Trace Gas Biogeochemistry
The research interests of the working group can be described by the following points:
- Open ocean and coastal biogeochemistry of nitrogen, carbon and sulphur
- Special focus on upwelling regions/OMZ, the Arctic Sea and the Baltic Sea
- Cycling and emissions of oceanic trace gases (N2O, NO, CH4, CO, DMS)
- Development of underwater trace gas sensors
- Measurements of short-lived intermediates of the nitrogen and sulphur cycles (NH2OH, NO, DMSP and DMSO)
- Biogeochemical time-series observations
- 15N isotope signature of dissolved nitrate
The Research Unit is involved in a variety of projects:
- Boknis Eck Time-Series Station (Eckernförde Bay, SW Baltic Sea)
- MEMENTO (The MarinE MethanE and NiTrous Oxide database)
- SCOR WG #143
- Member of the IIOE-2 (2nd Internatl. Indian Ocean Expedition) core group
- NITROSO (Nitrous oxide in the Southern Ocean), Sino-German project funded by SOA and BMBF
- BONUS INTEGRAL (Integrated carbon and trace gas monitoring in the Baltic Sea), funded by EU and BMBF
- PETRA (Pathways and emissions of cliamte-relevant trace gases in achanging Arctic Ocean), UK-German project funded by NERC and BMBF
- Nitric oxide (NO) in the Ocean, funded by DAAD
- Carbon monoxide (CO) in the coastal ocean, funded by CSC
- Measurements of isotopic signatures and short-lived tracers of nitrogen cycle processes in the Baltic Sea, funded by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
from left: H. Bange, Pratirupa Bardhan, Hanna Campen, Tina Fiedler, Kastriot Qelaj, Annette Kock, Damian Arévalo-Martínez, Xiao Ma
from left: H. Bange, Riel Ingeniero, Martin Steen, Guanlin Li, Mingshuang Sun, missing Yanan Zhao
B2-Sensor Team (from left: Roberto Benavides, Axel Berger, Rasmus Schemschat)