Hot vent on the sea floor. Photo: ROV team/GEOMAR

ROV KIEL 6000 discovers ‘clear smokers’ off Iceland

IceAGE3 expedition delivers fascinating images of the seafloor off Iceland

A cod. Photo: Nikolas Linke/GEOMAR

Populations of popular food fish are declining globally

New studies also show opportunities for fisheries management through Corona

Screenshot Helmholtz Climate Initiative

Helmholtz Climate Initiative starts new website

Articles, background knowledge, fact sheets, and much more on the current state of climate research

Bladder wrack. Photo: Larissa Büdenbender

Marine alga from the Kiel Fjord discovered as a remedy against infections and skin cancer

GEOMAR research group successfully applies bioinformatics methods and machine learning in marine drug discovery

Schematic Diagram of the FOCI Model System. Graphics: C. Kersten, GEOMAR.

New opportunities for ocean and climate modelling

GEOMAR introduces flexible and modular system FOCI

By means of hydroacoustic seafloor mapping Senckenberg and GEOMAR researchers have found out that the seafloor in the Atlantic Ocean is much more diverse than previously assumed. Photo: Senckenberg

"Hard Rock" in the deep sea

The road to deciphering biodiversity on the seabed is stonier than previously assumed

A man and a woman in working clothes stand on the deck of the research vessel ALKOR at dusk. Photo: Jan Dierking/GEOMAR

Towards Gender Equality in Marine Sciences

The Baltic Gender project presents new means and tested approaches

Next to a mescocosmo a diver sinks in clear blue water into the depths. Photo: Michael Sswat/GEOMAR

Mobilizing the ocean for climate protection

GEOMAR coordinates research project on ocean-based negative emissions technologies

Transmission electron microscope image of an unknown bacterium that lives exclusively in marine sponges. Sponge symbionts cannot yet be cultivated and can only be given a provisional name according to the current codex. Photo: Dr. Martin Jahn (GEOMAR)

Call for a new order in Microbiology

International consortium of scientists proposes new naming system for uncultivated bacteria and archaea

Schematic diagram to Ocean & Human Health. From Franke et. al., 2020.

What's good for the oceans is good for humans

Healthy oceans - important basis for many processes on Earth