , Weinrebe, R. W., Ladage, S., Barckhausen, U., Klaeschen, D. , Flueh, E. R., Gaedicke, D., Djajadihardja, Y., Grevemeyer, I. , Krabbenhöft, A., Papenberg, C. and Zillmer, M. (2008) Lower slope morphology of the Sumatra trench system. Basin Research, 20 (4). pp. 519-529. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2008.00381.x.

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Koulakov, I., Bohm, M., Asch, G., Lühr, B. G., Manzanares, A., Brotopuspito, K. S., Fauzi, P., Purbawinata, M. A., Puspito, N. T., Ratdomopurbo, A., Kopp, H. , Rabbel, W. and Shevkunova, E. (2007) P and S velocity sturcture of the crust and the upper mantle beneath Central Java from local tomography inversion. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 112 (B8). B08310. DOI 10.1029/2006JB004712.

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Wagner, D., Koulakov, I., Rabbel, W., Luehr, B. G., Wittwer, A., Kopp, H. , Bohm, M. and Asch, G. and MERAMEX Scientists (2007) Joint Inversion of Active and Passive Seismic Data in Central Java. Open Access Geophysical Journal International, 170 (2). pp. 923-932. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03435.x.

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Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Petersen, C. J., Weinrebe, R. W. and Wittwer, A. and Meramex Scientists (2006) The Java margin revisited: Evidence for subduction erosion off Java. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 242 (1-2). pp. 130-142. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.11.036.

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Thierer, P. O., Flueh, E. R., Kopp, H. , Tilmann, F., Comte, D. and Contreras, S. (2005) Local earthquake monitoring offshore Valparaiso, Chile. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 236 (1-2). pp. 173-183.

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Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Papenberg, C. and Klaeschen, D. and SPOC-Scientists (2004) Seismic investigations of the O'Higgins Seamount Group and Juan Fernández Ridge: aseismic ridge emplacement and lithosphere hydration. Open Access Tectonics, 23 (2). TC2009. DOI 10.1029/2003TC001590.

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Krabbenhöft, A., Bialas, J. , Kopp, H. , Kukowski, N. and Hübscher, C. (2004) Crustal structure of the Peruvian continental margin from wide-angle seismic studies. Open Access Geophysical Journal International, 158 (2). pp. 749-764. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02425.x.

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Kopp, H. and Kukowski, N. (2003) Backstop geometry and accretionary mechanics of the Sunda margin. Open Access Tectonics, 22 (6). p. 1072. DOI 10.1029/2002TC001420.

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Kopp, H. , Kopp, C., Phipps Morgan, J., Flueh, E. R., Weinrebe, R. W. and Morgan, W. (2003) Fossil hot spot-ridge interaction in the Musicians Seamount Province: Geophysical investigations of hot spot volcanism at volcanic elongated ridges. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 108 (B3). p. 2160. DOI 10.1029/2002JB002015.

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Kopp, H. (2002) BSR occurrence along the Sunda margin: evidence from seismic data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 197 . pp. 225-235. DOI 10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00484-3.

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Kopp, H. , Klaeschen, D. , Flueh, E. R., Bialas, J. and Reichert, C. (2002) Crustal structure of the Java margin from seismic wide-angle and multichannel reflection data. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 107 (B2). p. 2034. DOI 10.1029/2000JB000095.

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Reston, T. J., von Huene, R., Dickmann, T., Klaeschen, D. and Kopp, H. (2002) Frontal accretion along the western Mediterranean Ridge: the effect of Messinian evaporites on wedge mechanics and structural style. Marine Geology, 186 (1-2). pp. 59-82. DOI 10.1016/S0025-3227(02)00173-1.

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Reston, T. J., Weinrebe, R. W., Grevemeyer, I. , Flueh, E. R., Mitchell, N. C., Kirstein, L., Kopp, C. and Kopp, H. and Participants of Meteor 47/2 (2002) A rifted inside corner massif on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 5°S. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 200 (3-4). pp. 255-269. DOI 10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00636-2.

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Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Klaeschen, D. , Bialas, J. and Reichert, C. (2001) Crustal structure of the central Sunda margin at the onset of oblique subduction. Open Access Geophysical Journal International, 147 (2). pp. 449-474. DOI 10.1046/j.0956-540x.2001.01547.x.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review

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Poutanen, M., Kotsakis, C., Boy, J. P., Jaeggi, A., Reguzzoni, M., Bogusz, J., Huang, C. L., Kealy, A., Gikas, V., Novak, P., Crespi, M., Eicker, A., Boening, C., Yang, Y. X., Kopp, H. , Mueller, J., Santos, M., Rozsa, S. and Toth, G. (2020) International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) in: The Geodesist’s Handbook 2020. Open Access Journal of Geodesy, 94 (11). pp. 81-196.

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Dellong, D., Klingelhoefer, F., Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Murphy, S., Graindorge, D., Margheriti, L., Moretti, M., Barreca, G., Scarfì, L., Polonia, A. and Gutscher, M. (2020) Reply to Comment by A. Argnani on "Geometry of the Deep Calabrian Subduction from Wide‐Angle Seismic Data and 3‐D Gravity Modeling". Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21 (8). e2020GC009223. DOI 10.1029/2020GC009223.

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Gutscher, M. A., Royer, J. Y., Graindorge, D., Murphy, S., Klingelhoefer, F., Aiken, C., Cattaneo, A., Barreca, G., Quetel, L., Riccobene, G., Petersen, F. , Urlaub, M. , Krastel, S., Gross, F., Kopp, H. , Margheriti, L. and Beranzoli, L. (2019) Fiber Optic Monitoring of Active Faults at the Seafloor: the FOCUS project . Open Access Photoniques, 2019 (Special EOS Issue). pp. 32-36. DOI 10.1051/photon/2019S432.

Kopp, H. and Weinrebe, R. W. (2009) Ursachen von Tsunamis: ein Überblick. Geographische Rundschau, 2009 (12). pp. 20-27.

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Müller, C., Kopp, H. , Djajadihardja, Y., Barckhausen, U., Ehrhardt, A., Engels, M., Flueh, E. R., Gaedicke, C., Keppler, H., Lutz, R., Lüschen, E., Neben, S., Seeber, I. and Dzulkarnaen, D. P. S. (2008) From Subduction to Collision: The Sunda-Banda Arc Transition. Open Access Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 89 (6). pp. 49-50.

Zhu, J., Flueh, E. R., Kopp, H. and Klaeschen, D. (2007) Crustal structure of the Central Costa Rica margin from seismic wide-angle data: observations and modelling of "Megalens". Terra Nostra (1/2). pp. 240-241.

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Ladage, S., Weinrebe, R. W., Gaedicke, C., Barckhausen, U., Flueh, E. R., Heyde, I., Krabbenhöft, A., Kopp, H. , Fajar, S. and Djajadihardja, Y. (2006) Bathymetric Survey Images Structure off Sumatra. Open Access Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 87 (17). pp. 165-172.

Kopp, H. , Wittwer, A. and Flueh, E. R. and MERAMEX Scientists (2004) Geophysical investigations of the Java margin, Indonesia. Intermargins Newsletter, 5 . pp. 7-9.


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Kopp, H. , Latino Chiocci, F., Berndt, C. , Namık Çağatay, M., Ferreira, T., Juana Fortes, C., Gràcia, E., González Vega, A., Kopf, A., Sørensen, M. B., Sultan, N. and Yeo, I. (2021) Marine geohazards: Safeguarding society and the Blue Economy from a hidden threat. Open Access , ed. by Muñiz Piniella, Á. E., Kellett, P., van den Brand, R., Alexander, B., Rodríguez Perez, A., Van Elslander, J. and Heymans, J. J.. European Marine Board Position paper, 26 . European Marine Board IVZW, Ostend, Belgium, 100 pp. ISBN 9789464206111 DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5591938.

Book chapters

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Crutchley, G. J. and Kopp, H. (2017) Reflection and Refraction Seismic Methods. In: Submarine Geomorphology. , ed. by Micallef, A. . Springer, Cham, pp. 43-62. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-57852-1_4.

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Kopp, H. (2011) The Java convergent margin: structure, seismogenesis and subduction processes. In: The SE Asian Gateway: History and Tectonics of the Australia–Asia Collision. , ed. by Hall, R., Cottam, M. A. and Wilson, M. E. J.. Special Publications Geological Society London, 355 . GSL (Geological Society London), London, pp. 111-137. ISBN 978-1-86239-329-5 DOI 10.1144/SP355.6.

Wagner, D., Rabbel, W., Luehr, B. G., Wassermann, J., Walter, T. R., Kopp, H. , Koulakov, I., Wittwer, A., Bohm, M., Asch, G. and the MERAMEX Scientists (2008) Seismic structure of central Java. In: The Yogyakarta Earthquake of May 27, 2006. , ed. by Karnawati, D., Pramumijoyo, S., Anderson, R. and Husein, S.. Star Publ. Comp., Belmont, CA, pp. 2-1. ISBN 978-0-89863-304-7

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Kopp, H. (2007) The Sumatra subduction zone in the wake of the 2004/2005 megathrust events. Open Access In: IFM-GEOMAR Report: From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere - Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -. ; 2006 , ed. by Villwock, A.. IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 13-14.

Conference papers

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West, G. and Kopp, H. (2018) The GeoSEA (Geodetic Earthquake Observatory on the SEAfloor) Project - establishing the world's first subduction zone monitoring system. [Paper] In: 2018 OCEANS - MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans (OTO). , 28.-31.05.2018, Kobe, Japan ; pp. 1-7 . DOI 10.1109/OCEANSKOBE.2018.8559429.


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de Melo, G. W. S., Grevemeyer, I. , Metz, D., Lange, D. and Kopp, H. (2024) Rupture Behavior of Large Strike-Slip Earthquakes at Equatorial Atlantic Oceanic Transform Faults: Constraints From Hydroacoustic Data. Open Access [Talk] In: SSA Annual Meeting 2024. , 29.04.-03.05.2024, Anchorage, Alaska, USA .

Jegen, M. , Franz, G., Avdeeva, A., Hölz, S. , Neska, A., Wollatz-Vogt, M., Kopp, H. and Hannington, M. D. (2024) Back-Arc Rifting in the Eastern Lau Basin – a Magnetotelluric Study of the Nascent Fonualei Rift System. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2024. , 09.-13.12.2024, Washington DC, USA .

Karstens, J. , Urlaub, M. , Berndt, C. , Kopp, H. , Nievas, C. I., Bouwer, L. M., Androsov, A., Babeyko, A., Berndt, C., Cotton, F., Zapata, J. C. G., Schorlemmer, D. and Tang, H. (2022) Risk workflow for CAScading and COmpounding hazards in COastal urban areas: The CASCO Project. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna 2022. , 23.05.2022-27.05.2022, Vienna .

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Dannowski, A. , Thorwart, M., Wolf, F. N. , Murray-Bergquist, L., Lange, D. , Crawford, W., Grevemeyer, I. and Kopp, H. and MSM71 cruise participants, AlpArray Working Group (2021) Lithospheric architecture of the Ligurian Basin from amphibious seismic AlpArray data. Open Access [Talk] In: 37. General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. , 19.-24.09.2021, Athen, Virtuell .

Franz, G. , Jegen, M. , Neska, A. , Avdeeva, A., Schmid, F. , Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. and Hannington, M. D. (2021) Crustal Structure of the nascent Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center, Lau basin, derived from Magnetotelluric Measurements. [Talk] In: IAGA-IASPEI 2021. , 21. - 27.08.2021, Online .

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Murray-Bergquist, L., Lange, D. , Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Thorwart, M., Le Breton, E. and Crawford, W. (2021) First Results Towards 3D Travel Time Tomography of the Ligurian Sea and Coastal Western Alps. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2021. , 13.-17.12.2021, New Orleans, USA & Online .

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Murray-Bergquist, L., Lange, D. , Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. and Le Breton, E. (2021) First Results of 3D Travel Time Tomography of the Ligurian Sea and Coastal Western Alps. [Talk] In: AlpArray & 4D MB Scientific Meeting. , 9.-12.11.2021, Frankfurt am Main, Germany .

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Petersen, F. , Lange, D. , Ma, B., Geersen, J. , Grevemeyer, I. , Klaeschen, D. , Contreras-Reyes, E., Barrientos, S., Tréhu, A. M., Vera, E. and Kopp, H. (2021) Subduction erosion and upper plate deformation induced by the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique earthquake. [Talk] In: Marine Seismology Symposium 2021 IRIS . , 08.03-19.03.2021, Virtual Conference .

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Petersen, F. , Lange, D. , Ma, B., Grevemeyer, I. , Geersen, J. , Kläschen, D. , Contreras-Reyes, E., Barrientos, S., Vera, E., Tréhu, A. M. and Kopp, H. (2021) Subduction Erosion and Upper Plate Deformation at the Up-Dip Limit of the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique Earthquake. [Talk] In: Seismological Society of America 2021 Annual Meeting. , 19.04-23.04.2021, Virtual Conference .

Schmid, F. , Cremanns, M., Augustin, N. , Lange, D. , Petersen, F. and Kopp, H. (2020) Microseismicity indicates a current transition from rifting to spreading at the southern Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center in the Lau Basin. Open Access [Talk] In: AG Seismologie 2020. , 21.9.2020 - 24.9.2020, Online .

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Wolf, F. N. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Crawford, W., Thorwart, M. and Paul, A. and AlpArray Working Group (2020) Crust and upper mantle structure of the Ligurian Sea revealed by ambient noise tomography and receiver function analysis. [Invited talk] In: GeoUtrecht 2020. , 24.-26.08.2020, Online .

Beniest, A., Dannowski, A. , Schnabel, M., Werner, R., Kopp, H. , Heyde, I., Barckhausen, U., Riedel, M. , Schmid, F. , Petersen, F. and Hannington, M. D. (2020) Crustal Structure of the Southern Plate Boundary of the Niuafo’ou Microplate, Lau Basin, Southwest Pacific Ocean. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2020. , 01.-17.12.2020, Online, San Francisco, USA .

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Dannowski, A. , Thorwart, M., Kopp, H. , Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Wolf, F. N. , Crawford, W. and Paul, A. (2020) Lithospheric architecture from amphibious AlpArray data across the Ligurian Basin. Open Access [Invited talk] In: GEO Utrecht 2020. , 24.08.-26.08.2020, Online-Konferenz .

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Gutscher, M. A., Royer, J. Y., Graindorge, D., Murphy, S., Klingelhoefer, F., Aiken, C., Cattaneo, A., Barreca, G., Quetel, L., Riccobene, G., Aurnia, S., Petersen, F. , Lange, D. , Urlaub, M. , Krastel, S. , Gross, F., Kopp, H. , Moretti, M., Beranzoli, L. and Lo Bue, N. (2020) The FOCUS experiment 2020 (Fiber Optic Cable Use for Seafloor studies of earthquake hazard and deformation). Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 03.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-5369.

Petersen, F. , Lange, D. , Ma, B., Geersen, J. , Grevemeyer, I. , Klaeschen, D. , Conteras-Reyes, E., Barrientos, S., Tréhu, A. M. and Kopp, H. (2020) Active subduction erosion at the updip end of the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique earthquake in North Chile. [Talk] In: IPOC Workshop 2020. , 25.11.2020, Online, Potsdam, Germany .

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Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Paul, A., Petersen, F. , Wolf, F. N. and Schramm, B. and MSM71 cruise participants, AlpArray Working Group (2019) Seismic investigations of the Ligurian Basin . Open Access [Talk] In: 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 5.3. - 8.3.2019, Braunschweig, Germany .

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Dannowski, A. , Wolf, F. N. , Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Paul, A., Petersen, F. and Schramm, B. and MSM71 cruise participants, AlpArray Working Group (2019) Investigations of the Ligurian Basin using refraction seismic data and the ambient noise technique. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Dannowski, A. , Wolf, F. N. , Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Paul, A., Petersen, F. and Schramm, B. and MSM71 Cruise participants, AlpArray Working Group (2019) LOBSTER - Ligurian Ocean Bottom Seismology and Tectonics. [Talk] In: 38. Convegno Nazionale del GNGTS 2019 (Gruppo Nazionale Geofisicadella Terra Solida). , 12.-14.11.2019, Rom, Italy .

Dannowski, A. , Wolf, F. N. , Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Paul, A., Petersen, F. and Schramm, B. and MSM71 Cruise participants, AlpArray Working Group (2019) Investigations of the crust and upper mantle in the Ligurian Basin using refraction seismic data and ambient noise – LOBSTER. [Invited talk] In: AlpArray & 4D MB Scientific Meeting. , 13.-15.11.2019, Frankfurt am Main, Germany .

Kopp, H. (2019) Ein perfektes Team: Geophysik und Geodäsie beschreiten gemeinsam neue Wege in der Erdbebenforschung. [Talk] In: Festkolloquium 100 Jahre IUGG, GFZ Potsdam. , 15.02.2019, Potsdam, Germany .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Petersen, F. and Urlaub, M. (2019) Multi-scale offshore monitoring of seafloor and subsurface deformation. [Talk] In: 2. Workshop on Transients on Faults. , 04.-05.04.2019, Potsdam, Germany .

Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Hannemann, K., Petersen, F. , Bedford, J. and Barrientos, S. (2019) Seafloor geodesy to monitor deformation offshore Northern Chile (GeoSEA). [Talk] In: 25. Latin-American Colloquium of Geosciences. , 18.-21.09.2019, Hamburg, Germany .

Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Royer, J. Y., Henry, P., Cakir, Z., Petersen, F. , Sakic, P., Ballu, V., Bialas, J. , Ozeren, S., Ergintav, S. and Geli, L. (2019) Interseismic Strain Build-up on the Submarine North Anatolian Fault Offshore Istanbul. [Talk] In: 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 5.3. - 8.3.2019, Braunschweig, Germany .

Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Royer, J. Y., Henry, P., Cakir, Z., Petersen, F. , Sakic, P., Ballu, V., Bialas, J. , Ozeren, S., Ergintav, S. and Geli, L. (2019) Interseismic Strain Build-up on the Submarine North Anatolian Fault Offshore Istanbul. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Royer, J. Y., Henry, P., Cakir, Z., Petersen, F. , Sakic, P., Ballu, V., Bialas, J. , Ozeren, S., Ergintav, S. and Geli, L. (2019) Interseismic Strain Build-up on the Submarine North Anatolian Fault Offshore Istanbul. [Talk] In: 2. Workshop on Transients on Faults. , 04.-05.04.2019, Potsdam, Germany .

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Wolf, F. N. , Dannowski, A. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Paul, A., Crawford, W., Grevemeyer, I. and Thorwart, M. and AlpArray Working Group (2018) Generation and Destruction of Lithosphere in the Ligurian Sea - Towards Ambient Noise Studies. [Talk] In: Mountain Building Processes in Four Dimensions (SPP 2017) - 2. Annual Meeting. , 08.-09.11.2018, Frankfurt/Main, Germany .

Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Paul, A., Petersen, F. , Wolf, F. N. and Schramm, B. and Cruise participants MSM71 (2018) Ligurian Ocean Bottom Seismology and Tectonics Research – LOBSTER . [Talk] In: AlpArray Science Meeting Zürich 2018. , 29.-30.08.2018, Zürich, Switzerland .

Gomez de la Pena, L. , Grevemeyer, I. , Kopp, H. , Diaz, J., Gallart, J., Ranero, C. and Gracia, E. (2018) Characterization of the Deep Structure of the Alboran Basin (Western Mediterranean) by Refraction and Reflection Seismic Data. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2018. , 10.-14.12.2018, Washington, D.C., USA .

Hannemann, K., Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Petersen, F. , McGuire, J., Moreno, M., Bedford, J., Barrientos, S. and Contreras-Reyes, E. (2018) Seafloor geodesy to monitor deformation offshore Northern Chile (GeoSEA). [Talk] In: DGG Anual Meeting 2018. , 12.-15.02.2018, Leoben, Germany .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Urlaub, M. , Petersen, F. and Hannemann, K. (2018) From no slip to slow slip: How seafloor geodesy reveals crustal deformation at mm-scales. [Invited talk] In: Geological Survey of Canada. , 09.2018, Sidney, British Columbia, Canada .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Urlaub, M. , Petersen, F. and Hannemann, K. (2018) From no slip to slow slip: How seafloor geodesy reveals crustal deformation at mm-scales. [Invited talk] In: Ocean Networks Canada Symposium. , 10.2018, Canada .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Urlaub, M. , Petersen, F. and Hannemann, K. (2018) The GeoSEA Array : in-situ monitoring of seafloor deformation. [Invited talk] In: Seafloor Sensors Workshop. , 07.2018, Oregon, USA .

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Urlaub, M. , Petersen, F. , Gross, F., Bonforte, A., Guglielmino, F., Puglisi, G., Krastel, S., Lange, D. and Kopp, H. (2018) Large displacement of Mount Etna’s submerged south-eastern flank: evidence from seafloor geodetic monitoring. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2018. , 08.-13.04.2018, Vienna, Austria .

Urlaub, M. , Petersen, F. , Gross, F., Bonforte, A., Puglisi, G., Guglielmino, F., Krastel, S., Lange, D. and Kopp, H. (2018) Gravitational collapse of Mount Etna's south-eastern flank. [Talk] In: Physics of Volcanoes 2018. , 01.03.-02.03.2018, Kiel, Germany .

Geersen, J. M. , Behrmann, J. H. , Ranero, C., Klaucke, I. , Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Barckhausen, U., Reichert, C. and Diaz-Naveas, J. (2017) Marine forearc tectonics in the Northern Chile seismic gap. [Talk] In: Subduction Interface Processes Conference. , 18.04.-21.04.2017, Barcelona, Spain .

Gutscher, M. A., Royer, J. Y., Graindorge, D., Murphy, S., Klingelhoefer, F., Cattaneo, A., Barreca, G., Quetel, L., Petersen, F. , Riccobene, G., Urlaub, M. , Krastel, S., Gross, F. and Kopp, H. (2017) A novel approach for studying submarine faults: the FOCUS project (FOCUS = Fiber Optic Cable Use for Seafloor studies of earthquake hazard and deformation). [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2017. , 11.12. - 15.12.2017, New Orleans .

Hannemann, K., Kopp, H. , Lange, D. and Petersen, F. (2017) Monitoring deformation offshore Chile by employing seafloor geodesy (GeoSEA). [Talk] In: Subduction Interface Processes (SIP) International Conference. , 18.-21.04.2017, Castelldefells, Barcelona, Spain .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Hannemann, K. and Petersen, F. (2017) Seafloor geodesy: Measuring surface deformation and strain-build up. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2017. , 23.-28.04.2017, Vienna, Austria .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Petersen, F. , Hannemann, K. and Contreras-Reyes, E. (2017) SO244 GeoSEA: Offshore Acoustic Monitoring of the northern Chilean margin. [Talk] In: DGG Annual Meeting 2017. , 27.-30.03.2017, Potsdam, Germany .

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Petersen, F. , Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Hannemann, K. and Urlaub, M. (2017) Monitoring submarine fault deformation using direct-path ranging. [Invited talk] In: IAG-IASPEI 2017. , 30.07.-05.08.2017, Kobe, Japan .

Petersen, F. , Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Hannemann, K. and Urlaub, M. (2017) Seafloor geodesy: Acoustic direct-path ranging for monitoring seafloor deformation. [Talk] In: MarFluid Symposium 2017. , 16.10.-19.10.2017, Brest, France .

Urlaub, M. , Petersen, F. , Gross, F., Lange, D. and Kopp, H. (2017) Monitoring Underwater Landslides Using Seafloor Geodesy: Evidence for Active Sliding of Mount Etna’s Submerged Flank. [Invited talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2017. , 11.12 - 15.12.2017, New Orleans .

Geersen, J. , Behrmann, J. , Ranero, C., Klaucke, I. , Kopp, H. and Lange, D. (2016) Marine forearc tectonics in the unbroken segment of the Northern Chile seismic gap. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2016. , 12.-16.12.2016, San Francisco, USA .

Kopp, H. (2015) Neue Wege in der Erdbebenforschung: das Kieler GeoSEA-Array. [Public Lecture] In: WissenSchaffen. , 08.09.2015, GEOMAR Hörsaal Ostufer, Kiel .

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Demir, N., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Klaeschen, D. , Weinzierl, W. , Hirn, A. and Laigle, M. and Thales Working Group (2011) The Sedimentary Sequences of the Lesser Antilles Arc South of Guadeloupe FromWide-Angle and Reflection Seismic Data. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2011. , 03.-08.04.2011, Vienna, Austria ; p. 5872 . Geophysical Research Abstracts (13).

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Evain, M., Galve, A., Charvis, P., Laigle, M., Ruiz, M., Kopp, H. , Hirn, A. and Flueh, E. and Thales Scientific Party (2011) Structure and seismic activity of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2011. , 05.-09.12.2011, San Francisco, USA .

Hindle, D. and Kopp, H. (2011) Coupled fluid flow and deformation in sedimentary basins over geological timescales: A numerical modelling approach for accretionary prisms. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2011. , 03.-08.04.2011, Vienna, Austria .

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Jegen, M. , Worzewski, T., Kopp, H. , Brasse, H. and Taylor, W. (2011) Magnetotelluric image of the fluid cycle in the Costa Rican subduction zone. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2011. , 03.04.-08.04.2011, Vienna, Austria . Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13 (EGU2011-9998 ).

Kopp, H. (2011) Margin segmentation along-strike and across-strike: Impact on rupture propagation and tsunamigenesis. [Invited talk] In: British Geophysical Association Meeting “Controlling factors of subduction zone earthquakes”. , 10.-11.02.2011, London, United Kingdom .

Kopp, H. (2011) Sailing the seven seas: from seafloor images into the seismogenic zone. [Invited talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2011. , 03.-08.04.2011, Vienna, Austria .

Kopp, H. (2011) Subduction system structure and forearc morphology: control on seismogenic rupture. [Talk] In: GeoMunich 2011 Fragile Earth, Geological Processes from Global to Local Scales. , 06.09.2011, München . GeoMunich 2011 Fragile Earth, Geological Processes from Global to Local Scales : Munich, Germany, 4–7 September 2011 ; 100th Annual Meeting of Geologische Vereinigung ; 163rd Annual Meeting of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften ; abstracts with programs. ; A23 .

Krabbenhöft, A., Weinrebe, R. W., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Ladage, S., Papenberg, C. and Planert, L. (2011) Morphological structures relate to the location and extent of the seismogenic zone – bathymetric studies of the Sunda margin subduction zone, Indonesia. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2011. , 03.-08.04.2011, Vienna, Austria .

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Laigle, M., Bécel, A., Charalampakis, M., Charvis, P., Diaz, J., Flueh, E. R., Evain, M., Gallart, J., Galvé, A., Gesret, A., Hirn, A., Kissling, E., Kopp, H. , Nicolich, R., Sachpazi, M. and Weinzierl, W. (2011) Approach to submerged fore-arc subductions in the Lesser Antilles and Hellenic arcs: integrated marine MCS, refraction, and OBS seismic activity and noise recording. [Invited talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2011. , 03.-06.04.2011, Vienna, Austria .

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Brune, S., Ladage, S., Babeyko, A. Y., Müller, C., Kopp, H. and Sobolev, S. V. (2010) Submarine slope failures at the eastern Sunda Arc - bathymetry analysis and tsunami modeling. [Talk] In: 70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 15.03.-18.03, Bochum .

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Cassola, T., Willet, S. D. and Kopp, H. (2010) Mechanics of forearc basins. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 02.05.-05.05, Vienna, Austria .

Kopp, H. (2010) The Java Convergent Margin: Structure, Deformation and Subduction Processes. [Invited talk] In: FU Berlin. , 18.11.2010, Berlin .

Kopp, H. (2010) Seafloor technology and on-offshore seismic/MT networks: Multiscale imaging of the Red Sea crustal architecture. [Invited talk] In: Saudi Aramco Advanced Research Center. , 28.04.2010, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. .

Kopp, H. (2010) The Eastern Sunda margin: subduction processes off Java, Lombok and Sumba. [Invited talk] In: Fondation des Treilles, Schlumberger. , 08.04.2010, Tourtour, France .

Kopp, H. (2010) Controls on megathrust rupture events. [Invited talk] In: GFZ Potsdam, Kolloquium Earthquake Physics. , 01.07.2010, Potsdam .

Kopp, H. , Barckhausen, U., Djajadihardja, Y., Mueller, C., Flueh, E. R., Reichert, C. and Lueschen, E. and Java Margin Working Group (2010) Strukturelle Heterogenität und seismisches Gefahrenpotential der Java-Subduktionszone. [Talk] In: DGG-Jahrestagung 2010. , 15.-18.03.2010, Bochum .

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Kopp, H. , Barckhausen, U., Djajadihardja, Y., Mueller, C., Flueh, E. R., Reichert, C., Lueschen, E. and Java Margin Working Group (2010) Strukturelle Heterogenität und seismisches Gefahrenpotential der Java-Subduktionszone. [Talk] In: 70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 15.03.-18.03, Bochum .

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Kopp, H. , Djajadihardja, Y., Flueh, E. R., Hindle, D., Klaeschen, D. , Müller, C., Planert, L., Reichert, C., Shulgin, A. and Wittwer, A. (2010) Deformation patterns and seismic hazard along the eastern Sunda margin. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 02.05.-05.05, Vienna, Austria .

Koulakov, I., Kopp, H. and Stupina, T. (2010) Iterative FM&TI procedure for finding a realistic velocity distribution. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 13.-17.12.2010, San Franciso, USA .

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Laigle, M., Becel, A., Kopp, H. , Lebrun, J. F. and Klaeschen, D. (2010) Along-arc segmentation and interaction of subducting ridges with the Lesser Antilles Subduction forearc crust revealed by MCS imaging. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 02.05.-07.05, Vienna, Austria .

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Laigle, M., Becel, A., Kopp, H. , Lebrun, J. F. and Klaeschen, D. (2010) Along-arc segmentation and interaction of subducting ridges with the Lesser Antilles Subduction forearc crust revealed by MCS imaging. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 02.05.-05.05, Vienna, Austria .

Weinzierl, W. and Kopp, H. (2010) A Methodology to Seperate and Analyze a SeismicWide Angle Profile. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2010. , 02.-07.05, Vienna, Austria .

Weinzierl, W., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Klaeschen, D. , Laigle, M., Charvis, P. and Evain, M. (2010) Deep structure of the central Lesser Antilles Island Arc South of Guadeloupe. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2010. , 02.-07.05, Vienna, Austria .

Weinzierl, W., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Klaeschen, D. , Laigle, M., Charvis, P. and Evain, M. (2010) Caribbean and South American subduction zones: subduction processes and resulting tectonics, seismogenesis and fore-arc evolution. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2010. , 02.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria .

Worzewski, T., Jegen-Kulcsar, M. , Kopp, H. , Brasse, H. and Taylor, W. (2010) The Cycle of Hydration and Fluid Release in the Costa Rican Subduction Zone imaged through electromagnetic soundings: Where has all the water gone?. [Invited talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 13.-17.12.2010, San Francisco, USA .

Kopp, H. (2009) Dynamics of subduction, deformation and material transfer along the Sunda margin. [Invited talk] In: National Taiwan University. , 23.11, Taipei, Taiwan .

Kopp, H. (2009) Variations in subduction style offshore Java. [Talk] In: SAGE2009 Southeast Asian Gateway Evolution Conference. , 15.09, London, Great Britain .

Kopp, H. (2009) Natural hazards related to subduction zone processes: earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides. [Invited talk] In: Université Europèenne de Bretagne. , 06.11, Rennes, France .

Kopp, H. (2009) An integrated geological-tectonic model of the Sunda-Banda margin. [Invited talk] In: SAGE 2009, Southeast Asian Gateway Evolution. , 15.09, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom .

Kopp, H. , Hindle, D., Klaeschen, D. , Oncken, O., Reichert, C. and Scholl, D. (2009) Prestack-depth migrated seismic images of the Java margin. [Other] In: 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 23.03.-26.03.2009, Kiel . 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft in Kiel : 23. - 26. März 2009. ; p. 116 .

Kopp, H. , Klaeschen, D. , Flüh, E. R. and Reichert, C. (2009) Seismische Tiefensondierung der Subduktionszone vor Zentralchile. [Other] In: 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 23.03.-26.03.2009, Kiel . 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft in Kiel : 23. - 26. März 2009. ; p. 106 .

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Planert, L., Kopp, H. , Shulgin, A., Lüschen, E., Müller, C., Flueh, E. R., Engels, M. and Djajadihardja, Y. (2009) Crustal structure of the Sunda-Banda arc transition: linking lower plate variability and forearc deformation. [Talk] In: 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 23.03.-26.03, Kiel .

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Planert, L., Shulgin, A., Kopp, H. , Lueschen, E., Mueller, C., Flueh, E. R., Djajadihardja, Y. and Engels, M. (2009) Crustal structure of the Sunda-Banda arc transition: results from marine geophysical investigations offshore eastern Indonesia. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 19.04.-24.04, Vienna, Austria .

Planert, L., Shulgin, A., Kopp, H. , Lueschen, E., Mueller, C., Flueh, E. R., Engels, M. and Djajadihardja, Y. (2009) SO190 SINDBAD, Leg. 2: Refraktionsseismische Untersuchungen entlang des Übergangs vom Sunda- zum Banda-Bogen. [Talk] In: Statusseminar "Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE". , 12.02.-13.02, Bremerhaven .

Scherwath, M., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Henrys, S. A. and Sutherland, R. (2009) Fore- and back-arc structures along the Hikurangi-Kermadec subduction zone. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 19.04.-24.04, Vienna, Austria .

Scherwath, M., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Henrys, S. A., Sutherland, R. and Stagpoole, V. (2009) Geophysical imaging of the fore-arc deformation at the northern Hikurangi margin, New Zealand. [Talk] In: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 26.03, Kiel .

Shulgin, A., Kopp, H. , Mueller, C., Lueschen, E., Planert, L., Engels, M., Flueh, E. R., Krabbenhöft, A. and Djajadihardja, Y. (2009) The Sunda-Banda Arc Transition (northwest Australia): seismic and gravity modeling of the incipient continent-island arc collision. [Talk] In: 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 23.03.-26.03, Kiel .

Shulgin, A., Kopp, H. , Mueller, C., Lueschen, E., Planert, L., Engels, M., Flueh, E. R., Krabbenhöft, A. and Djajadihardja, Y. (2009) The Australia -Indonesia continent to island arc collision: a case study of the Sunda-Banda Arc based on seismic and gravity modeling. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 19.04.-24.04, Vienna, Austria .

Weinzierl, W. and Kopp, H. (2009) Geo-statistical Splitting of a Seismic Wide Angle Profile. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2009. , 14.-18.12, San Francisco, USA .

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Weinzierl, W., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Klaeschen, D. and THALES Working Group (2009) A seismic wide angle profile across the Lesser Antilles Arc south of Guadeloupe. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 14.04.-19.04, Vienna, Austria .

Worzewski, T., Jegen-Kulcsar, M. , Muetschard, L., Brasse, H., Kopp, H. and Taylor, W. (2009) Imaging hydration and dehydration of the Costa Rican subduction zone based on an amphibious magnetotelluric profile. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 14.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Zhu, J., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Klaeschen, D. , Papenberg, C. and Planert, L. (2009) Crustal structure of the central Costa Rica subduction zone implications for basal erosion from seismic wide-angle data. [Talk] In: 69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 23.03.-26.03, Kiel .

Hindle, D., Kopp, H. , Klaeschen, D. and Oncken, O. (2008) End-member type accretion: a closed subduction channel off western Java. [Talk] In: DGG-Jahrestagung. , 03.-06.03, Freiberg .

Kopp, H. (2008) Getting to the bottom (and deeper): Multiscale studies of subduction zone processes. [Talk] In: Geophysikalisches Aktionsprogramm GAP 2008. , 01.-04.05, Kiel .

Müller, C., Kopp, H. , Djajadihardja, Y., Engels, M., Flueh, E. R., Gaedicke, C., Lüschen, E., Neben, S., Planert, L. and Shulgin, A. (2008) Subduction along the Sunda-Banda Arc transition. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 13.-14.04, Vienna, Austria .

Planert, L., Kopp, H. , Shulgin, A., Lueschen, E., Mueller, C., Djajadihardja, Y., Flueh, E. R., Engels, M. and SINDBAD Working Group (2008) Crustal structure of the Sunda-Banda Arc transition: linking forearc deformation and lower plate variability. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Planert, L., Shulgin, A., Kopp, H. , Müller, C., Flueh, E. R., Lüschen, E., Engels, M. and Djajadihardja, Y. S. (2008) The Sunda-Banda Arc Transition: New Insights From Marine Wide-Angle Seismic Data Acquired Offshore Eastern Indonesia. [Talk] In: 68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 03.-06.03, Freiberg .

Scherwath, M., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R. and Henrys, S. A. (2008) Subduction and backarc spreading structures along the Kermadec trench from wide-angle seismic data. [Talk] In: DGG-Jahrestagung. , 03.-06.03, Freiberg .

Shulgin, A., Planert, L., Kopp, H. , Müller, C., Lüschen, E. and Flueh, E. R. (2008) Subduction along the Sunda-Banda Arc transition: Marine wide-angle seismic modelling. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembl. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Tilman, F. J., Grevemeyer, I. , Suwargadi, B., Kopp, H. and Flueh, E. R. (2008) The seismic/aseismic transition as seen in aftershocks of the 28 March 2005 Nias and 26 December 2004 Aceh-Andaman earthquakes. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembl. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Tilmann, F., Grevemeyer, I. , Suwargadi, B., Kopp, H. and Flueh, E. R. (2008) The updip seismic/aseismic transition as seen by aftershocks of the 28 March 2005 Nias and 26 Dcember 2004 Aceh-Andaman earthquakes. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Franke, D., Schnabel, M., Gaedicke, C., Tappin, D. R., Ladage, S., Neben, S., Kopp, H. , Mueller, C. and Djajadihardja, Y. (2007) Earthquakes: Tear in the subducting ocanic plate limits propagation of December 2004 and March 2005 mega-thrusts. [Talk] In: GV-Jahrestagung. , 01.-05.10, Bremen .

Gaedicke, C., Ladage, S., Franke, D., Barckhausen, U., Berglar, K., Delisle, G., Heyde, I., Lutz, R., Müller, C., Schauer, M., Krabbenhöft, A., Flüh, E., Kopp, H. , Djajadihardja, Y., Baranov, B., Tappin, D., Seeber, L. and Park, J. O. and SeaCause-Team (2007) SO186 - SeaCause - Bathymetrie und Architektur offshore Sumatra : ein Beitrag zum deutschen Tsunami-Frühwarnsystem für den Indischen Ozean. [Talk] In: Statusseminar 2007 Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE. , 14.02.-15.02.2007, Kiel . Statusseminar 2007 Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE : Tagungsband. ; pp. 71-74 .

Hindle, D. and Kopp, H. (2007) Double taper, accretionary wedge formation and stability. [Talk] In: GV-Jahrestagung. , 01.-05.10, Bremen .

Kopp, H. and Hindle, D. (2007) Structure and Evolution of the Accretionary Margin of Java-Sumatra: Seismic Data and Numerical Modeling Comparisons. [Talk] In: AGU-Jahrestagung. , 10.-14.12, San Francisco, USA .

Kopp, H. , Weinrebe, W., Ladage, S., Gaedicke, C., Flueh, E., Barckhausen, U., Grevemeyer, I. , Krabbenhöft, A., Papenberg, C. and Zillmer, M. (2007) Geophysikalische Untersuchungen der Sumatra-Subduktionszone: Massentransfer und Seismotektonik (SO186 SeaCause). [Talk] In: Statusseminar 2007 Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE. , 14.02.-15.02.2007, Kiel . Statusseminar 2007 Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE : Tagungsband. ; pp. 159-162 .

Krabbenhöft, A., Flueh, E., Kopp, H. , Gaedicke, C., Grevemeyer, I. , Zillmer, M., Weinrebe, W., Papenberg, C. , Schoene, T. and Roemer, S. and SeaCause Working Group, GITEWS Working Group (2007) Ergebnisse der SO186-Fahrten - Daten der absoluten Drucksensoren. [Talk] In: Statusseminar 2007 Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE. , 14.02.-15.02.2007, Kiel . Statusseminar 2007 Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE : Tagungsband. ; pp. 163-165 .

Lühr, B. G., Koulakov, I., Bohm, M., Asch, G., Manzanares, A., Brotopuspito, K. S., Wagner, D., Kopp, H. and Rabbel, W. (2007) MERAMEX - Seismische Struktur unter Zentraljava, ein Teil der Sunda Arc Subduktion. [Talk] In: DGG-Jahrestagung. , 26.-29.03, Aachen .

Lühr, B., Koulakov, I., Bohm, M., Asch, G., Manzanares, A., Brotopuspito, K. S., Puspito, N., Fauzi, P., Ratdomopurbo, A., Wagner, D., Kopp, H. and Rabbel, W. (2007) MERAMEX - seismic structure of a dynamic subduction zone beneath central Java. [Talk] In: GV-Jahrestagung. , 01.-05.10, Bremen .

Wagner, D., Rabbel, W., Koulakov, I., Wittwer, A., Luehr, B. G. and Kopp, H. (2007) Tomographic results and their interpretations of only active, and active + passive seismic data in Central Java, Indonesia. [Talk] In: DGG-Jahrestagung. , 26.-29.03, Aachen .

Wagner, D., Wittwer, A., Rabbel, W., Kopp, H. , Koulakov, I., Luehr, B. G., Walter, T. R., Wassermann, J. and MERAMEX Scientists (2007) The 3D seismic velocity field of the Central Javan Crust obtained by active seismic. [Talk] In: GV-Jahrestagung. , 01.-05.10, Bremen .

Wittwer, A., Flueh, E. R., Kopp, H. , Rabbel, W. and Wagner, D. (2006) Sundaarc subduction zone: new insights of the Central Java part. [Other] In: EGU General Assembly. , 02.04.-08.04, Vienna, Austria .

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Bohm, M., Asch, G., Fauzi, F., Flueh, E. R., Brotopuspito, K. S., Kopp, H. , Luehr, B. G., Puspito, N. T., Ratdomopurbo, A., Rabbel, W. and Wagner, D. and MERAMEX Research Group (2005) The MERAMEX Project - a seismological network in Central Java, Indonesia. [Talk] In: Sonderkolloquium "Geotechnologien", GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam. , 09.-10.06.2005, Potsdam . Continental margins - Earth's focal points of usage and hazard potential. ; pp. 6-9 . Geotechnologien science report (5).

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Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Rabbel, W., Wagner, D. and Wittwer, A. and MERAMEX Scientists (2005) Subduction zone processes in Central Java: Preliminary results of the MERAMEX amphibious Project. [Talk] In: Sonderkolloquium "Geotechnologien", GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam. , 09.-10.06.2005, Potsdam . Continental margins - Earth's focal points of usage and hazard potential. ; pp. 56-59 . Geotechnologien science report (5).

Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Wittwer, A., Barckhausen, U., Wagner, D., Papenberg, C. and Petersen, C. J. and MERAMEX-Working Group (2005) Geophysikalische Untersuchungen der Sunda-Subduktionszone vor Zentral-Java: erste Ergebnisse der SONNE-Fahrten SO176 & SO179. [Invited talk] In: Statusseminar 2005 Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE. , 09.03.-11.03.2005, Rostock-Warnemünde .

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Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Wittwer, A., Klaeschen, D. and MERAMEX Scientists (2005) Subduction of basement relief off Central Java: geological indications for subduction erosion. [Invited talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 05.04, Vienna, Austria .

Conference posters

Beniest, A., Dannowski, A. , Schnabel, M., Schmid, F. , Werner, R., Kopp, H. , Riedel, M. , Heyde, I., Barckhausen, U., Petersen, F. , Schramm, B. and Hannington, M. D. (2021) Imaging the crustal structure of the southern plate boundary of the Niuafo’ou microplate, Lau Basin, southwest Pacific, with reflection and refractions seismic data. [Poster] In: 81. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 01.03.-05.03.2021, Kiel (online) .

Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Lange, D. , Thorwart, M. and Filbrandt, C. (2021) Crustal structure of the Ligurian Basin revealed by seismic travel time tomography. [Poster] In: 81. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 01.03.-05.03.2021, Kiel (online) .

Jegen, A. M., Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Barckhausen, U., Heyde, I., Schnabel, M., Schmid, F. , Beniest, A. and Hannington, M. D. (2021) A multimethodical approach to decipher extensional processes in the northern Lau Basin at 16 ºS. [Poster] In: 81. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 01.03.-05.03.2021, Kiel (online) .

Ma, B. , Geersen, J. , Klaeschen, D. , Petersen, F. , Kopp, H. , Trehu, A. and Contreras-Reyes, E. (2021) Seismic reflection character of the plate interface in the rupture zone of the 2014 Iquique earthquake sequence. [Poster] In: 81. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 01.03.-05.03.2021, Kiel (online) .

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Petersen, F. , Lange, D. , Ma, B., Grevemeyer, I. , Geersen, J. , Klaeschen, D. , Contreras-Reyes, E., Barrientos, S., Tréhu, A. M., Vera, E. and Kopp, H. (2021) Seismogenic up-dip limit of the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique earthquake links subduction erosion and upper plate deformation . Open Access [Poster] In: DGG-Jahrestagung 2021. , 01.-05.02.2021, online .

Xia, Y., Geersen, J. , Kläschen, D. , Ma, B. , Lange, D. , Riedel, M. , Schnabel, M. and Kopp, H. (2021) A Subducting Seamount Imaged in the Rupture Zone of the 1994 Java Earthquake, and Its Implication on Co-seismic Slip Propagation and Tsunami Generation. [Poster] In: 81. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 01.03.-05.03.2021, Kiel (online) .

Jegen, A., Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Barckhausen, U., Heyde, I., Schnabel, M., Schmid, F. and Hannington, M. D. (2020) First results of a refraction seismic study in the northern Lau back-arc basin (16°S), crossing an overlapping spreading centre. [Poster] In: DGG-Jahrestagung 2020. , 30.03.-04.04.2020, München .

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Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Caielli, G., Franco, R., Petersen, F. , Wolf, F. N. and Schramm, B. (2020) Investigations of the Oligocene-Miocene opening of the Ligurian Basin using refraction seismic data. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 04.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-6950.

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Petersen, F. , Lange, D. , Ma, B., Geersen, J. , Grevemeyer, I. , Kopp, H. , Contreras-Reyes, E., Barrientos, S. and Tréhu, A. M. (2020) Marine forearc structure at the seismogenic up-dip end of the 2014 Iquique Mw 8.1 earthquake. Open Access [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2020. , 01.-17.12.2020, Online, San Francisco, USA .

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Schmid, F. , Kopp, H. , Schnabel, M., Dannowski, A. , Heyde, I., Riedel, M. , Engels, M., Beniest, A., Klaucke, I. , Augustin, N. , Brandl, P. , Devey, C. and Hannington, M. D. (2020) Crustal structure and evolution of the Niuafo'ou Microplate in the northeastern Lau Basin, Southwestern Pacific. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 03.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-1404.

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Thorwart, M., Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Crawford, W., Paul, A. and Wolf, F. N. (2020) Seismicity cluster below the Moho indicates thrust faulting in the central Ligurian Basin. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 04.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-19205.

Thorwart, M., Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Wolf, F. N. and Rabbel, W. (2020) Ligurian Basin: Transition from continental to oceanic crust. [Poster] In: 19. International Symposium on Deep Seismic Profiling of the Continents and their Margins. , 15.03.-20.03.2020, Perth, Australia .

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Wolf, F. N. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Crawford, W., Thorwart, M., Froitzheim, N. and Paul, A. and the AlpArray Working Group (2020) What AlpArray’s offshore network tells us about the Ligurian Sea – velocity structure revealed by ambient noise. [Poster] In: DGG-Jahrestagung 2020. , 30.03.-04.04.2020, München .

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Wolf, F. N. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Crawford, W., Thorwart, M., Froitzheim, N. and Paul, A. and AlpArray Working Group (2020) Crust and upper mantle structure of the Ligurian Sea revealed by ambient noise tomography using ocean bottom seismometer data. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 03.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-5374.

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Wolf, F. N. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W. and Paul, A. and AlpArray Working Group (2020) Ambient noise analysis in the Ligurian Sea, a Mediterranean back-arc basin. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2020. , 01.-17.12.2020, Online, San Francisco, USA .

Cremanns, M., Schmid, F. , Kopp, H. and Lange, D. (2019) Microseismicity and active tectonics of the Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center. Open Access [Poster] In: AG Seismologie Jahrestagung 2019. , 24.-26.09.2019, Rastatt, Germany .

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Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W. C., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Paul, A., Wolf, F. N. , Petersen, F. , Schramm, B. and Xia, Y. and AlpArray Working Group (2019) Extremely thinned continental crust underneath the Ligurian Basin? . Open Access [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2019. , 09.-13.12.2019, San Francisco, USA .

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Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Klingelhöfer, F., Klaeschen, D. , Gutscher, M. A., Krabbenhoeft, A., Dellong, D., Roveres, M., Graindorge, D., Papenberg, C. and Klaucke, I. (2019) Ionian Abyssal Plain: A window into the Tethys oceanic lithosphere. Open Access [Poster] In: 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 5.3. - 8.3.2019, Braunschweig, Germany .

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Dellong, D., Klingelhöfer, F., Kopp, H. , Gutscher, M. A., Dannowski, A. , Murphy, S., Graindorge, D., Margheriti, L., Corcetti, M., Polonia, A., Barreca, G. and Scarfi, L. (2019) Deep crustal structure of the Calabrian subduction zone and adjacent Ionian basin (Central Mediterranean Sea). Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

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Gutscher, M. A. , Royer, J. Y., Graindorge, D., Murphy, S., Klingelhoefer, F., Aiken , C., Cattaneo, A., Barreca, G., Lionel, Q., Giorgio, R., Petersen, F. , Urlaub, M. , Krastel-Gudegast, S., Gross, F., Kopp, H. , Milena, M. and Laura, B. (2019) Applying laser reflectometry to study active submarine faults: the FOCUS project (FOCUS = Fiber Optic Cable Use for Seafloor studies of earthquake hazard and deformation). Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

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Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Klingelhoefer, F., Klaeschen, D. , Gutscher, M. A., Krabbenhoeft, A., Dellong, D., Rovere, M., Graindorge, D., Papenberg, C. and Klaucke, I. (2019) Ionian Abyssal Plain: A window into the Tethys oceanic lithosphere. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Petersen, F. , Lange, D. , Grevemeyer, I. , Kopp, H. , Contreras-Reyes, E., Barrientos, S. and Trehu, A. M. (2019) Marine forearc structure of the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique earthquake revealed by hypocenter locations from offshore observations. [Poster] In: 25. Latin-American Colloquium of Geosciences. , 18.-21.09.2019, Hamburg, Germany .

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Petersen, F. , Lange, D. , Grevemeyer, I. , Kopp, H. , Contreras-Reyes, E. , Barrientos, S. and Tréhu, A. (2019) The structure of the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique earthquake revealed by offshore observations. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .

Petersen, F. , Lange, D. , Grevemeyer, I. , Kopp, H. , Trehu, A. M., Contreras-Reyes, E. and Barrientos, S. (2019) Marine forearc structure of the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique earthquake in Northern Chile revealed by relocated hypocenter locations from offshore observations. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2019. , 09.-13.12.2019, San Francisco, USA .

Schmid, F. , Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Petersen, F. , Schnabel, M., Barckhausen, U., Schramm, B., Beniest, A., Brandl, P. , Weber, M. and Hannington, M. D. (2019) Formation and Rifting of backarc crust in the Lau Basin: First results of a recent seismic experiment. [Poster] In: 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 5.3. - 8.3.2019, Braunschweig, Germany .

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Thorwart, M., Dannowski, A. , Lange, D. , Rabbel, W., Kopp, H. , Paul, A. and Wolf, F. N. and AlpArray Working Group (2019) Seismicity in the Ligurian Sea: Indications for Reverse Faulting. Open Access [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2019. , 09.-13.12.2019, San Francisco, USA .

Urlaub, M. , Kopp, H. and Lange, D. (2019) Tectonic fault or landslide?. [Poster] In: 2. Workshop on Transients on Faults. , 04.-05.04.2019, Potsdam, Germany .

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Wolf, F. N. , Lange, D. , Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Crawford, W., Paul, A., Wiesenberg, L., Grevemeyer, I. and Froitzheim, N. and AlpArray Working Group (2019) Ambient Noise Tomography of the Ligurian Sea from Ocean Bottom Seismometer Data. [Poster] In: AlpArray & 4D MB Scientific Meeting. , 13.-15.11.2019, Frankfurt am Main, Germany .

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Wolf, F. N. , Lange, D. , Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Paul, A., Crawford, W., Wiesenberg, L. and Grevemeyer, I. and MSM71 cruise participants, AlpArray Working Group (2019) Enhancing OBS data for land seismology routines. [Poster] In: 79. Annual meeting of the German Geophysical Society (DGG). , 04.-07.03.2019, Braunschweig, Germany .

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Wolf, F. N. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Crawford, W. C., Wiesenberg, L., Thorwart, M., Froitzheim, N., Grevemeyer, I. and Paul, A. and AlpArray Working Group (2019) Velocity structure of the Ligurian Sea (Mediterranean Sea) revealed by ambient noise tomography using ocean bottom seismometer data. Open Access [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2019. , 09.-13.12.2019, San Francisco, USA .

Behrmann, J. H. , Geersen, J. , Klaucke, I. , Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Ranero, C. R., Barckhausen, U., Reichert, C., Trehu, A. and Contreras-Reyes, E. (2018) Structure and active tectonics of the sediment starved North Chilean continental margin and the oceanic Nazca Plate. [Poster] In: 50 Years of Plate Tectonics: Then, Now, and Beyond. , 25.06.-26.06.2018, Paris, France .

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Dannowski, A. , Huebscher, C., El-Sharkawy, A. M. M. E., Lebedev, S., Meier, T. M. and Kopp, H. (2018) Seismic structure of Triassic oceanic and stretched continental lithosphere in the eastern Mediterranean from surface wave tomography . Open Access [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2018. , 10.-14.12.2018, Washington, D.C., USA .

Geersen, J. , Behrmann, J. H. , Klaucke, I. , Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Ranero, C. R., Barckhausen, U., Reichert, C., Trehu, A. M. and Contreras-Reyes, E. (2018) Structure and active tectonics of the sediment starved North Chilean continental margin and the oceanic Nazca Plate. [Poster] In: GeoBonn 2018. , 02.09.-06.09.2018, Bonn, Germany .

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Gomez de la Pena, L. , Grevemeyer, I. , Kopp, H. , Ranero, C., Gracia, E., Diaz, J. and Gallart, J. (2018) The velocity structure of the Alboran Basin (westernmost Mediterranean) along a north-south transect . Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2018. , 08.-13.04.2018, Vienna, Austria .

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Kopp, H. , Crawford, W., Paul, A., Lange, D. , Dannowski, A. , Wolf, F. and Thowart, M. (2018) AlpArray offshore: Preliminary results of the Ligurian Sea OBS network and refraction lines. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2018. , 08.-13.04.2018, Vienna, Austria .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Petersen, F. , Hannemann, K. and Urlaub, M. (2018) From no slip to slow slip: How seafloor geodesy reveals crustal deformation at mm-scales. [Poster] In: TSK Jena 2018. , 19.-25.03.2018, Jena, Germany .

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Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Petersen, F. , Royer, J. Y., Sakic, P., Ballu , V., Cakir, Z., Ozeren, S., Henry, P., Ergintav, S. and Geli, L. (2018) Undersea acoustic telemetry across the North Anatolian Fault, Marmara Sea: results from 3 years of continuous monitoring of the fault displacement. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2018. , 08.-13.04.2018, Vienna, Austria .

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Petersen, F. , Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Hannemann, K. and Urlaub, M. (2018) Monitoring Seafloor Deformation: Acoustic Ranging Geodesy with Millimeter Precision. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2018. , 08.-13.04.2018, Vienna, Austria .

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Petersen, F. , Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Hannemann, K. and Urlaub, M. (2018) Monitoring Seafloor Deformation: Acoustic Ranging Geodesy with Milimeter Precision. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2018. , 08.-13.04.2018, Vienna, Austria .

Petersen, F. , Urlaub, M. , Kopp, H. , Lange, D. and Gross, F. (2018) Monitoring seafloor displacement offshore Mount Etna: Evidence for active deformation from acoustic geodesy . [Poster] In: Physics of Volcanoes 2018. , 01.03.-02.03.2018, Kiel, Germany .

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Wolf, F. N. , Dannowski, A. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Paul, A., Crawford, W. and Grevemeyer, I. (2018) Towards ambient noise studies in the Ligurian Sea: Data quality and first cross-correlation functions. [Poster] In: 1. AlpArray Science Meeting. , 29.-30.08.2018, Zürich, Switzerland .

Hannemann, K., Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Petersen, F. and Contreras-Reyes, E. (2017) Deformation Offshore Northern Chile monitored by a Seafloor Geodetic Network (GeoSEA). [Poster] In: DGG Anual Meeting 2017. , 27.03.-30.03.2017, Potsdam .

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Hannemann, K., Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Petersen, F. and Contreras-Reyes, E. (2017) Deformation offshore Northern Chile monitored by a seafloor geodetic network (GeoSEA) 2014. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2017. , 23.-28.04.2017, Vienna, Austria .

Lange, D. , Grevemeyer, I. , Hannemann, K., Kopp, H. , Barrientos, S. and Contreras-Reyes, E. (2017) Offshore-aftershock sequence of the Mw=8.2 2014 Iquique earthquake – First results from a marine OBS deployment. [Poster] In: DGG Annual Meeting 2017. , 27.-30.03.2017, Potsdam, Germany .

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Lange, D. , Grevemeyer, I. , Hannemann, K., Kopp, H. , Krabbenhoeft, A., Barrientos, S., Contreras-Reyes, E. and Vera, E. (2017) Offshore-aftershock sequence of the Mw 8.1 2014 Iquique earthquake. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2017. , 23.-28.04.2017, Vienna, Austria .

Petersen, F. , Urlaub, M. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Hannemann, K., Krabbenhoeft, A., Gross, F., Krastel, S. and Gutscher, M. A. (2017) Monitoring deformation offshore Mount Etna: First results from seafloor geodetic measurements. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2017. , 23.-28.04.2017, Vienna, Austria .

Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Schurr, B., Papenberg, C. A. , Krabbenhoeft, A., Argnani, A., Ustaszewski, K. M., Handy, M. and Glavatovic, B. (2016) An Amphibious Seismic Study of the Crustal Structure of the Adriatic Microplate. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2016. , 12.-16.12.2016, San Francisco, USA .

Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Barrientos, S., Contreras-Reyes, E. and Vera, E. (2016) Offshore-aftershock sequence of the Mw8.2 2014 Iquique earthquake. First results from a marine OBS deployment. [Poster] In: 2. Colloquium of Geophysical Signatures of Earthquakes and Volcanoes (2GSEV). , 16.-18.05.2016, Santiago de Chile, Chile .

Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Barrientos, S., Contreras-Reyes, E. and Vera, E. (2016) Offshore-aftershock sequence of the Mw8.2 2014 Iquique earthquake. First results from a marine OBS deployment. [Poster] In: DGG Anual Meeting 2016. , 14.-17.03.2016, Münster, Germany .

Gutscher, M. A., Dellong, D., Graindorge, D., Le Roy Sr, P., Dominguez, S., Barreca, G., Cunarro, D., Petersen, F. , Urlaub, M. , Krastel, S., Gross, F. and Kopp, H. (2016) Active faults and deformation of the Catania margin (Eastern Sicily): preliminary results from the CRACK marine geophysical survey (Aug./Sep. 2016 R/V Tethys2). [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2016. , 12.-16.12.2016, San Francisco, USA .

Hannemann, K., Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Petersen, F. and Contreras-Reyes, E. (2016) Monitoring Deformation Offshore Northern Chile Using a Seafloor Geodetic Network (GeoSea). [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2016. , 12.-16.12.2016, San Francisco, USA .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Hannemann, K., Petersen, F. and Contreras-Reyes, E. (2016) Installation of a seafloor geodetic network offshore northern Chile (GeoSEA). [Poster] In: 2. Colloquium of Geophysical Signatures of Earthquakes and Volcanoes (2GSEV). , 16.-18.05.2016, Santiago de Chile, Chile .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Hannemann, K., Petersen, F. and Contreras-Reyes, E. (2016) Installation of a seafloor geodetic network offshore northern Chile (GeoSEA). [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2016. , 17.-22.04.2016, Vienna, Austria .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Hannemann, K., Petersen, F. and Contreras-Reyes, E. (2016) SO244 GeoSEA: Offshore Acoustic Monitoring of the northern Chilean margin. [Poster] In: DGG Anual Meeting 2016. , 14.-17.03.2016, Münster, Germany .

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Lange, D. , Geersen, J. , Barrientos, B., Moreno, M., Grevemeyer, I. , Contreras-Reyes, E. and Kopp, H. (2016) Aftershock seismicity and Tectonic Setting of the 16. September 2015 Mw8.3 Illapel earthquake. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2016. , 17.-22.04.2016, Vienna, Austria .

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Lange, D. , Geersen, J. , Barrientos, S., Moreno, M., Grevemeyer, I. , Contreras-Reyes, E. and Kopp, H. (2016) Aftershock seismicity and Tectonic Setting of the 16 September 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2016. , 17.-22.04.2016, Vienna, Austria .

Lange, D. , Geersen, J. , Barrientos, S., Moreno, M., Grevemeyer, I. , Contreras-Reyes, E. and Kopp, H. (2016) Aftershock seismicity and Tectonic Setting of the 16. September 2015 Mw8.3 Illapel earthquake. [Poster] In: 2. Colloquium of Geophysical Signatures of Earthquakes and Volcanoes (2GSEV). , 16.-18.05.2016, Santiago de Chile, Chile .

Lange, D. , Grevemeyer, I. , Hannemann, K., Kopp, H. , Barrientos, S., Contreras-Reyes, E. and Vera, E. (2016) Offshore-afterschock sequence of the Mw8.1 2014 Iquique earthquake. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2016. , 12.-16.12.2016, San Francisco, USA .

Royer, J. Y., Deschamps, A., Piete, H., Sakic, P., Ballu, V., Apprioual, R., Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Ruffine, L. and Geli, L. (2015) Undersea acoustic telemetry across the North Anatolian Fault, Marmara Sea: results from the first 6 months of monitoring of the fault displacement. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2015. , 14.-18.12.2015, San Francisco, USA .

Geersen, J. , McNeill, L. C., Henstock, T. J., Gaedicke, C., Ladage, S. and Kopp, H. (2014) Structural development of the North-Sumatran Accretionary Prism. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2014. , 27.04.-02.05.2014, Vienna, Austria .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Contreras-Reyes, E., Behrmann, J. H. , McGuire, J. J. and Flueh, E. R. (2014) Seafloor Geodetic Monitoring of the Central Andean Subduction Zone: The Geosea Array. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2014. , 15.-19.12.2014, San Francisco, USA .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Krabbenhoeft, A., Flueh, E., Petersen, F. , Behrmann, J. and Devey, C. (2014) GeoSEA: Geodetic Earthquake Observatory on the Seafloor. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2014. , 27.04.-02.05.2014, Vienna, Austria .

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Charvis, P., Evain, M., Galve, A., Laigle, M., Ruiz, M., Kopp, H. , Hirn, A. and Flueh, E. and Thales Scientific Party (2011) Structure of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone from seismic refraction tomography. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2011. , 05.-09.12.2011, San Francisco, USA .

Kopp, H. , Djajadihardja, Y., Flueh, E. R., Klaeschen, D. , Mueller, C., Planert, L., Reichert, J. C., Shulgin, A. and Wittwer, A. (2011) Seismic rupture and tsunami hazard of the Java margin in relation to plate interface geometry. [Poster] In: GeoPrisms Meeting. , 05.-07.01.2011, Bostrop, Texas, USA .

Kopp, H. , Weinzierl, W., Laigle, M., Flueh, E. R., Hirn, A., Klaeschen, D. and Papenberg, C. and Trail Team, Thales Team (2011) Formation of continental crust: Insights from island arc crustal structure. [Poster] In: 71. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft. , 21.-24.02.2011, Köln .

Kopp, H. , Weinzierl, W., Laigle, M., Flueh, E. R., Hirn, A., Klaeschen, D. and Papenberg, C. and Trail Team, Thales Team (2011) Composition and deep structure of island arc crust in the central Lesser Antilles: Insights for the formation of continental crust. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2011. , 03.-08.04.2011, Vienna, Austria .

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Krabbenhöft, A., Weinrebe, W., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E., Ladage, S., Papenberg, C. and Planert, L. (2011) Morphological structures relate to the location and extent of the seismogenic zone - bathymetric studies of the Sunda margin, Indonesia. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2011. , 03.04.-08.04.2011, Vienna, Austria . Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-10019 .

Cassola, T., Willet, S. and Kopp, H. (2010) Mechanics of forearc basins. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2010. , 02.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria .

Cassola, T., Willet, S. and Kopp, H. (2010) Mechanics of formation of forearc basins of Indonesia and Alaska. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 13.-17.12.2010, San Franciso, USA .

Krabbenhöft, A., Weinrebe, W., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Ladage, S., Papenberg, C. and Planert, L. (2010) Bathymetry of the Sunda margin, Indonesia: morphological features of the upper plate slopes relate to the location and extent of the seismogenic zone. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010 . , 13.12.-17.12.2010, San Francisco, California, USA .

Laigle, M., Becel, A., Kopp, H. , Lebrun, J. F. and Klaeschen, D. (2010) Along-arc segmentation and interaction of subducting ridges with the Lesser Antilles Subduction forearc crust revealed by MCS imaging. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2010. , 02.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria .

Shulgin, A., Kopp, H. , Mueller, C., Planert, L., Lueschen, E. and Flueh, E. R. (2010) An oceanic plateau subduction offshore Eastern Java. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 13.-17.12.2010, San Francisco, USA .

Kopp, H. , Hindle, D., Klaeschen, D. , Oncken, O., Reichert, C. and Scholl, D. (2008) Anatomy of the Java plate interface from depth-migrated seismic images: implications for sediment transfer. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Koulakov, I. and Kopp, H. (2008) Combined tomographic forward and inverse modeling of active seismic refraction profiling data. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Lueschen, E., Mueller, C., Kopp, H. , Djajadihardja, Y., Ehrhardt, M., Engels, M., Lutz, M., Planert, L., Shulgin, A. and SINDBAD Working Group (2008) Sunda-Banda Arc transition: marine multichannel seismic profiling. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Planert, L., Shulgin, A., Kopp, H. , Mueller, C., Lueschen, E. and Engels, M. (2008) The Sunda-Banda Arc transition: New Insights From Marine Wide-Angle Seismic Data Offshore Eastern Indonesia. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Scherwath, M., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R. and Henrys, S. (2008) Subduction and backarc spreading structures along the Kermadec Trench from wide-angle seismic data. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly. , 14.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Scherwath, M., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Henrys, S. A. and Sutherland, R. (2008) Structure and deformation of the Hikurangi-Kermadec subduction zone - transitions revealed by seismic wide-angle data. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.-19.12, San Francisco, USA .

Scherwath, M., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Henrys, S. A. and Sutherland, R. (2008) Lateral variations of subduction zone structures along the Hikurangi-Kermadec trench between 29°S and 38°S. [Poster] In: Geosciences'08 Joint Annual Conference of the GSNZ, NZGS and NZGEMS. , 23.-26.11, Wellington, New Zealand .

Shulgin, A., Planert, L., Kopp, H. , Mueller, C., Lueschen, E., Engels, M., Flueh, E. R., Djajadihardja, Y. and SINDBAD Working Group (2008) Sunda-Banda Arc transition: marine wide-angle seismic modeling. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Shulgin, A., Planert, L., Kopp, H. , Mueller, C., Lueshen, E., Flueh, E. R., Dayuf, Y. M. and SINDBAD Working Group (2008) Sunda-Banda Arc transition: Wide-angle seismic modeling. [Poster] In: 33rd International Geological Congress. , 06.-14.08, Oslo, Norway .

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Sutherland, R., Stagpoole, V., Uruski, C., Henrys, S. A., Field, B., Toulmin, S., Barker, D., Bannister, S., Davey, F., Kennedy, C., Bassett, D., Stern, T., Scherwath, M., Flueh, E. R. and Kopp, H. (2008) Crustal erosion and accretion processes leading to forearc uplift of Raukumara Basin, Hikurangi-Kermadec subduction zone, northeastern New Zealand. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.-19.12, San Francisco, USA .

Hindle, D., Klaeschen, D. and Kopp, H. (2007) Tectonics of the Central Sunda margin accretionary prism off western Java. [Poster] In: EGU-Jahrestagung. , 15.-20.04, Wien .

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Kopp, H. , Weinrebe, R. W., Ladage, S., Barckhausen, U., Klaeschen, D. , Flueh, E. R., Gaedicke, C., Yusuf, M. D. and Seacause and GITEWS Teams (2007) Lower plate impact on earthquake rupture segmentation on the Sumatra margin. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly. , 15.-20.04, Vienna, Austria .

Mueller, C., Kopp, H. , Djajadihardja, Y., Engels, M., Flueh, E. R., Gaedicke, C., Lueschen, E., Lutz, R., Planert, L., Shulgin, A. and Soemantri, D. D. (2007) The Sunda-Banda Arc Transition: New Insights From Marine Multichannel seismic data. [Poster] In: AGU-Jahrestagung. , 10.-14.12, San Francisco, USA .

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Mueller, C., Kopp, H. , Djajadihardja, Y. S., Engels, M., Flueh, E. R., Gaedicke, C., Lueschen, E., Soemantri, D. and SINDBAD Working Group (2007) The Sunda-Banda Arc Transition - First results from recent marine geophysical investigations offshore eastern Indonesia (Part 1). [Poster] In: EGU-Jahrestagung. , 15.-20.04, Wien .

Müller, C., Kopp, H. , Djajadihardja, Y., Engels, M., Flueh, E. R., Gaedicke, C., Lüschen, E., Soemantri, D. and SINDBAD Working Group (2007) The Sunda-Banda Arc Transition - First results from recent marine geophysical investigations offshore eastern Indonesia (Part 1). [Poster] In: DGG-Jahrestagung. , 26.-29.03, Aachen .

Planert, L., Shulgin, A., Kopp, H. , Mueller, C., Flueh, E. R., Lueschen, E., Engels, M. and Dayuf Jusuf, M. (2007) The Sunda-Banda Arc Transition: New Insights From Marine Wide-Angle Seismic Data. [Poster] In: AGU-Jahrestagung. , 10.-14.12, San Francisco, USA .

Schauer, M., Ladage, S., Weinrebe, R. W., Berglar, K., Flueh, E. R., Kopp, H. , Krabbenhöft, A. and Gaedicke, C. (2007) Seafloor Morphology and Structures of the Sunda Trench off Sumatra. [Poster] In: DGG-Jahrestagung. , 26.-29.03, Aachen .

Scherwath, M., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R. and Henrys, S. A. (2007) Subduction in Central Kermadec: Crustal Structures from the Incoming Plate and the Arc-Backarc Region From Wide-Angel Seismics. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2007. , 10.-14.12.2007, San Francisco, USA .

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Shulgin, A., Planert, L., Mueller, C., Flueh, E. R., Kopp, H. , Krabbenhöft, A., Lueschen, E., Yusuf, M. D. and SINDBAD Working Group A (2007) The Sunda-Banda Arc Transition - First results from recent marine geophysical investigations offshore eastern Indonesia (Part 2). [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly. , 15.-20.04, Vienna, Austria .

Shulgin, A., Planert, L., Müller, C., Flueh, E. R., Kopp, H. , Krabbenhöft, A., Lüschen, E., Yusuf, M. D. and SINDBAD Working Group (2007) The Sunda-Banda Arc Transition - First results from recent marine geophysical investigations offshore eastern Indonesia (Part 2). [Poster] In: DGG-Jahrestagung. , 26.-29.03, Aachen .

Wagner, D., Koulakov, I., Luehr, B. G., Rabbel, W., Wittwer, A., Kopp, H. , Bohm, M. and Asch, G. (2007) The tomographic results of the MERAMEX-Project and its Relation to the Java Earthquake in May 2006. [Poster] In: EGU-Jahrestagung. , 15.-20.04, Wien .

Wittwer, A., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R. and Rabbel, W. (2007) Wide-angle seismic investigation of central Java subduction zone: results of the MERAMEX offshore experiment. [Poster] In: GV-Jahrestagung. , 01.-5.10, Bremen .

Wittwer, A., Kopp, H. , Wagner, D., Flueh, E. R. and Rabbel, W. (2007) Wide-angle seismic investigation of central Java subduction zone. [Poster] In: EGU-Jahrestagung. , 15.-20.04, Wien .

Wittwer, A., Kopp, H. , Wagner, D., Flueh, E. R. and Rabbel, W. (2007) Wide-angle seismic investigation of the central Java subduction zone. [Poster] In: DGG-Jahrestagung. , 26.-29.03, Aachen .

Zhu, J., Flueh, E. R., Kopp, H. and Klaeschen, D. (2007) Investigation on subduction erosion of the Central Costa Rica margin with seismic wide-angle data. [Poster] In: AGU-Jahrestagung. , 10.-14.12, San Francisco, USA .

Zhu, J., Flueh, E. R., Kopp, H. and Klaeschen, D. (2007) Crustal structure of the Central Costa Rica margin from seismic wide-angle data: observations and modelling of "Megalens". [Poster] In: GV International Conference 2007 "The Ocean in the Earth System". , 01.-05.10, Bremen .

Zillmer, M., Klaeschen, D. , Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Grevemeyer, I. , Krabbenhöft, A., Papenberg, C. , Planert, L. and Weinrebe, R. W. (2007) Migration und Tomographie seismischer Daten vom Sumatra Kontinentalrand. [Poster] In: SONNE Statusseminar. , 14.-15.02, Kiel .

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Zillmer, M., Klaeschen, D. , Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Grevemeyer, I. , Krabbenhöft, A., Papenberg, C. , Planert, L. and Weinrebe, R. W. (2007) Tomography of OBS data and prestack-depth migration of MCS data from the Sumatra continental margin. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly. , 15.-20.04, Vienna, Austria .

Zillmer, M., Klaeschen, D. , Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Krabbenhöft, A., Papenberg, C. , Planert, L., Weinrebe, R. W., Franke, D., Gaedicke, C. and Djajadihardja, Y. (2007) Firstarrival Tomography of Seismic OBS Data and Prestack Depth Migration of MCS Data from the Sumatra Continental Margin. [Poster] In: AGU-Jahrestagung. , 10.-14.12, San Francisco, USA .

Grevemeyer, I. , Tilmann, F., Krabbenhöft, A., Flueh, E. R., Papenberg, C. , Weinrebe, R. W., Zillmer, M., Kopp, H. and SO186-3 Shipboard Scientific Party (2006) Seismological study of aftershocks from the 2004 Mw=9.1 and 2005 Mw=8.6 Sumatran earthquakes from an offshore/onshore network at Simeulue Island, Indonesia. [Poster] In: Workshop "Offshore Studies of the Andaman-Sumatran-Earthquakes". , 22.-23.05, Hannover .

Kopp, H. , Weinrebe, R. W., Ladage, S., Gaedicke, C., Flueh, E. R., Barckhausen, U., Grevemeyer, I. , Krabbenhöft, A., Zillmer, M. and Papenberg, C. (2006) Geomorphic and seismotectonic segmentation of the Sumatra margin. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2006. , 11.-15.12, Vienna, Austria .

Krabbenhöft, A., Flueh, E. R., Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Zillmer, M., Weinrebe, R. W., Papenberg, C. , Gaedicke, C., SEACAUSE working group and GITEWS working group (2006) Results from pressure and seismological data from stations placed around Simeulue Island during the SEACAUSE & GITEWS cruises. [Poster] In: Workshop "Offshore Studies of the Andaman-Sumatran-Earthquakes". , 22.-23.05, Hannover .

Krabbenhöft, A., Flueh, E. R., Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Zillmer, M., Weinrebe, R. W., Papenberg, C. , Schöne, T., Römer, S., SEACAUSE working group and GITEWS working group (2006) Results from pressure and seismological data from stations placed offshore Sumatra during the SEACAUSE & GITEWS cruises. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2006. , 11.-15.12, San Francisco, USA .

Tilmann, F., Flueh, E. R., Grevemeyer, I. , Handayani, L., Kopp, H. , Suwargadi, B., Triyoso, W. and Heintz, M. (2006) First results from a combined marine and land passive seismic network near Simeulue Island. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 11.12.-15.12., San Francisco, California, USA .

Wittwer, A., Flueh, E. R., Kopp, H. , Rabbel, W., Wagner, D. and Barckhausen, U. (2006) Investigation of the Sundaarc subduction zone off Central Java. [Poster] In: DGG Meeting. , 06.-09.03, Bremen .

Zillmer, M., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Grevemeyer, I. , Krabbenhöft, A., Papenberg, C. , Weinrebe, R. W. and Franke, D. (2006) Three wide-angle seismic experiments offshore Sumatra in March 2006 during cruise RV SONNE 186-3 in the frame of the SEACAUSE project. [Poster] In: Workshop "Offshore Studies of the Andaman-Sumatran-Earthquakes". , 22.-23.05, Hannover .

Zillmer, M., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Krabbenhöft, A., Grevemeyer, I. , Klaeschen, D. , Papenberg, C. , Planert, L., Weinrebe, R. W., Gaedicke, C. and Franke, D. (2006) Seismic wide-angle experiments offshore Sumatra using ocean bottom seismometers. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2006. , 11.-15.12, San Francisco, USA .

Conference pico

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Gutscher, M. A., Royer, J. Y., Graindorge, D., Murphy, S., Klingelhöfer, F., Cattaneo, A., Barreca, G., Quetel, L., Riccobene, G., Petersen, F. , Urlaub, M. , Krastel, S., Gross, F. and Kopp, H. (2018) Benefitting from cabled observatories to study active submarine faults: the FOCUS project (FOCUS = Fiber Optic Cable Use for Seafloor studies of earthquake hazard and deformation) . Open Access [PICO] In: EGU General Assembly 2018. , 08.-13.04.2018, Vienna, Austria .

Theses - not published by a publisher

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Kopp, H. (2010) The influence of subduction zone deformation and geometry on the genesis of megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis. (Professorial dissertation), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Getrennte Zählung pp.

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Kopp, H. (2001) Crustal Structure Along The Central Sunda Margin, Indonesia. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 138, X, III pp.

Reports - Cruise Reports

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Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Klaucke, I. , Moreno, M., Diaz, J., Kühn, M. , Riedel, M. and Contreras-Reyes, E. and Cruise participants SO297 (2023) A high-resolution controlled-source seismic experiment offshore Taltal to elucidate structural controls on megathrust slip, Cruise No. SO297, February 23 - April 11, 2023, Talcahuano (Chile) - Guayaquil (Ecuador). Open Access . Sonne-Berichte, SO297 . Leitstelle Deutscher Forschungsschiffe, Bonn, Germany, 44 pp. DOI 10.48433/cr_so297.

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Kopp, H., Lange, D., Hannemann, K., Krabbenhoeft, A., Petersen, F. and Timmermann, A., eds. and Scientific Crew SO244-II (2016) RV SONNE Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report SO244/2, GeoSEA: Geodetic Earthquake Observatory on the Seafloor, Antofagasta (Chile) – Antofagasta (Chile), 27.11.-13.12.2015. Open Access . GEOMAR Report, N. Ser. 034 . GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, 86 pp. DOI 10.3289/GEOMAR_REP_NS_34_2016.

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Kopp, H. (2015) Short Cruise Report RV SONNE Cruise SO244-2 [SO244/2]. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel , Kiel, 11 pp.

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Kopp, H. , Gutscher, M. A., Crozon, J., Dellong, D., Graindorge, D., Klaeschen, D. , Klaucke, I. , Klingelhöfer, F., Krabbenhoeft, A., Kurzawski, R., Matthiessen, T., Mögeltönder, J., Papenberg, C. , Peyronnet, C., Prunier, C., Rovere, M., Schröder, H., Steffen, K. P., Wehner, D., Wieprich, M. and Wollatz-Vogt, M. (2015) Deep structure of the Ionian Sea and Sicily Dionysus - Cruise No. M111, October 10 - November 1, 2014, Catania (Italy) – Catania (Italy). Open Access . METEOR-Berichte, M111 . DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, Bremen, Germany, 43 pp. DOI 10.2312/cr_m111.

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Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Argnani, A., Dasovic, I., Dumke, I., Elger, J. , Flueh, E., Frey, B., Handy, M. R., Karstens, J. , Kordowski, M., Krabbenhoeft, A., Mögeltönder, J., Papenberg, C. , Planert, L., Steffen, K. P., Stipcevic, J., Ustaszewski, K., Weinrebe, W., Wiskandt, T. and Zander, T. (2013) ADRIA LITHOSPHERE INVESTIGATION ALPHA - Cruise No. M86/3, January 20 - February 04, 2012, Brindisi (Italy) - Dubrovnik (Croatia). Open Access . METEOR-Berichte, M86/3 . DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, Bremen, 48 pp. DOI 10.2312/cr_m86_3.

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Kopp, H. and Flueh, E. R., eds. (2006) FS Sonne Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report SO186 Leg 3 - SeaCause II: Penang-Singapore, 26.02.-16.03.2006. Open Access . IFM-GEOMAR Report, 06 . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 205 pp. DOI 10.3289/ifm-geomar_rep_6_2006.

Reports - Weekly reports

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Kopp, H. (2022) 5. Wochenbericht FS SONNE Reise SO288 COMBO & HOMER. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of sonne288-wochenbericht-04.pdf] [thumbnail of sonne288-weeklyreport-04.pdf]

Kopp, H. (2022) 4. Wochenbericht FS SONNE Reise SO288 COMBO & HOMER. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of sonne288-wochenbericht-03.pdf] [thumbnail of sonne288-weeklyreport-03.pdf]

Kopp, H. (2022) 3. Wochenbericht FS SONNE Reise SO288 COMBO & HOMER. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of sonne288-wochenbericht-02.pdf] [thumbnail of sonne288-weeklyreport-02.pdf]

Kopp, H. (2022) 2. Wochenbericht FS SONNE Reise SO288 COMBO & HOMER. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 3 pp.

Kopp, H. (2022) 1. Wochenbericht FS SONNE Reise SO288 COMBO & HOMER. Open Access . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of so267-wob4.pdf] [thumbnail of so267-wob4e.pdf]

Hannington, M. D. and Kopp, H. (2019) 4. Wochenbericht SO-267 [SO267] ARCHIMEDES I . Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Hannington, M. D. and Kopp, H. (2019) 5. Wochenbericht SO-267 [SO267] ARCHIMEDES I . Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of so267-wob6.pdf] [thumbnail of so267-wob6e.pdf]

Hannington, M. D. and Kopp, H. (2019) 6. Wochenbericht SO-267 [SO267] ARCHIMEDES I . Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of so267-wob7.pdf] [thumbnail of so267-wob7e.pdf]

Hannington, M. D. and Kopp, H. (2019) 7. Wochenbericht SO-267 [SO267] ARCHIMEDES I . Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Kopp, H. (2018) 1. Wochenbericht FS Maria S. Merian MSM71. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of MSM71-2WB_de.pdf] [thumbnail of MSM71-2WB_en.pdf]

Kopp, H. (2018) 2. Wochenbericht FS Maria S. Merian MSM71. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 4 pp.

[thumbnail of 3. Wochenbericht_MSM71_dt.pdf] [thumbnail of 3. Wochenbericht_MSM71_en.pdf]

Kopp, H. (2018) 3. Wochenbericht FS Maria S. Merian MSM71. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of so267-wob1.pdf] [thumbnail of so267-wobe1-1.pdf]

Hannington, M. D. and Kopp, H. (2018) 1. Wochenbericht SO-267 [SO267] ARCHIMEDES I . Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of so267-wob2.pdf] [thumbnail of so267-wob2e.pdf]

Hannington, M. D. and Kopp, H. (2018) 2. Wochenbericht SO-267 [SO267] ARCHIMEDES I . Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of so267-wob3.pdf] [thumbnail of so267-wob3e.pdf]

Hannington, M. D. and Kopp, H. (2018) 3. Wochenbericht SO-267 [SO267] ARCHIMEDES I . Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of so244-2-wob3.pdf]

Kopp, H. (2015) 3. Wochenbericht SO244/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 4 pp.

[thumbnail of so244-2-wob2.pdf]

Kopp, H. (2015) 2. Wochenbericht SO244/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 6 pp.

[thumbnail of SO244-2_WB1_deutsch.pdf] [thumbnail of SO244-2_WB1_engl.pdf]

Kopp, H. (2015) 1. Wochenbericht SO244/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 5 pp.

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Kopp, H. (2014) 3. Wochenbericht M111. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

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Kopp, H. (2014) 2. Wochenbericht M111. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

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Kopp, H. (2014) 1. Wochenbericht M111. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

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Kopp, H. (2012) 1. Wochenbericht M86/3. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Kopp, H. (2012) 2. Wochenbericht M86/3. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Kopp, H. (2012) 3. Wochenbericht M86/3. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

Reports - other reports

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Kopp, H. and Müller, C. and Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften, IFM-GEOMAR, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, BGR (2009) Abschlußbericht des Vorhabens 03G0190A und B "SINDBAD I und II" : Vorhabenbezeichnung: SO 190 SINDBAD 1 & 2 ; Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.09.2006 bis 31.12.2008 (IFM-GEOMAR), 01.08.2006 bis 30.11.2008 (BGR) ; Berichtszeitraum: 01.08.2006 bis 31.05.2009. . UNSPECIFIED, 130 pp.

Reports - Data reports

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Schurr, B., Dannowski, A. , Glavatovic, B., Duni, L., Kopp, H. and Nagel, T. (2017) Land seismic data of the ALPHA amphibious controlled source experiment - Report. Open Access . Scientific Technical Report STR - Data, 17/08 . GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, 9 pp. DOI 10.2312/GFZ.b103-17081.


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Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Steffen, K. P. and Petersen, F. Antragsteller/Inhaber: GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (2017) Vorrichtung zur lösbaren Verbindung eines Drahtes und Verfahren zum Ausbringen des Gerätes in ein Gewässer mit der Vorrichtung. Open Access DE 102016107558 A1 2017.10.26 ( Patent ) Publication


Kopp, H. (2023) German Geophysical Society DGG / Vice president. 2021-2023 [Committee]

Kopp, H. (2021) Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft DGG e.V. / Präsidentin. 03.2019-03.2021 [Committee]

Kopp, H. (2019) ICMG Ocean Disaster Monitoring / Chair. 2019- [Committee]

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