14.05.2018: FB1-Seminar

Dr. Leonid Polyak, Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University, Columbus/OH, USA: "Paleo-perspectives on the changing Arctic Ocean"

11:00 Uhr, Hörsaal, Düsternbrooker Weg 20



The speaker conducts research involving a range of paleoceanographic/marine geological problems focused on the Arctic Ocean history in recent geological times (last decades to several million years) and its relation to the global climate change. The talk will give an overview of the current changes, which have an especially dramatic expression in the Arctic, and the paleoceanographic data important for understanding the long-term context. The focus will be on the western Arctic Ocean, where oceanic and atmospheric impacts of the North Pacific result in accelerated sea-ice retreat and related changes in hydrography and biota.
Dr. Polyak has 40+ years of experience working in the Arctic, including participation and organization of multiple research cruises, such as the 2005 Healy-Oden Trans-Arctic Expedition. His research activities maintain active international collaboration with scientists from Norway, Germany, Canada, Russia, China, and other countries involved in Arctic studies. Results of Dr. Polyak’s work are reported in ~100 peer-review publications and presented at numerous scientific meetings as well as outreach talks.


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