Dr. Philipp A. Brandl
- Einfluss magmatischer Systeme auf erzbildende Prozesse
- Submariner Vulkanismus entlang konvergenter und divergenter Plattengrenzen
- Geodynamik von porphyrisch-epithermalen Lagerstätten entlang von Inselbögen
- Geologische Erkundung des Meeresbodens
Aktuelle Projekte & Drittmittel
- DOMETRAP (Dynamics of Ore MEtal TRansport in Alkaline Porphyry systems), Teilprojekt im Schwerpunktprogramm 2238 DOME und gefördert durch die DFG für 36 Monate (02/2021-01/2024)
- KIMERA – Künstliche Intelligenz für die Kartierung des Meeresbodens und marine Raumplanung. Gefördert durch das Land Schleswig-Holstein (09/2023-08/2026)
- SO299 DynaMet (geoDYNAmics and METallogeny), Fahrtleitung und Projektkoordination: 36 Arbeitstage mit RV Sonne inklusive Nutzung ROV Kiel 6000: Townsville–Singapur, 06.06.-29.07.2023)
- SPRINTER (Spatial and temporal evolution of Plume-Ridge INTERaction and its geo- and biological impact on the Foundation Segment (Pacific-Antarctic Ridge)), vorgeschlagen zur Aufnahme in die Fahrtplanung: 30 Arbeitstage mit RV Sonne inklusive Nutzung ROV Kiel 6000.
Ausbildung und Werdegang
- seit März 2016: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
- Jan – Feb 2016: Feodor Lynen Postdoktorand (Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung) am GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Nürnberg
- Jan 2014 – Dez 2015: Feodor Lynen Postdoktorand (Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung) an der Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra
- Mai – Dez 2013: Postdoktorand am GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Nürnberg
- Jan 2010 – Mai 2013: Promotion am GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Nürnberg
Thema der Promotion: "Die Geochemie ozeanischer Basalte: Einblicke in Schmelzprozesse und Zusammensetzung des Erdmantels". Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Karsten M. Haase und Dr. Marcel Regelous - Okt 2004 – Jun 2009: Geologie/Paläontologie-Studium an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Abschluss: Diplom-Geologe
Ausgewählte Beiträge
- Öffentlicher Vortrag "Probing the evolution of oceanic basins through scientific drilling" in der virtuellen Ridge Seminar Series, 13. April 2021, Aufzeichnung auf YouTube
- EOS Abhandlungen der Amerikanischen Geophysikalischen Union (AGU): "Satellite sleuthing detects underwater eruptions". EOS Vol. 101, doi:10.1029/2020EO141846
- Beiträge zum Themenspezial "Vulkanismus und Gesellschaft" der Earth System Knowledge Platform (ESKP): "Vulkanismus und erzbildende Prozesse an Subduktionszonen" (P.A. Brandl/S. Petersen) und "Die unbekannte Welt von Unterwasser-Vulkanen" (K. Strehlow/P.A. Brandl)
- Beitrag "Geologie der Tiefsee" im Begleitband der Dauerausstellung "Tiefsee - Vielfalt in der Dunkelheit" (Herausgeber: T. Müller/G. Hoffmann-Wieck), Senckenberg-Buch 83, 46-50, Schweitzerbart, Stuttgart. ISBN:978-3-510-61415-8.
- Gast in der GeoShow "Unterirdisch" (Köln, 18.03.2019) mit Videoaufzeichnung
- Wissenschaftlerportrait während IODP Expedition 376
Wissenschaftliche Relevanz
- 37 peer-reviewed Veröffentlichungen in internationalen Fachzeitschriften und Büchern
- 870 Zitate, h-index: 16 (Scopus; Stand: 23.01.2023)
- Repräsentant Deutschlands bei InterRidge (seit 2017)
- Associate Guest Editor für Frontiers in Earth Sciences, special issue "Advances in the spatial and temporal evolution of oceanic arc-backarc systems"
- Gutachter für Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems (G3), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (GCA), Geology, International Journal of Earth Sciences, Journal of Petrology, Lithos, National Science Centre (NCN, Poland), National Science Foundation (NSF, USA), Tectonophysics
Konferenzen & eingeladene Vorträge
- Eingeladene Vorträge u.a. bei Ridge Seminar Series, CEED (Uni Oslo), Macquarie University Sydney, MLU Halle-Wittenberg, WWU Münster, Uni Heidelberg
- Zahlreiche Teilnahmen und Präsentationen auf nationalen und internationalen Konferenzen und Workshops inkl. DMG (2010, 2018), Nordic Summerschool 2010, AGU fall meeting (2011, 2012, 2014), Goldschmidt (2011-2013, 2015, 2017, 2019), EGU (2019, 2020), IODP-ICDP Deutschland (2011-2013, 2016-2019), Basalt (2013), State of the Arc Meeting (2015), Gordon Research Conference on the Geochemistry of Ore Deposits (2016)
- Co-Convener der Session "TS14.1: Celebrating the 100th birth anniversary of Marie Tharp: Seafloor mapping and ocean plate tectonics", EGU 2020 Sharing Geoscience Online
- Co-Convener der Session "2a: InterRidge: Multidisciplinary Research on oceanic ridges", GeoBonn 2018, Bonn 2018
- Co-Convener der Session "Submarine Volcanic Systems", Physics of Volcanoes, Kiel 2018
- Co-Convener der Session "20d: Fluxed and stretched – Making new crust", 25. Goldschmidt Konferenz, Prag 2015
- Feodor Lynen Forschungsstipendium für Postdoktoranden: 2014-2016, gefördert durch die Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
- Promotionsstipendium der Erika Giehrl-Stiftung: 2012
- Mitglied im Leonardo-Kolleg der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
- SO-267 ARCHIMEDES I (2018/19), RV Sonne
- IODP Expedition 376 Brothers Arc Flux (2018), DV JOIDES Resolution
- IODP Expedition 351 Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Origins (2014), DV JOIDES Resolution
- SO-229 VANUATU (2013), RV Sonne
- SO-203 WOODLARK BASIN (2009), RV Sonne
- Circum-Arctic Structural Events (CASE) 10 (2007), Svalbard
Brandl, P.A., Beier, C., Haase, K.M., Genske, F., Hauff, F., Regelous, M., Devey, C.W. & Rüpke, L.H. (2024): Plume-influenced mid-ocean ridges – Insights into the geodynamics from the Foundation Segment on the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, accepted manuscript. (Open Access)
Yeo, I.A., McIntosh, I.M., Bryan, S.E., Tani, K., Dunbabin, M., Dobson, K.J., Mitchell, S.J., Collins, P.C., Clare, M.A., Cathey, H., Duwai, I., Brandl, P.A., Stone, K. & Manu, M.S. (2024): The 2019 pumice raft forming eruption of Volcano-F (Volcano 0403-091) and implications for hazards posed by submerged calderas. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 108160. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2024.108160
Gautreau, L.-M., Hansteen, T.H., Portnyagin, S., Beier, C., Frische, M. & Brandl, P.A. (2024): Understanding the links between volcanic systems and epithermal ore formation: A case study from Conical Seamount, Papua New Guinea. Lithos 482-483, 107695. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2024.107695
Fassbender, M.L., Hannington, Baxter, A.T., Diekrup, D. M.D., Stewart, M. & Brandl, P.A., (2024): Geochemical signatures of mafic volcanic rocks in modern oceanic settings and implications for Archean mafic magmatism. Economic Geology 119(2): 445-470. doi:10.5382/econgeo.5044. (Open Access)
Martin, A.J., Jamieson, J.W., de Ronde, C.E.J., Layne, G.D., Piercey, G. & Brandl, P.A.: Constraining temporal variations in metal and sulfur sources using high‑resolution mineral‑scale analysis of pyrite: evidence from the Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc, New Zealand. Mineralium Deposita (published online). doi:10.1007/s00126-023-01177-9.
Jegen, A., Dannowski, A., Schnabel, M., Barckhausen, U., Brandl, P.A., Riedel, M., Beniest, A., Heyde, I., Hannington, M.D., Sandhu, A., Werner, R. & Kopp, H.: Extension dynamics of the northern Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center and the southern Mangatolu Triple Junction in the Lau Basin at 16°S. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24, e2022GC010550. doi:10.1029/2022GC010550 (Open Access)
Brandl, P.A., Portnyagin, M., Zeppenfeld, H., Tepley III, F.J., de Ronde, C.E.J., Timm, C., Hauff, F. & Garbe-Schönberg, D.: The origin of magmas and metals at the submarine Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc, New Zealand. Economic Geology, published online. doi:10.582/econgeo.4973.
Fassbender, M.L., Hannington, M.D., Stewart, M., Brandl, P.A., Baxter, A.T. & Diekrup, D.: Geochemical signatures of felsic volcanic rocks in modern oceanic settings and implications for Archean greenstone belts. Economic Geology, published online, doi:10.5382/econgeo.4967. (Open Access)
Brandl, P.A., Beier, C., Anderson, M.O., 2022. Editorial: Advances in the spatial and temporal evolution of oceanic arc-backarc systems. Frontiers in Earth Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.1055168. (Open Access)
Haase, K.M., Schoenhofen, M.V., Storch, B., Beier, C., Regelous, M., Rubin, K., and Brandl, P.A.: Effects of the hydrous domain in the mantle wedge on magma formation and mixing at the Northeast Lau Spreading Centre, SW Pacific. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, published online. doi:10.1029/2021GC010066. (Open Access)
Stewart, M.S., Hannington, M.D., Emberley, J., Baxter, A.T., Kraetschell, A., Petersen, S., Brandl, P.A., Anderson, M.O., Mercier-Langevin, P., Mensing, R., Breker, K., and Fassbender, M.: A new geological map of the Lau Basin reveals crustal growth processes in arc-backarc systems. Geosphere, published online. doi: 10.1130/GES02340.1. (Open Access)
Johnson, K.E., Marsaglia, K.M., Brandl, P.A., Barth, A.P., Waldman, R.J., Ishizuka, O., Hamada, M., Gurnis, M.C. & Ruttenberg, I.: Intraoceanic submarine arc evolution recorded in a 1 km-thick reararc succession of distal volcaniclastic lobe deposits. Geosphere 17. doi:10.1130/GES02321.1. (Open Access)
Li, H., Arculus, R.J., Ishizuka, O., Hickey-Vargas, R., Yogodzinski, G., McCarthy, A., Kusano Y., Brandl, P.A., Savov, I.P., Tepley III, F.J., & Sun, W.-D.: Basalt derived from highly refractory mantle sources during early Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc development. Nature Communications 12, 1723. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-21980-0. (Open Access)
Waldman, R.J., Marsaglia, K.M., Hickey-Vargas, R., Ishizuka, O., Johnson, K.E., McCarthy, A., Yogodzinski, G., Samajpati, E., Li, H., Laxton, K., Savov, I.P., Meffre, S., Arculus, R.J., Bandini, A.N., Barth, A.P., Bogus, K., Brandl, P.A., Gurnis, M. & Jiang, F.: Sedimentary and volcanic record of the nascent Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc from IODP Site U1438. GSA Bulletin (published online). doi:10.1130/B35612.1
Brandl, P.A., Hannington, M.D., Geersen, J., Petersen, S. & Gennerich, H.-H.: The submarine tectono-magmatic framework of Cu-Au endowment in the Tabar-to-Feni island chain, PNG. Ore Geology Reviews 121, invited. doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103491. (Open Access)
Schmid, F., Kopp, H., Schnabel, M., Dannowski, A., Heyde, I., Riedel, M., Hannington, M.D., Engels, M., Beniest, A., Klaucke, I., Augustin, N., Brandl, P.A., Devey, C.: Crustal structure of the Niuafo'ou microplate and Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center in the Northeastern Lau Basin, southwestern Pacific. J. Geophys. Res. 125, e2019JB019184, 1-21. doi:10.1029/2019JB019184. (Open Access)
Baxter, A.T., Hannington, M.D., Stewart, M.S., Emberley, J.M., Breker, K., Krätschell, A., Petersen, S., Brandl, P.A., Klischies, M., Mensing, R. & Anderson, M.O.: Shallow seismicity and the classification of structures in the Lau back-arc basin. G3 - Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems (published online). doi:10.1029/2020GC008924.
Hamada, M., Iwamori, H., Brandl, P.A., Ushikubo, T., Shimizu, K., Ito, M., Li, H. & Savov, I.P (2020): Temporal evolution of proto-Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc volcanism over 10 Ma: Constraints from statistical analysis of melt inclusion compositions. Journal of Petrology, egaa022 (published online). doi:10.1093/petrology/egaa022
Brandl, P.A., Schmid, F., Augustin, N., Grevemeyer, I., Arculus, R.J., Devey, C.W., Petersen, S., Stewart, M., Kopp, H. & Hannington, M.D. (2020): The 6-8 Aug 2019 eruption of 'Volcano F' in the Tofua Arc, Tonga. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 390, 106695. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.106695
de Ronde, C., Humphris, S.E., Hofig, T.W., Reyes, A.G., the IODP Expedition 376 Scientists (including Brandl, P.A., Cai, L., Cai, Y, Caratori Tontini, F., Deans, J.R., Farough, A., Jamieson, J.W., Kolandaivelu, K.P., Kutovaya, A., Labonté, J., Martin, A.J., Massiot, C., McDermott, J.M., McIntosh, I.M., Nozaki, T., Pellizari, V.H., Roberts, S., Rouxel, O., Schlicht, L.E.M., Seo, J.H., Straub, S.M., Strehlow, K., Takai, K., Tanner, D., Tepley III, F.J., Zhang, C.) (2019): Critical role of caldera collapse in the formation of seafloor mineralization: The case of Brothers volcano. Geology 47, 762-766. doi:10.1130/G46047.1
Nebel, O., Sossi, P.A., Foden, J., Bénard, A., Brandl, P.A., Stammeier, J.A., Lupton, J., Richter, M. & Arculus, R.J. (2018): Iron isotope variability in ocean floor lavas and mantle sources in the Lau back-arc basin. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 241, 150-163. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2018.08.046
Beier, C., Brandl, P.A., Lima, S.M. & Haase, K.M. (2018): Tectonic control on the genesis of magmas in the New Hebrides arc (Vanuatu). Lithos 312-313, 290-307. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2018.05.011
Beier, C., Haase, K.M. & Brandl, P.A. (2018): Melting and Mantle Sources in the Azores. In: U. Kueppers and C. Beier (eds.), Volcanoes of the Azores, Active Volcanoes of the World, Springer, Berlin. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-32226-6_11
Ishizuka, O., Hickey-Vargas, R., Arculus, R.J., Yogodzinski, G.M., Savov, I.P., Kusano, Y., McCarthy, A., Brandl, P.A. & Sudo, M. (2018): Age of Izu–Bonin–Mariana arc basement. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 481, 80–90 (Open Access). doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.10.023
Lima, S.M., Haase, K.M., Beier, C., Regelous, R., Brandl, P.A., Hauff, F. & Krumm, S. (2017): Magmatic evolution and source variations at the Nifonea Ridge (New Hebrides Island Arc). Journal of Petrology 58, 473-494. doi:10.1093/petrology/egx023
Beier, C., Haase, K.M., Brandl, P.A. & Krumm, S.H. (2017): Primitive andesites from the Taupo volcanic zone formed by magma mixing. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 172:33. doi:10.1007/s00410-017-1354-0
Brandl, P.A., Hamada, M., Arculus, R.J., Johnson, K., Marsaglia, K.M., Savov, I.P., Ishizuka, O., & Li, H. (2017): The arc arises: The links between volcanic output, arc evolution and melt composition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 461, 73-84 (Open Access). doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.12.027
Arculus, R.J., Ishizuka, O., Bogus, K.A., Gurnis, M., Hickey-Vargas, R., Aljahdali, M.H., Bandini, A.N., Barth, A.P., Brandl, P.A., Drab, L., do Monte Guerra, R., Hamada, M., Jiang, F., Kanayama, K., Kender, S., Kusano, Y., Li, H., Loudin, L.C., Maffione, M., Marsaglia, K.M., McCarthy, A., Meffre, S., Morris, A., Neuhaus, M., Savov, I.P., Sena, C., Tepley III, F.J., van der Land, C., Yogodzinski, G.M., & Zhang, Z. (2016): Reply to 'Unclear causes for subduction'. Nature Geoscience 9, 338-339. doi:10.1038/ngeo2704
Haase, K.M., Brandl, P.A., Devey, C.W., Hauff, F., Melchert, B., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Kokfelt, T.F. & Paulick, H. (2016): Compositional variation and 226Ra-230Th model ages of axial lavas from the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 8°48'S. G3 - Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 17, 199-218. doi:10.1002/2015GC006016
Brandl, P.A., Regelous, M., Beier, C., O’Neill, H.St.C., Nebel, O. & Haase, K.M. (2016): The timescales of magma evolution at mid-ocean ridges. Invited review article, Lithos 240-243, 49-68. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2015.10.020
Kemner, F., Haase, K.M., Beier, C., Krumm, S.H. & Brandl, P.A. (2015): Formation of andesite melts and Ca-rich plagioclase in the submarine Monowai Volcanic System, Kermadec Arc. G3 - Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 16, 4130-4152. doi:10.1002/2015GC005884
Brandl, P.A., Genske, F.S., Beier, C., Haase, K.M., Sprung P. & Krumm S.H. (2015): Magmatic evidence for carbonate metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle underneath the Ohře (Eger) Rift. Journal of Petrology 56, 1743-1774. doi:10.1093/petrology/egv052
Arculus, R.J., Ishizuka, O., Bogus, K.A., Gurnis, M., Hickey-Vargas, R., Aljahdali, M.H., Bandini, A.N., Barth, A.P., Brandl, P.A., Drab, L., do Monte Guerra, R., Hamada, M., Jiang, F., Kanayama, K., Kender, S., Kusano, Y., Li, H., Loudin, L.C., Maffione, M., Marsaglia, K.M., McCarthy, A., Meffre, S., Morris, A., Neuhaus, M., Savov, I.P., Sena, C., Tepley III, F.J., van der Land, C., Yogodzinski, G.M., & Zhang, Z. (2015): A record of spontaneous subduction initiation in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc. Nature Geoscience 8, 728-733. doi:10.1038/ngeo2515
Straub,S.M., Gomez-Tuena, A., Bindemann, I.N., Bolge, L.L., Brandl, P.A., Espinasa-Perena, R., Solari, L., Stuart, F.M., Vannucchi, P., & Zellmer, G.F. (2015): Crustal recycling by subduction erosion in the central Mexican Volcanic Belt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 166, 29-52. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.06.001
Regelous, M., Haase, K.M., Freund, S., Keith, M., Weinzierl, C., Beier, C., Brandl, P.A., Endres, T. & Schmidt, H. (2014): Formation of the Troodos Ophiolite at a triple junction: evidence from trace elements in volcanic glass. Chemical Geology 386, 66-79. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.08.006
Nichols, A.R.L., Beier, C., Brandl, P.A., Buchs, D.M. & Krumm, S.H. (2014): Geochemistry of volcanic glasses from the Louisville Seamount Trail (IODP Expedition 330): Implications for eruption environments and mantle melting. G3 - Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 15, 1718-1738. doi:10.1002/2013GC005086
Brandl, P.A., Regelous, M., Beier, C. & Haase, K.M. (2013): High mantle temperatures following rifting caused by continental insulation. Nature Geoscience 6, 391-394. doi:10.1038/ngeo1758
Genske, F.S., Beier, C., Haase, K.M., Turner, S.P., Krumm, S. & Brandl, P.A. (2013): Oxygen isotopes in the Azores islands: Crustal assimilation recorded in olivine. Geology 41, 491-494. doi:10.1130/G33911.1
Beier, C., Mata, J., Stöckhert, F., Mattielli, N., Brandl, P.A., Madureira, P., Genske, F.S., Martins, S., Madeira, J. & Haase, K.M. (2013): Geochemical evidence for melting of carbonated peridotite on Santa Maria Island, Azores. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 165, 823-841. doi:10.1007/s00410-012-0837-2
Lehnert, O., Stouge, S. & Brandl, P.A.: Conodont biostratigraphy in the Early to Middle Ordovician strata of the Oslobreen Group in Ny Friesland, Svalbard. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (German Journal of Geosciences) 164, 149-172. doi:10.1127/1860-1804/2013/0003
2012 und früher
Brandl, P.A., Beier, C., Regelous, M., Abouchami, W., Haase, K.M., Garbe-Schönberg, D. & Galer, S.J.G. (2012): Volcanism on the flanks of the East Pacific Rise: quantitative constraints on mantle heterogeneity and melting processes. Chemical Geology 289-299, 41-56. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.12.015
Haase, K.M., Regelous, M., Duncan, R.A., Brandl, P.A., Stroncik, N. & Grevemeyer, I. (2011): Insights into mantle composition and mantle melting beneath mid-ocean ridges from post-spreading volcanism on the fossil Galapagos Rise. G3 - Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 12, Q0AC11. doi:10.1029/2010GC003482