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21.10.2019: Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics Colloquium (ehemals FB1-Seminar)
11:00 Uhr, Hörsaal, Düsternbrooker Weg 20
Development of operational ocean forecasting models in Germany started in the early 1980’s at the predecessor institution of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). As of today a comprehensive model system is applied and further developed at BSH:
2-dimensional depth-integrated storm surge models running four times a day provide water level forecasts with a forecast period of up to 7 days.These model forecasts are the basis for the German sea level prediction and storm surge warning system.
The 3-dimensional baroclinic circulation model, based on the HBM (HIROMB-BOOS-MODEL) code, provides an ocean state forecast including the variables water level, currents, temperature, salinity and sea ice. The model region covers the whole North and Baltic Sea with a horizontal resolution of 5.5 km and the German Bight and the western Baltic Sea is simulated with a 2-way nested grid of 900m resolution. Current forecast, used e.g. as the basis for drift forecast at BSH and in search-and-rescue applications at the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service (DGzRS) and the German Navy, come under the most important products. A third level of grid nesting was introduced in order to improve the forecast for the Elbe estuary. The model grid spans the part of the river Elbe under tidal influence with a horizontal resolution of 90 m. The model system further includes Eulerian and Lagrangian drift and dispersion models and is completed by comprehensive validation tools and facilities for display and delivery of model products.
Recently BSH joined the project ProWaS with the aim of establishing a regional climate projection service for waterways and navigation in Germany. In close cooperation with the German Weather Service (DWD) the regional coupled climate model ROAM is further developed and applied for climate projections over Europe.
An overview of the model system developed and applied at BSH will be given. The focus will be on the circulation models and related coastal and climate applications.