Tentative Classes for WS2023/2024
For the winter semester 2023/2024 there are plans to offer these classes:
- Lecture Probabilistic Robotics
In this lecture and exercise students will learn how a robot can represent uncertainty about its state and about observations and estimates, when interacting with the environment. - Master Seminar Visual Mapping
In this seminar each student will select one out of a list of papers about visual mapping, prepare a presentation about the paper, present it to and discuss it with the other students. - Master Project "Underwater Computer Vision"
This class is a practical exercise to do a project in the context of underwater vision. We envision teams of two students jointly working on particular problems of underwater perception, building on top of existing computer vision frameworks.
Check back for updates !
3D Computer Vision (SS22, SS23)

This class is taught during summer semesters at the University of Kiel. The goal is to provide students with the mathematical background and computer vision algorithms for 3D perception from cameras, starting from correspondences, projective geometry and view relations, but extending to sparse and dense reconstruction and applications.
Pose Estimation for Mapping and VR/AR Tracking (WS19, WS20, WS21)
This lecture will be taught during fall/winter semesters at FH Kiel. It is a combined lecture + lab, where you will learn about cameras and machine vision, in particular how to measure and to track the position and orientation of a camera and how we can digitally reconstruct the environment for marine mapping or for augmented and virtual reality applications. During the lab you will develop the steps for "structure from motion" using OpenCV. The lecture is intended for computer science master students.
Cameras in Ocean Science (WS18, WS19)

This short lecture about the use of cameras in marine sciences is held in the context of the Alkor training cruise for master students in Marine Geosciences.
The students are introduced to the basic geometry and math behind camera as sensors, as well as the principles how to measure with cameras, what are the effects of refraction, absorption and scattering, and why camera calibration is important. The course includes also practical training of acquiring images with a towed camera on Alkor, and then processing them to to produce a map in open source GIS software as well as usage of photogrammetry software, to prepare students as future marine data scientists.
Underwater Vision Tutorials

These slides are kindly provided by Anne Jordt and Kevin Köser for educational purposes. You are welcome to download the slides of the tutorial from this web site for non-commercial, personal use, but not to repost it on any other web site. Please post a link to this URL instead.
Additionally, we ask you to make sure you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials.
Student Opportunities / Theses / Projects

For students in computer science or visual computing who are interested to work on underwater vision topics there are opportunities for an internship, a bachelor thesis, master thesis or other projects. Please check "Jobs and Student Opportunities".