12.11.2019: "Rapid Ocean acidification and Protracted Earth System Recovery after the Cretaceous-Palaeogene Impact Event”

Seminar Vortrag von Dr. Michael Henehan, GFZ, Helmholtz-Zentrum, Potsdam

13:30 Uhr im TLZ Seminarraum, Wischhofstr. 1-3



 Immense volcanism and extraterrestrial impact are the two main suspects in driving the Cretaceous-Palaeogene (K-Pg) Mass Extinction. However, incontrovertible empirical evidence for how either caused ecological collapse is still scant. Our new boron isotope data reveal rapid fluctuations in ocean pH and atmospheric pCO2  at the K-Pg, indicating ocean acidification caused by impact, not volcanism, prompted marine mass extinction. Furthermore, by coupling with earth system models, our pH estimates allow us to solve a longstanding geological puzzle: what was the cause of the post-extinction collapse in vertical carbon isotope gradients in the marine realm, and what does it convey about the Earth's ecological recovery after the mass extinction event?


Kontakt: Eleni Anagnostou