BONUS INTEGRAL / EU Integriertes Kohlenstoff- und Spurengas-Monitoring für die Ostsee Vorhaben: Integration ostseeweiter Treibhausgasdaten zur Bestimmung saisonaler Konzentrationskarten für die Gase Kohlenstoffdioxid, Lachgas und Methan

BONUS INTEGRAL / EU Integriertes Kohlenstoff- und Spurengas-Monitoring für die Ostsee Vorhaben: Integration ostseeweiter Treibhausgasdaten zur Bestimmung saisonaler Konzentrationskarten für die Gase Kohlenstoffdioxid, Lachgas und Methan
everal of the European nations are investing in the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS). Finland, Sweden, and Germany are already partners of the ICOS ERIC with established infrastructure, other countries like Poland and Estonia are currently in the process of developing their strategy. While the overall aim of ICOS is to provide European-wide carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas (GG) concentration and flux data, an integration for the Baltic Sea region has not been pursued, and the added value of ICOS and related infrastructure for the Baltic Sea ecosystem assessment has not been exploited at all. Within BONUS INTEGRAL, we will - Integrate the different data streams of ICOS and related infrastructure in the pan-Baltic area, - Provide best charts of seasonal carbon dioxide and GG flux over the Baltic Sea, including advanced remote sensing approaches, - Integrate the carbon system into a high resolution 3D-model, which will allow for a better description of the biogeochemical coupling of eutrophication and deoxygenation, - Demonstrate the added value for a better biogeochemical ecosystem status description of the Baltic Sea, - Advice the implementation of ICOS in the southeastern countries of the Baltic, and actively promote components strengthening the value for Baltic Sea ecosystem status assessment, - Develop, in close interaction with stakeholders, the strategy for a better, cost efficient monitoring approach for the Baltic Sea by integration of ICOS and related data. Keywords: Carbon system, trace gases, monitoring, ecosystem state
Juli 2017
September 2020
Bewilligungssumme (gesamt)
Bewilligungssumme (GEOMAR)
Zuwendungsgeber / Programm
    EU / BMBF /
Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde (IOW), Germany
Institute of Baltic Research (IOW), Germany
University of Uppsala, Sweden
Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Finland
Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN), Poland
Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut (SMHI), Sweden
Tallinn University of Technology (TTU), Estonia
University of Exeter, UK